Now everything is about me . :D

6543336674918101234 date: Thursday, June 4, 2009 time: 6:06 PM comments: 0
Dear was late to skoool todayyyy . hahaha. ! kesiaaan uuu ! talked to him till 4:50am yesterdayyyy . lols. ! plan kuwaa with bdk tagged today cancel . cos yayat not goingggg . so yeahhhh . den tadii Ahchai ajaak go tamp 1 with the rest later. but too badddd im not freee. im at ikaaa's crib nowww . haha ! my headache still havent dissapear since yesterdayyy . pfffffttttt ! but im STRONGGGGG. ! hahaha. ! so yeahhhhh . still can manage . hopefully tomorrow ii will be okeyyyy . cos goingggg sheeshaaa maaah ! hahahaa ! maybe laaaa ! if im not sick . lols. ! Dear actually naaak turon jurongg. but ikaaa ask me to go her house . so cancel lorhh meeting dear . sorry dear . ! hahaha. see uu soon ayeee ! lagypon jaouhhh laa journeyyy . so yeaahhhh . ii appreciate it lotttttsss ! haha . luppp uu laaa hor. ! My headache getting worst siaaaa. . aiyooooo ! kkehhhh neymindddddd. doa for me laaa people. so ii can get well sooon. hahah ! kkehhh done updating ! bbyeeeeee peeeps anddd takecaree bby love. ! lols. ! chiaowwsssss ! |
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DEARR I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUU.!!!hahahaa..ii grabb gm...
HELLOWWWWhellowwwWHELLO. *wave*WHOOOOOO~!School ... EYYYY YOOOOO EYY YOOO.Saturday . went out with buk... Saw this quiz from Ayit's live journal .Peliknye h... wooooooww wwuu wooooww wuu yeaah yeah !!LAST DAYYY... PEEEEEPOT PEEEE-PEEEEPOT(Wednesday 27.05.09)Yester... Reached schoool early todayyyy .howw early ?ermm..... Quiz that fizaaa kasiii .hahaha ! 1. Besides your ... TOOOOOOTERSSS !Yesterday called my love love ikel ... all gmbr curikk from dearr .hahaha ! ii lazy too e... |
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