Now everything is about me . :D

2677830575492110663 date: Friday, July 31, 2009 time: 2:38 PM comments: 0 Blogger got something wrong again . hahah ! but its okay . No big deal . I've been coughing past few days and ii feel its kinda annoying . im tired of coughing continuesly . Its like sometimes ii feel like taking out my heart and wash it with detergent . hahah. but ii cant. so too bad . Baby is so sweet . he moniters my medicine time . I will be very lazy when it comes to medicine . Cos sometimes ii think that medicine doesnt works for coughing . i've been eating this medicine for several days but my cough is still there . When will it dissapear ? hahah . not sure. Must ii still take medicine regularly ? HAHAH . okay stupid question . if ii ask baby this question his answer will be... 'DUHHHHHHHH!' .. hahah ! Yesterday docter called my house told mom something bout me . and she's kinda shock . hahah . im actiing as if nothing happened but im scared indeed . Nothing serious . and can be cured. so yeahhhh . im strong . right baby ? LOLS ! Okay forget bout this . Yesterday watched 'JANGAN TEGOR' at sis laptop . That show was full of suspend . the sound effect was really good . hahah ! and OMG ii shouted several times . It effect mom even tho mom is not watching it . HAHAHA ! Baby slept early yesterday . Its okay baby . ii noe you're wearied after a long day . so yeah its okay . Today was supposed to go Bugis . follow Afiq and band members go Jamming. but too bad ii cant go. sorry guys . next time aye . haha . okay im done updating . takecare people ! II LOVE YOU HUNNY ! |
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HELLOWBLOGGERBABIESSIm in the mood to blog today. ...
MONDAY !SICKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK !Bby accompanied me to... SUNDAY !Went to Geylang with family .Saw someone u... SATURDAY. !Yestersay was quite kecho-rable .Meet F... FRIDAY !Went to ignite thing Yesterday .was tired ... THURSDAY ! Went to sheeeshaaa after school .Sis p... WEDNESDAY ! During Literature Dee,me and Suhaili d... 1) What is the subject you hate the most?-biology2... II LOVE YOU MY BABYAMOR !Ii misss my sayang alot .... II LOVE YOU BABY !Better by far you should forget ... |
[[ BABES AND DUDES ]] ♥IKAAAtwinny♥ ♥SHAFFF♥ ♥Fxza Kxtten♥ ♥ANNA ♥AZYAN ♥Diian ♥EenaShawty ♥FATIN HAZIRAH ♥FYZA ke ai ♥IZA ♥MICKIEEE ♥Miimye Sewel Nadiah ♥NANABARNEYYY Niselle ♥RHYNA ♥SHALEEN ♥TiraDARLS ♥ACAPcet ♥Acun ♥ADLI ♥Ahchai ♥Ahtoi ♥AIE ♥AIZATcantello an dumdum ATOI LISZT ♥AYUL ROMIE AZLAN AZZRUL ♥DANNY SANCHI ♥FAIZZIN FA RU KA Photography firdaus ♥FICKK H.A.F HAIQALpernicious ♥HAZIQstoint ♥HYRUDEbenben Superboy Haiqal Yusoff ♥IRWAN shah MIRZA ARIFFIN ♥REZ Yan Astro ♥YaNtOi ♥YAYAT SANCHI ♥ZHARIF |
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