Now everything is about me . :D

7908125839935303135 date: Friday, December 4, 2009 time: 3:48 PM comments: 0 You're my everything she's sweeter than ii expected . read her blog . ii wass going to burst into tears . goshhh ! she wrote this in her blog. . : .. When im alone and feeling down i need someone to change my frown She'll make me laugh when i wanna cry and i have to always tell her the truth because..she'll know if i lie i know i can count on her and she can count on me too when she say 'I PROMISE' i know its true She's there by my side No matter what i do My sister is more than just a sister she's a friend through and through i've never once fullfilled what i promised. But you did i've never once showed u that i care But you did. i've never once put u as my priority although i said so But you did. i've never talked to u nicely But you did. IMMA BAD SISTER RIGHT ? .... there's more... but its in her blog . you are not a bad sister sis . ii appreciate what ii got. god gave me you. . so ii should love you for whatever you are .. you are my everything that completes my happiness . whenever ii dream that im losing you .. i'll cry in my dreams and i'll notice my tears is rolling down my cheeks . and ii always hope that dreams wont come true. whenever you had guys with you . . ii wanna know how that guy could love you and takecare of you . i've ever once think about after you get married . we're gonna live differently . . im not gonna see you everyday . its gonna be different. and i'll miss you . life is definitely not that long . I LOVE YOU SIS ! follow your heart sis ~ |
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~~~291109 ~~~(Zul's cool gig picture).. Sunday ( O...
HEYHEYHEY Hey its time to update my blog . !Video ... Hari Raya Haji Didnt get to meet my beloved cousi... Class Outing on 24th November =))Class outing was ... ITS SIDE WAYS . LOLS ! sengetkan kepale jom !hahah... HEY..Dinner at Popeye yesterday with family .enjoy... MALAQUE SHARP CHIN !ii love it . lols !tomorrow w... Picturesss on SUNDAY out with Ikaaa and Freddy =... FAIZAL ISA =)IM GONNA MISS FAIZAL ISA TRUCKLOADSSS... GREAT SATURDAYHad fun on Saturday . Went to AMK hu... |
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