Thankyou Din din sardin for the treat at Soulgarden .
FOOOOH ! Peroot macam nak BOMB kebabom zaffbombom siol !! haha !
Went to town with Shaf, Din, Shauqi, Nizam and Hafiz .
Syiqin,Ika and Amir went home .
Meet Audi and Leslie at town .
Proceed to Bugis after thaat to meet Yann and Farid .
Slacked for awhile and rushed home .
heheh ! Still havent got the pictures yeeet .
takpe laaah ! hahaha !
So what happened today is...Went to Fiza's house at Clementi .
Slacked with Lin , Sugae , Afiq , Fiza and Shaf . .
Watched Jackass One and Two . hahaha !
Kecoh kecoh. set off home after that .
IM HOME NOW ! ohhhhhhh HOT news.
BSOK SKOLA ! heheheheh ! Cb !