Now everything is about me . :D

6627673408330698598 date: Saturday, May 8, 2010 time: 7:50 PM comments: 0 LOVE YOU MOM =) Hello bloggers :) Its been awhile i have not been updating my precious bloggy . Nak update lah niy . haha . Sat for my first exam paper yesterday . Yeay :) one subject down . hahaha .. Good Luck Zaff ! Chia Yuo ! Lols . hmm.. i miss ......................... ! haha . haish . Spend my Saturday at home . Mom says im becoming goodgirl .. staying at home.. hahaa. i know ! Cos its been 2 weeks i've never go to some distance places . hehehehehe ! =) Mom says whatever me and sis said something sweet to her is just words . But the fact is, it is not just words and phrases . It really came from the bottom of our heart to you, mom . It is the truth that you're the best mom in the world . The coolest and the cutest mom to us . You gave us shelter and light . You guide us to the right path ... You gave us soooooo much love that nothing can replace the love that you give to us .
Somehow we always say the least to those we love the best And hope our thoughts are understood. Although they're unexpressed - That's why it means so very much, when days like this are here To say how very much you're loved each day throughout the year. Happy Mother's Day |
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