Yesterday wasnt that fun like how i expected it to be .
Usually, during the first day of raya kite tompang Uncle Eno naik lorry .
But since he changed job ready so everyone terpakse pandai2 carik kenderaan sendiri
Like us, we took cab everywhere. Taklah bape bnyk sangat.
We went to only three houses yesterday .
Took trailer home. Uncle Eno anta balek :)
BEST GILEEEER ! It is so bumpy macam roller coaster macam pat escape theme park tu.
But yeah had a great day after all.. Get to meet all the sedare sedare yg tercinte.
CHEYDEBAH! hahaha!! ^^
Second day of raye boring giler ah .
Normally second day kite masih jalan jalan ke rumah org.
But this year kite dudok rumah diam diam tunggu orang .
Macam skrang ni lah.. zaff tgh tunggu orang datang.. hahahah!
Kaylahhhhhhhhhhhhh ! BUBYE! Enjoy ur day !
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