Now everything is about me . :D

8016733947633412024 date: Friday, January 7, 2011 time: 12:19 PM comments: 0 ![]() 7th DAY OF 2011 Tgok gambar tu muke baru bangun tido! Belom mandi lagi ni. hehehe! and with my favourite baju batik :) HAHAHAHA! Gonna bath soon! Nak blog dulu. Hmm.. I think i've made a decision for my school thing. I'll just stay at Ite Tamp for two years then for higher nitec baru transfer ITE Cck. So i'll just stay for this course and will try to do well for it. Just go ahead. Sometimes in life we cant always expect to get what we want, we have to do something different and do our best for everything that we do.. and it's definitely true that life is always unfair. Always! :) hahahaha! So now i get the course that i dont really want , but its okay... that doesnt mean i'll do badly in that course. Nowayyyy! im gonna do my very best. :) GO ZAFF ! haha.. okayyy! I dont know what to do today. Serious sak. Wanted to buy uniform dulu pasal nanti on monday nanti cam ramai sangat orang nak beli beh macam irritating gitu ah. hahahaha! Tapi takde teman ni nak gi beli uniform! Haiyooooo! Everybody is working! Kecohhhhhhhhhh dan sedehhhhh! =( hahaha!! Tunggu monday je lah eh... haishh ! Susah betul ah skola ni... tskkkk! So kene go rounding and find white shirt and black pants for my first day of school.. aiyoooo maaaaa! since 2011 i always blog about my course, school ehhhhh... hahahah! kaylaaah i dunnoe what to blog about ready lahhh ! smpai di sini je kay ! ok bubyee! Singing Off
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6th DAY OF 2011 Went to the interview at Ite Tamp ...
5th DAY OF 2011Wahhh sibei ! Today get posting res... 4th DAY OF 2011Here's the picture from Haqeels' ca... 3rd DAY OF 2011Here's the picture from Tira's phon... COUNTDOWN 2010Hey bloggers :) First thing, I wanna... MONDAY :) Went to town with ika jalan2 and go shop... YAWWWW =pTown was freakin packed yesterday . We aj... SUPPPPPP!Ni gambar last year . Time time belom nai... ONE MORE DAY TO GO :)Goodluck to all N's students ... OH MY GAWDDDDDD !Mark Salling, the hottest guy .Wi... |
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