Now everything is about me . :D

1687431209925514730 date: Saturday, June 20, 2009 time: 2:11 PM comments: 0 ![]() B-O-R-E-D to the bangBANG to the Boogie to the Sexaye ! Woke upp at 11 . bathed den sit with mom pat living room . played with Danish . den Afik called . kekek laa siaa dierrr. . he sayyy " Daa slamat smpai rumahh belomm ?" HAHAHAHA ! mesty laaa daaa kaaan .! he sayy must ask daat question pasaaal daaa ajaaak anak org kluwaaa . . HAHAHA ! funny luhh daaat guy . den he told me bout Abi . hahaha ! waink .! lols. ! ade jeekkk siaaa dorg . si Afik sayy first Aliff den skrg Abi . mcm2 siaa dektu . whoaaaa ii dunnoe siaa they talking bout me bhind my back . siaak tols. . HAHAHAHA ! dunnoe next weeek going jamming with them lagy ke taaak uhhh . see howw laaaa hor . ! hoho .! Rinduuuu uhhhh wo de Muhd Haiqal Bin Yusoff .! hahaa .! he's going out with his family todayyy. celebrating Father Dayy laaa . whoaaaa beeeeeeeeeeest ! misss my daddy siaa ! his coming back to Singapore sooon . but aloooot of things ii cannot do when he's back . hahaha .! but neyminddddd . LOLS. ! ouhhhhhhh .! Schoooling dayyys is coming back . whoaaaa. ! blom puas siaaa holiday ! ey eyyy ? hahaha ! budaak2 skolaaaaa pon bnyk yg nonsence2 . hahaha ! it makes me lagy malas naaaak balekkk skolaaa. haiyooooo ! siaaak tols. ! okayyyy niyy post random siaaa dary tdy .! hahaha ! to Adli : Try to find a better girl laaa kkehhh if ur not really confident bout daat girl . Rumous may or may not be true . but im sure u'll noe the truth one day aye . uu just need to noe the girl deeply . try to understand her in and out . If uu still think that the girl just loves flirting with guys , den go find others yg much much better okay ! hahaa .! Takmu rush in reelationships ey. ! *winkwink* ok goleeeeeeeeek .! Ii love my bbyloveeeeee .! biyy. ! hope uu kuwaaaa baju sooon . think wisely hor. ! hahaha. kkehh ily lahh.! Yesterday bbl skejaaap siaaaa . ahahaha ! ii ngantokk lahhhh . uu taaak caye ! hahaha ! kkehhh talk to uu sooooon .! wo ai niy. ! kkehhhh done updating. ! byeeeeee people. ! takecareee chibyesssss. . . and anddddd my lovely bbyloveeeee .! |
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YAAAABBADAAAABEEEEDOOOOO !(Thusdayyyy)Woke up at 1...
HELLOWJOLLIEBAYBIEEEE !(Monday)Sit at home the who... TATATYTYTITITUTU !ii missss my bbylove aloooot.!hu... HELLOWWWmellowwwww. .Yesterday meet dear pat houga... SECONDDDDD POSSTTTTTTTokeyyy im boreddd laaa deyyy... BBY I LOVE YOU !ii love love diss gambr aloooot ! ... SUNDAYYYYYYYYYYYY !Went out with faizul and his mo... YESTERDAYYYYYY.! (MONDAYYYYY)Was bored the whole d... SIGOOOOOOOOOOLAKKKKKKKKK.!hahaaha.! learn smtg new... WWWWWISHHYYYYYWOSHYYYYYYYYYCame back from IMM arou... |
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