Now everything is about me . :D

9127033355537113612 date: Friday, June 12, 2009 time: 11:25 AM comments: 0 HELLOWWWmellowwwww. .
Yesterday meet dear pat hougang ard 4 or 5 plussss. . HOHO .! took bus 101 tuhh his area . . bus anjeng. LOLS. ! HAHAHA ! saw his mom after alighting . . ii scaredddd ! hahaha ! siaksiakkkkk . took another bus at different bustopp to CHANGI .! hahahaa. . reacheddd Changi ard 6plusss den kite go mkn ice kacang. ! thankyou bby. ! picturesss will update soon okeyyyy ! lols. ! afterrr eating kite go walk near the roadside. . saw the OCH ..chelet yg kosong. alot uhhh. . sunyi siaaa. ! hahah . . took some pictures theree . walkk walkkkk smpai daa tkde pape so took bus 29 to Tampines. in the bus kite dunnoe where to go . so igt naaak go Henderson wave . toook MRT to Harbourfront . tgok time time like taaak sempaat . so we just go walk2 at Vivo jekkkk lorh . ard 9 we went to Banquet and eat . saw someone. ! hahha .! biyy kacaw me again uhhh. ! pet pet pet ! kaaaan .! padan muke. ! lols. ! after makan bby send me home. thankyou bby. ! ii lovee uu hentuoooo hentuooo de. ! will missss uu ALOOOOOOOOT ! takecare oteyyyyyy ! dunn notty2 hor. ! gmbr updateeee okeyyy okeyyy ? hahaha .*winkwink* ii love youuuu !! biyy. ! go botanic garden and marina barrage kayy ! haha ! reached home do own stuffs and wait for sis to come back. talked to dear for awhile when he's otw home . hahaa. finished talking to dear 1plussss. cos we both tired mahhh . sleep in sis room . hahaha. gonna misss herr alooot jugaaaak ! haha. ! yesterday bfore sleep me and sis pkai facial mask .HAHA. ! kekek saaaak ! took some pics . will update soon sooon sooon lahhh kayy ! lols. ! kkehhh will be awayyyy for 3 days. will be sleeping at ikaaa house. ahahah . ok done updating. ! buhhhbyeee. tc people and dearr ! ii loveeee uuu aloot kayyy bby .! lols. ! byeeee. ! |
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SECONDDDDD POSSTTTTTTTokeyyy im boreddd laaa deyyy...
BBY I LOVE YOU !ii love love diss gambr aloooot ! ... SUNDAYYYYYYYYYYYY !Went out with faizul and his mo... YESTERDAYYYYYY.! (MONDAYYYYY)Was bored the whole d... SIGOOOOOOOOOOLAKKKKKKKKK.!hahaaha.! learn smtg new... WWWWWISHHYYYYYWOSHYYYYYYYYYCame back from IMM arou... BAPAKKAWPEYBINIKEYYYYYY .lols.!Friday was supposed... WAAACHAAAAAAA !Dear was late to skoool todayyyy .h... DEARR I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUU.!!!hahahaa..ii grabb gm... HELLOWWWWhellowwwWHELLO. *wave*WHOOOOOO~!School ... |
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