Now everything is about me . :D

4325938422232172431 date: Saturday, June 6, 2009 time: 3:50 PM comments: 0 ![]() BAPAKKAWPEYBINIKEYYYYYY .lols.! Friday was supposed to go shishaa with lufi and sis. but im not feeling well . so its better for me not to go shishaaa. can go next timee wadd riteee ? daaat place wont run awayyyy . hahaha . Sis was not feeling well jugaaak . but she did go to shishaaa with fiza and lufi . so yeahhhhh . she muntahh2 . kesiaaaann sis. see lurhhhhh .! aiyooooo .! HAPPY BITHDAYYYYYY to FIRDAUS 'paranoid' , 'Paranoid' is the name when the first time that ii noe him thruu frenster. hahaha .! so yesterdayyy went to Eastcoast to celebrate his bdae . meeet uppp with my bby love at paya lebar at 4plusss. took bus theree to ECP. . dear was supposed to meet someone bfore going there. but mcm rushing mahhhh . so yeahhhhh . dear .! hopefully uu kuwaaaa from daaaaat ehem ehem thing sooon ookeyyy ? hahahaha . nana,haziq,lina,eena,toi,fahmy and lagy2 daa reached there dunnoe waddd time .. cannot list downn the name sape2 yg ade smlm . rmai sgt. ohhhhh .! get to meeet RYNNNNNNN ! atlast . ! but didnt talk to her muchh . lols. ! yesterdayyyy didnt talk much with ppl laaaaa senang kate . not sombong kayyy . oni daaat im not feeling well datts why like no mood liddat . hurhurrrr. ! sorry horrr. lols.! dearrrr gmbr update okeyyyyyy . ? ii naaaak curikkkkk lgyyyy.! hahaa . ard 8:45pm set off from there. reached home ard 11plus. hoho .! deeen talked to dear till his hp battt flat . sorry dearr. ! lols.! den continue talking to dear using haziq nye phone . ard 2plussss put down the phone . went to bed ard 3plusss goingg 4 . cannot sleeep uhhhh . pffffttttt. . my eyes uhhhh smtg wrong . hahaha.! siaksiakkkkk . . hopefully dear will stopp his bad habbit . dunnoe uhhhh..lols.! its for him to decide. ii oni hope for it. *winkwink* aiyooooo . kkehhh todayyy supposed to go out wilth classmates. but faizul and zul just came back from OBS camp . pity them laaaaa. . so next week jekk laaaaa. . taak mati perrr oni dis saturdayyy kuwa with mom . lols. ! ouhhh dear nak turon jurong meeet up with me. ! budden mom ask me to accompany her to IMM. she want to buy some stuffs. so see first laaa howww. if mlm get to meet dear ke taaaak if he taak kuwaaa. . lols. ! but the journeyyyyy jaouhhhh siaaaa. . appreciate itt ALOOOOT ALOOOOOTTTTT.! whoooooo~! hahaa. but confirm he very tired siaa . dunnoe laaaaa. .seee first . hahaa.! kkehhhhh done updating laaaaaaaa.. hahaa.!!! byeee ppl . takecareeeee dearestttttttttt bby love. luppppp uuu lahhhhhh . muahhhhhhhhhh ! haha. chiaowsssssssssssssssss ! |
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WAAACHAAAAAAA !Dear was late to skoool todayyyy .h...
DEARR I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUU.!!!hahahaa..ii grabb gm... HELLOWWWWhellowwwWHELLO. *wave*WHOOOOOO~!School ... EYYYY YOOOOO EYY YOOO.Saturday . went out with buk... Saw this quiz from Ayit's live journal .Peliknye h... wooooooww wwuu wooooww wuu yeaah yeah !!LAST DAYYY... PEEEEEPOT PEEEE-PEEEEPOT(Wednesday 27.05.09)Yester... Reached schoool early todayyyy .howw early ?ermm..... Quiz that fizaaa kasiii .hahaha ! 1. Besides your ... TOOOOOOTERSSS !Yesterday called my love love ikel ... |
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