Now everything is about me . :D

1718839123408686122 date: Sunday, June 28, 2009 time: 1:53 PM comments: 0 IILOVEYOULAAAAAAIKELSEPIT ! Yesterday went to Yishun dam after going to cemetery for a visit. ! Slacked at the Yishun there till 12pluss am . The place where mat2 motor have their race . hahaha. ! After 12am they all will standby at the side. waiting for the goood time to have their race . . SP and KR penohhh siaa. ! nice .! but we went home first before their race starts . conferm TP daa standby to fine them nyer . lols. ! took alooot of pictures using Boboi's DSLR camera . beeest dok .! tira and muke abg dierr aloot siaaa . HAHAHA ! Took lorry home . Msged bby yest pat Yishun he's waiting to test his brother nye bike . biyy ! klahhh2 taaak lamer lahh . lagy 2months jek . 2bulan mcm 2hari kayy biyy. ! HAHAHAHAHAH ! tido taaak bgon2 conferm lagy cepaat biy. ! LOLS. ! taaaklaaa ! hahaha .!! siaksiakk . ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Biyyyyyy ! im not tired of reading ur post again and again . cos ii find that u're SUWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET bby ! and ii LOVE it . haha . *melts* bby . uu dunn have to tell me directly . and ii noe uu love me . Having uu all by my side makes me even more happier . Seriously . and ii MISSSSSS uu alooooooot jugaak seyh biy. ! ii feel like daa lamer cam taak jmpe uu liddat . and anddd biyyy see you sooon kkeh ! hopefully ii cn meet uu later kayy biyy. II LOVE YOUUUU !! and andd II MISSS YOUUU jugak ! muahhhhh ! uu takecare oteyy ! ily bby. !
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Plan kuwa withh bby taak jdy .!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MOM .!.Happy 44th Birthday Mothe... SECONDDDDDD POOOOOST .!BOREDboredBOREDboredBOREDbo... WAINKKKKEBABOOOOOM !Yesterday's planned was suppos... WOOOOOOOOOTTSSS !Todayyyy maybe sitting at home th... WAINKOOOOOOOLOLIIEEEEE .Woke up at 11. .called bby... HELLOWWWWWWWWWW .Did notink much the whole day .Wo... B-O-R-E-D to the bangBANG to the Boogie to the Sex... YAAAABBADAAAABEEEEDOOOOO !(Thusdayyyy)Woke up at 1... HELLOWJOLLIEBAYBIEEEE !(Monday)Sit at home the who... |
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