Now everything is about me . :D

2504933390108334840 date: Thursday, August 6, 2009 time: 7:15 PM comments: 0 Changed my mind about the spammers in my blog. it could probably be a person who im close with . or the person who i used to be close with . im just trying to get all the possibilities here . Why is it so hard for a spammers to leave their name on tagboards ? Scared ? hahah ! Waste my freaking precious time lah . Dont play any games with me cos i hate it. I hate people that make me think hard . So yeah . just put ur name when u spam . i dont mind bout the comments but just leave ur NAME . simple ? ok done ! ... Today get caught by form teacher . She told me to dye my hair black . i didnt even dyed at the first place . its only that the colour fade . ii got my weekends to dye it black . so okaylah . haha ! .. WAWAAAN ! i forgot to blog bout him. He mananged to go to the final .! Yeayyy ! CONGRATULATIONS WAWAN ! hahah ! .. Miss bbyamor alot . havent been meeting him for feww days already Meet you soon ayye ! hahaha ! .. OKAY GOLEK ! take care spammers and friends.. and Bbyamor ! <3 WO AI NIY !
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WEDNESDAYWent out with twinny IkaaaPoopy after sch...
TUESDAY Today is TUESDAY and you know wads in my m... Meera's tag quiz:1. Are you single or attached?* c... Im back to SCHOOL I've not been going to school fo... SATURDAY !My Saturday was GROOVY..After a few days... WAWAAAAAAN !SECOND POST .Im bored so yeah . here's... Blogger got something wrong again .hahah ! but its... HELLOWBLOGGERBABIESSIm in the mood to blog today. ... MONDAY !SICKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK !Bby accompanied me to... SUNDAY !Went to Geylang with family .Saw someone u... |
[[ BABES AND DUDES ]] ♥IKAAAtwinny♥ ♥SHAFFF♥ ♥Fxza Kxtten♥ ♥ANNA ♥AZYAN ♥Diian ♥EenaShawty ♥FATIN HAZIRAH ♥FYZA ke ai ♥IZA ♥MICKIEEE ♥Miimye Sewel Nadiah ♥NANABARNEYYY Niselle ♥RHYNA ♥SHALEEN ♥TiraDARLS ♥ACAPcet ♥Acun ♥ADLI ♥Ahchai ♥Ahtoi ♥AIE ♥AIZATcantello an dumdum ATOI LISZT ♥AYUL ROMIE AZLAN AZZRUL ♥DANNY SANCHI ♥FAIZZIN FA RU KA Photography firdaus ♥FICKK H.A.F HAIQALpernicious ♥HAZIQstoint ♥HYRUDEbenben Superboy Haiqal Yusoff ♥IRWAN shah MIRZA ARIFFIN ♥REZ Yan Astro ♥YaNtOi ♥YAYAT SANCHI ♥ZHARIF |
email blog: zaffbombom@live.com
msn: funky_adik94@hotmail.com before you tag
I'd like to make a handful of things clear to all taggers.
■ Leave your name . ■ Spam ? i dont mind . bring it on. *wink*.
With that said, you may commence with your talkbox