Now everything is about me . :D

6599846360131494182 date: Monday, September 14, 2009 time: 8:36 PM comments: 0 HELLO BLOGHOPPERS .
Something is wrong around here . there's abit of kinda misunderstanding about friends . Here is a post from Muhd Haiqal Bin Muhd Yusoff . (his post) -My friends are sumone i will alwaes look forward to mitting them. Cz we spend time more with our friends rather than our families. Friends knw our secret more than families. Soo if saying that meeting our friends would be boring... It means that you didnt really appreciate the friendship between us. Its like you didnt want to meet them, spending time with them would also be called wasting time because its boring. No, friends shouldnt be like that, good friends will alwaes be looking forward to mit their friends, spending time, sharing their laughter, & not even say they are bored at their group of friends. They are bored & wanting to create a new group of friends. Its not that they are in the wrong, they have the rights to find new friends mahh. But by doing that, what will the group of friends you considered bored think of you? Wat the difference between old group & new group of friends? New jokes? New activities? New faces? New characteristics between the people? Ahahaha.- (so here's my views on his post .) -By finding NEW friends, we can get to know more people. Get to know more about people's characteristics. Find something new to know about different attitude wise and thinking . Its not that we doesnt appreciate our friends, as usual, we do love our friend. yeahh . but by new friends we can understand more about people's lifestyle. get what ii mean . Its not about doenst appreciate and stuffs. its all about exploring something new . I got this kind of interest in knowing about different kind of attitude . its not KEPO okay.. its like something related to my ambition . tell you guys something.. everyone wanna make new friends. dont tell me you guys dont want . Okay now about the difference between new and old friends . OLD friends... we already know what are they like we know how is their attitude wise. what kind of person they are . example: they are great, fun to be with, a moody person, hot-tempered and stuffs. NEW friends... We are looking forward to know more. to know better bout them . Find something great and interesting in them Everyone have different kinds of attitude . and it makes them kinda interesting to know more about. Yeahhh ? Some people do say ii like to stare at them. because why .. by looking the way they talk , movements their attitude wise.. and a little bit about knowing them aand yeahhhh you'll find something interesting in them. hahaha. seriously . Only someone who is very close to me which is my sis knows my attitude. not even my parents,twinny or bbylobe . dont get this wrong.. Wad ii mean by BORING is not that boring.. its like u've already known how that person is like and stuffs.. like u're still waiting for something new in them . so by that looking for new friends will make it interesting then . but it doesnt mean that we'll forget the old friends right ? just making new friends will not make any difference or any effect to the old ones . cos we'll still appreciate them as friends . and by that it doesnt mean that we doesnt look forward to meet them or what . still love them like we used to . get my things right hunny. hahaha. u've got waaaayy different thinking then mine. think out of the box. |
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Picture was taken on FRIDAY .at ikaaa's crib .Help...
Hello PEEPOS !Was seriously bored today .Spend my ... Got nothing to do. So this video is very random .... CLASSMATE OUTINGUpdating my bloggy .Yesterday went... BOOOOOOOO~Had an unwanted fight with bbylobe yeste... HAHAHAHA .ii love you baby .ii miss uu effing aloo... THIS IS SPECTACULAR! BOOOMBOOOMBOOOMMONDAY OUTING !Was totally awesome ... I love you hunny and will always do Seeing you is... UPDATING !Blogger always got this problem when i w... |
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