Now everything is about me . :D

4007772250666825605 date: Sunday, September 6, 2009 time: 11:38 AM comments: 0 UPDATING !
Blogger always got this problem when i wanna update my blog The things to edit and stuffs doesn’t appear above of that posting box.. And it makes me LAZY to update my blog . Ahahah ! The creater of the blogger should do something bout this.! Right people ? haha ! hmm.. . Okay yesterday went to atok house for buke . Got other plans actually. My SATURDAY always been occupied by family . I don’t mind if its on a weekdays. But not FRIDAY ! haahah ! But its okay . Yesterday get to meet my great cuzzies . unties and uncles..hee~ had a great time. . i've read this Malay book titled 'Remaja: Salah Siapa?' its gudd.. uu guys shud find that book and read it too. its about young teenagers nowadays. and about parents controlling teenagers freedom . Parents are too scared if their children mix with low-life people . actually there's nothing wrong by mixing with them. it depends on ourselfs actually. only whether we choose to follow them or not to . because of parents controlling teenagers freedom and dats why they will start to lie and stuffs. cos their parents only allow them to go out to..study. Its normal for a teenagers to hang out with friends and go home late. thats a teenagers life ii guess. This is when uu spend time with ur friends. bcos as uu grow older friends become lesser . We must explore and learn about people attitude wise and stufs. I've read one of the English book from the library .. one of the councellor says that parents should give all the freedom that they want. but parents must also do their part by guiding them . Unless they know what is wrong and what is good for them its okay for them to have all the freedom by themselves. the key here is 'FREEDOM'. but by too much freedom it will turn itno the negatives. unless uu know how to contoll them . and wisely devide the time for friends and famiies .*wink* so yeahhh ! haha . ok done .. I miss my hunnybbylobe ! ahahah ! see you soon hor ! wee weeeeee. LOLS. ! |
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