Now everything is about me . :D

4033463340946428617 date: Friday, September 18, 2009 time: 3:45 PM comments: 0 There's ALOOOOOT of things ii wanna do right now . but im just ignoring all those stuffs. homeworks to be done this weekend . ii need to find pictures for art for final exams. study for final exams. cos im not ready at all. seriously. havent start revising . FUUUUHHHHHH ! this year got alot of plans with people to go out raye. and ii realised that actually i've got short time to study after all . okay this is a bad bad bad habbit . and eventually, i'll fail after that .. BOOOOOOOO ! because of this stuffs. last minute thing. need to clash everything inside my brain. and now bad headache is attcking my head. heh ! and ii think that im cancelling my raye planns with some of you guys if ii need to . see how it goes ayye . hopefully not . Later maybe if im free den i'll try do do wadd ii can do . alright ! OUHHHHHHHHHHH ! cant wait for my coming 4th month with bbylobe ! WHOOOOOO~! love love love wo de ai ! haha ! ok now chatting with bbylobe . till here den .! BYEEEEEEEE READERS !! tag me if uu dropp by to my blogg ayye !
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U-P-D-A-T-E-E-E !Random video post .Video was take...
UPDATING !Didnt attend school today .because ii re... HELLO BLOGHOPPERS .Something is wrong around here ... Picture was taken on FRIDAY .at ikaaa's crib .Help... Hello PEEPOS !Was seriously bored today .Spend my ... Got nothing to do. So this video is very random .... CLASSMATE OUTINGUpdating my bloggy .Yesterday went... BOOOOOOOO~Had an unwanted fight with bbylobe yeste... HAHAHAHA .ii love you baby .ii miss uu effing aloo... |
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