Now everything is about me . :D

9018572782662450006 date: Thursday, October 15, 2009 time: 1:51 PM comments: 0 YAAAHOOOOOO ! PHEWWWWW ! End Of Year exam is finally over . this is the time i've been waiting for . hehe ! Just kindly worried for my results . Takoooooooooot nyeeee ! LOLS . Finished paper at 9.15am just now . Pity the POA students .. they still have to sit for their papers. tsk tsk tsk ! =)))) Tomorrow will be marking day . and it means... HOLIDAYYYYY . ! Monday will be a HOLIDAYYY too bcos of deepavali . Tuesday is another ... HOLIDAYYY ! marking paper . iiSHKKK ! FOOOYOOOOOH ! scary beb ! gementar seyh ! HAHAHA !! . Faizul found a packet of roti prata in the bus . which consist of two roti prata in it. Zul and Faizul makan cam sedap jek . eee ! haha ! cam pungutip tak cukop mkn . HAHA ! .. Ikaaa came to my crib after school . we talked and talked .. haha ! went for our lunch. yumm yumm ! .. My adek sdare is so cute ! ii love kids ! they are superduper cute ! heee~ okay done ! takecare peepos !
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WHEEEE~ This little boy is so damn cute !ii wanted...
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