Now everything is about me . :D

7090778930093097885 date: Tuesday, October 6, 2009 time: 10:12 PM comments: 0 UPDATING ! I was finding some free time to update my blog . and yeahhh .. now im updating . Peeps are complaining that i didnt update my blog . and told to do so . haha . and the reason why i stopped blogging for awhile is that i was quite busy for this few days . Exams are very near . Rushing some stuffs . Dad is hospitalised due to some stuffs .. tomorrow he's going for operation . hope he will be fine . im having bad headache now . Cancelled my plaan with Hyrude to go to Singapore Idol . Cos i think my dad is much more important rather than watching my favourite idols. See how fillial,caring and understanding daughter am ii . heh ! *wink* HAHA ! Ohhh bout the post below . Bull is very very lucky ! he neednt proceed to RTC . he was free from that and only that his probation was extend . get to see more of him . YEAY ! haha . lucky guy ! LOLS ! Last Friday .. raye outing with Seek4 was absolutely fun . Thanks faizul for sending me home . hehe ! Pictures raye lazy to post . pics at his blog .. if uu wanna see lahh . NGONG ! hmm..lets see what to talk about . ohhhh my 4th month anniversary with bbylobe ! he gave me a card . very sweet of him . he make that card . to him its nothing but to me its something . effort was put in . awww ! touched ! wanna see ?? something wrong with my photobucket. so too bad . next time ! HAHAHAHA! okaay done updating ! will post again soon ! MUAHAHAAAAA ! ii love my bbylobe. ! gua misss sama lu ! LOLS ! takecare peeepsss ! |
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To my dearest friend BULLIANTO We will miss you da...
HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY !290909 YANTOI & RAFHAN MY BIR... 280909 RAYAYesterday raye was quite okay .but ther... This 3 guys performed at my school YESTERDAY !they... TATTOOOOOOOOO(or a.k.a angkong ?) hmm.....Wanna ma... TUESDAY !Thankyou to my bbylobe , Muhd Haiqal !He ... SELAMAT HARI RAYE ! ( Photographer of the day) Yea... Hello Blogger Readers .Today is the LAST day of pu... There's ALOOOOOT of things ii wanna do right now .... U-P-D-A-T-E-E-E !Random video post .Video was take... |
[[ BABES AND DUDES ]] ♥IKAAAtwinny♥ ♥SHAFFF♥ ♥Fxza Kxtten♥ ♥ANNA ♥AZYAN ♥Diian ♥EenaShawty ♥FATIN HAZIRAH ♥FYZA ke ai ♥IZA ♥MICKIEEE ♥Miimye Sewel Nadiah ♥NANABARNEYYY Niselle ♥RHYNA ♥SHALEEN ♥TiraDARLS ♥ACAPcet ♥Acun ♥ADLI ♥Ahchai ♥Ahtoi ♥AIE ♥AIZATcantello an dumdum ATOI LISZT ♥AYUL ROMIE AZLAN AZZRUL ♥DANNY SANCHI ♥FAIZZIN FA RU KA Photography firdaus ♥FICKK H.A.F HAIQALpernicious ♥HAZIQstoint ♥HYRUDEbenben Superboy Haiqal Yusoff ♥IRWAN shah MIRZA ARIFFIN ♥REZ Yan Astro ♥YaNtOi ♥YAYAT SANCHI ♥ZHARIF |
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