Hey . Updating my dead bloggy .
been busy lately .
Tmrow going to gig at Blackhole .
not sure wanna go either Blackhole or Odio . gosh ! its quite clashy .
ahahaa .
the party at Wavehouse and Powerhouse is so the topic !
seems like everyone been talking about it.
and people been busy selling the tix .
the best DJ is in Singapore yesterday .
everything is about CLUB nowadays. haha .
Monday and Tuesday have to attend to some kinda course.
at Kallang .
haha. on Thusrday ii was supposed to work .
but ii totally dunnoe about it. till my manager msged me yest .
iishk ! mnger told me that work is
totally cock up without me working. ! iishk !
didnt mean to sabo my work.
HAHA ! ooops !
kaaay done ! =)
bye !