Now everything is about me . :D

7188386384025839836 date: Monday, January 18, 2010 time: 5:48 PM comments: 0 Bear With The Sickness For Few Days Zaff ! ARGHHHHHHHH ! Running-nose , headache and sore-throat is killing me . kept on sneezing . Gheee ! due to my irrit and annoying running nose . feel kinda irritated and uneasy . i've no mood to do anithing on comp . even reading my Eclipse story book . sadness . so i'll just update and off i go . im gonna do my maths homework and a short revision after this . thennnn....its gonna be my .. RESTING TIME ! i'll tidy up my room cupboard tomorrow . its in a messs . hoho ! Ohh yaaa ! My work place planning an event this Friday . BOWLING . hmm... not sure whether im going or not . its after closing . the whole Fico Pizza Hut peeps gonna be there . not sure if i could go ? its ok if i cant. its not that important aniway . =) cause im GROUNDED remember ? haha . Somebody's keeping a secret from me . im waiting for that day that you will tell me your secret . hmm.. okay im done here . HAPPY BIRTHDAY HADY ANAQI . ( in advance) lols ! signing off .
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HAD FUNN funnnnn ! WOOO !Had a great time with the...
I miss my twinny IKAAAA . i feel like we're going ... NAK DODOL ! My adik sedare.. Danish is so freakis... GODIE goodie GOODIE!My headache has dissapeared . ... Caught a fever today =(ohhhh ! and ii was late for... IM BACK !MY BLOGGY IS DEAD .!and ii wanna UPDATE. ... UPDATE !2 days of school was pretty fine .Meet my ... 3 2 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR !COUNTDOWN was freaking aweso... MOOO-VIEEEE !Watched night movie . Sherlock Holmes... FINALE =)SINGAPORE IDOL GRAND FINALE Wow what a gr... |
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