Now everything is about me . :D

8948721585914965444 date: Saturday, January 16, 2010 time: 3:14 PM comments: 0 GODIE goodie GOODIE! My headache has dissapeared . YEAY-ed .! haha! Yesterday didn't attend to my night class due to my sickness. but im well today . ii did my homework first thing in the morning . and im done with it . im reading a book titled 'Eclipse'. sounds familiar ? haha ii guess so . I cant wait for the movie ! gheee! Gosh ! Im bored . -_- so i'll be spending my few minutes on blogging . how bout that ? lols! Going out later on . Come on its Saturday ! ENJOYYYY . Hope Farid will tag along after his book out . hmm.. My house is so damn peaceful . . ii can hear the karang guni peep-pot peep-pot sound . the bangla sweeping under the block . the wind sound from my fan . the vehicles from the PIE . see how quiet it is . BORED -_- ohh hey ii realised that i didnt attend work for a long time. haha! ii miss work . i miss eating free pizza . HAHAA! i'll definitely feel weird if i go back to work next week. oooooooooooouuuuu .. GUESS WHAT ? i think im done blogging. i have no idea what to blog anymore. haha ! kay byeeee peeps. takecare ! signing off ! |
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Caught a fever today =(ohhhh ! and ii was late for...
IM BACK !MY BLOGGY IS DEAD .!and ii wanna UPDATE. ... UPDATE !2 days of school was pretty fine .Meet my ... 3 2 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR !COUNTDOWN was freaking aweso... MOOO-VIEEEE !Watched night movie . Sherlock Holmes... FINALE =)SINGAPORE IDOL GRAND FINALE Wow what a gr... HEYYYYYYY !UPDATE ! Hey guys i've been busy lately... TOWNtownTOWN !TOWN with Peepos .................Ye... ALUUUU .Hey . Updating my dead bloggy .been busy l... FAMILY OUTZ ON SATURDAY NIGHT ! :)...Had a great d... |
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