Heeeyyyyy GUYS !
Since yesterday ii didnt update my blooog .
Im gonna update TWO post today . YEAY-ED !
Normally Saturday went out with peeps .
But yesterday I spend time with family .
The last dinner before father go for overseas .
Ikaaa met Farid and Yann at town and joined them at Bugis after that .
and saw Ahzyf and friends at Bugis and they joined too . FOOOOH !
I missed the fun ! Jealous oi !
Nevrmind its okaaaay . hehee !
tapi koraang tetap sweet ah ! Ingaat jugak Zaff eh . LOLS !
And yeah yesterday was not that freakin boring actually .
but it feel sucks not going out with peeps on Saturdays . haha ! Oooopppsss .
singing off