Now everything is about me . :D

8573030947071483136 date: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 time: 9:36 PM comments: 0 YOU GUYS DONT KNOW I ACTUALLY DID STUDY . hmmm ! :))) It was taken 2 years back . This is when ii started my piercings . From two piercings to four than to FOURTEEN . hehe ! I had my fourteen piercings last year . Now ii only had two piercings on my ear one on my left and another on my right . Cos faces with piercings is kindaaa ugly . it destroy the image . right right ? But sometimesss ii thought of piercing back. or pierce somewhere more challenging or painful ot less common places . but NAHHHHHH ii wont. hehe ! no worries . It makes me look even more uglier. :)))) HAHA. and so called tak senonoh la kan ! LOLS ! RANDOM SAAAAK NIY POST ! .... Ohh and YEAYY ! I pass my maths test !! alot of failuresss..thought ii was one of theeem ! but insteadd...GOT THE HIGHEST !! It was kinda difficult for some but not for me . KEREK EH ZAFF !
I got 2 wrongs for a very simple question . haiyoo. wasted ! If not can get FULL MARKS liaow . iishkkkk ! tsk tsk tsk ! Must maintain this way for every test and examsss. hehe ! Wanna try to get A's for maths . chey ! cam paham siol Zaff ! STUDYYYYY is the medicine . hehe ! ... CLASS CHALET I actually cant wait for class chalet during the March holidays . PLAN ZAFF MENJADI DOK ! CLAAP CLAAP ! put in effot this what you'll get . heheh ! The enjoymentssss ! Woohooo :) IM GONNAAA MEET MY BOYFRIENDSSSS . Alex Lambert and Aaron Kelly my boyfriend . :) KAY ZAFF PRASAAN ! done updating! yessaaa ! signing off |
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HEADDDDDDDDD BANG BANG BANG !Total Chaos 2 !Sorry ... Kanak-Kanak meeting =] HAHAHA ! Cute kape !HAPPY 1... MAKAAAAN MAKAAAAN MAKAAAN . hahahaahaha ! :))Ahh A... COMP TAAAK LAGG LAGI LAHHH BAPOKKKKKKK ! hahaha !I... DINNER AT COFFEESHOPSodaaaaap bangeeeeet :) Nasi p... VIDEOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS !Still can view th... This is what I do on VALENTINES DAY ! :)Family bbq... HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY[Picture was taken on count... TAYLOR LAUTNER ! i love you ! ahahahaha !!SATURDAY... |
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