Now everything is about me . :D

8851477109321492336 date: Sunday, February 14, 2010 time: 1:19 AM comments: 0 TAYLOR LAUTNER ! i love you ! ahahahaha !! SATURDAY was not bad . Everyone seems tired except for me and Yann. Meet up with the usuals at Cine Leisure. thought of watching movies together . but the guyss seems not to be interested in watching that kind of show. VALENTINES DAY movie. So me and Shaf still wanna proceed watching that movie. cos we dont want our day to be BORED ! that movie wasss super duper GOOOOD ! Aloot of HOT HOT HOT heroes. ii dont mind watching the second time. hehehe :) TAYLOR LAUTNER !!! OMG ! He didnt took of his clothes ! booooooo.. !!!! if he does ii will be like " AHHHHHHHHHHH!!" hot nyeeee badaaan diierrr.. iishkk ! wasteddddd btol laaa. hehe ! Meet up with theeem agaain after watching movie. they spend their money on ARCADE ! Audi spend 35bucks just to get 2little toys .. and Yann pend 15bucks to get dunnoe wadd toyyy. WASTED . watch movie with us lagi worth it ! That movie was really a good one. sweeet bangeeeeeet . MUST WATCH ! hehehe ! ohh and THANKYOU Yann for that toyyyy :) Tomorrow going bbq at Pasiris ! Not sure if im staying or going back.. hmm.. we'll seeeee... heee! ok im done hereeee. signing off :) |
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SET TARGET GUYYYY ! Happy 20th Birthday Farhan Fai... GELETEK GELETEK !Lower down ur speaker it'll be ve... HOORAY HOORAY HOORAY HOORAY BERGEMBIRA !!Y-E-A-Y Y... ZACK BOMB SEX BOMB ! HAHA !No new pictures. hehehe... HEYYYYY PEEEOPOSSSSSS !( Picture drawn by a studen... HALLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS.A.T.U.R.D.A.YHad a ... AWESOMEEEEE DAAAAAAYYYYY2ND FEB 2010Really enjoyed... ADVANCE BIRTHDAAAAY !SUNDAY !Had my advance birthd... ANOTHER 1 HOUR TO MY SWEET 16 ! |
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