Now everything is about me . :D

973068048217196628 date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010 time: 10:22 PM comments: 0 AWESOMEEEEE DAAAAAAYYYYY 2ND FEB 2010 Really enjoyed my sweet 16 todaaaay . Haddd a SUPERY DUPERY superb dayyy ! hehe . Get sabo-ed by classmates during P.E lesson . THE FLOUR The flour gets into my ears . and my hair became hard after ii wash my hair. hahaha ! thanks for the sabo activity guys ! hahaha!! Action warm upp konon ! skali SAAAAAAAAP kene tepong ! hahhaa ! During recessss ! Everyone sings the birthday song . AWWWW ! Sweeeeet nyeeee. Im touched :) speechless ! hehe .. Some unexpected person gave me present. awww ! so sweeet ! im surprised ! After school went to Pizza Hut with Suhaili, Faizul and Syafiq to celebrate my birthday . Planned to go Sakura but..it didnt OPEN . So we decide to go PizzaHut instead. hehe . I was surprised by their efforts . It was their plan to make the whole Pizza Hut members gather ard us and sing birthday song for me. . OHHH THERE'S BIRTHDAY CAKE WITH ICE CREAM ! the lights was off when they took out the cake . AWWWW ! ii was about to cry . im touched ! Thankyou guys ! SWEEET NYEEEEE !! SAYANG KORANG ! ... To everyone : Thankyou guys for your wishes ! I appreciate it aloot . Im touched guys. ! Thanks alooot. im speechlesss ! .. signing off ! |
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[[ BABES AND DUDES ]] ♥IKAAAtwinny♥ ♥SHAFFF♥ ♥Fxza Kxtten♥ ♥ANNA ♥AZYAN ♥Diian ♥EenaShawty ♥FATIN HAZIRAH ♥FYZA ke ai ♥IZA ♥MICKIEEE ♥Miimye Sewel Nadiah ♥NANABARNEYYY Niselle ♥RHYNA ♥SHALEEN ♥TiraDARLS ♥ACAPcet ♥Acun ♥ADLI ♥Ahchai ♥Ahtoi ♥AIE ♥AIZATcantello an dumdum ATOI LISZT ♥AYUL ROMIE AZLAN AZZRUL ♥DANNY SANCHI ♥FAIZZIN FA RU KA Photography firdaus ♥FICKK H.A.F HAIQALpernicious ♥HAZIQstoint ♥HYRUDEbenben Superboy Haiqal Yusoff ♥IRWAN shah MIRZA ARIFFIN ♥REZ Yan Astro ♥YaNtOi ♥YAYAT SANCHI ♥ZHARIF |
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