Im sooooooo freakin sleepy . I think my eyes weight 1kg now .
HAHA ! kay Lame -_-"
Cant sleep yesterday ! Tried to but i just cant .
Was so hard to get into sleeep . Gahhhhh !
Around 4.25am Farhan Fairus called . Since we both cant sleep .
Accompany each other laa kaaan ! HAHAHA !
Off to school and you know what ?
My eyes are open but im asleep for seconds.
It happened few times during my first lesson ! Hahaha ..
Can you imagine how ? I dont know how to explain .
HAAHAA ! Nevermind. forget it. Lols ! ;) stressed with my MATHS . Goshhhhhhh !
Docter Maths heeeeeelp me ! haha .. kay lah lame laaa -_-"
AHAHAHAHA ! Im done updating .
bye bye chickassssssssss !
signing off