Hey blog readers !
Im updating my blog again after a day i left it unpost !
Okay before i blog..... Gimmi one silent clap !
HAHAHAHA ! Okay nonsence eh Zaff !
Had Biology test just now . It was easy as ABC .
everything is just words . Because...
its an OPEN BOOK TEST ! HAHAHAHAHAH ! Bahhhhhh !
How i wish exam could be this way ! Dream on Zaff !
Zack was hospitalized due to his spreading infection .
Hope he's really really fine . Goshhh sadness :(
and to Faizul , babi kau tak ajak aku ! Grrrr .
Nevermind forget it
Fetched my nenek at Pasiris, had our dinner and set off home !
She's sleeping in my room . So i guess i'll be sleeping in the living room .
Angin beeeeeeeeeest ! ii loike :) *think positive* LOLS !
ok done updating for today !
signing off