Went to Ika's crib yesterday . Accompanied her at home :)
Planned to watch Santau in the morning but the disc making some problem
HAHA. stuck2 cam cb . haha !
So we just slacked in the room till im asleeep . hehe !
Spend time with Ika since we've loooong never hang out together for loong hours !
Beeeest ! haha !
Remember i've once said in my blog that im scared of guys falling for me sometimes .
But this is different. this guy is weird .
We start chatting just yesterday . I dont know what he's thinking lah .
Nonsence betool . haha ! Sorry :)

I've stopped chatting with him ready . .Seraaam ah . haha !
kaay im done with this.
Later going out with mother and sister !
Farhan Fairus still sleeping like a pig or whaat ?
Kecoh pahhhh ! haha !
Kesiaaan dier penaat smlm !
Im done updating. nothing much to say !
bye !
signing off