Now everything is about me . :D

7277043772760408620 date: Monday, May 31, 2010 time: 6:08 PM comments: 0 Happy Birthday Ika Najimah <3 ![]() 1st June is when you start to smell the atmosphere . Out from a squeezy and unsafe place where god make a decision of your life whether your life ends or begin . 16 years has passed so fast from your life . When your thinking and attitude have to be change to the better to become someone wiser and more mature to think for yourself . Secondary school is where i started to know you . Become enemy is where it begins . Days passed , we became closer and closer and the word enemy has evade from the dictionary somehow someday . Siblings is what we call each other . To be there whenever you need me , to help you whenever you're in need . To support you behind your back everytime when you feel discourage and gloomy . Lastly, what i can say is , when it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there . I will always be here for you . <3>
Happy Birthday Ika . Sayang kau . |
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