This was taken on last Sunday i guess. LUPE~
Went to only two houses on that day .
Umah Untie Yan and umah Mak Long je.. hehe!
Atleast dapat jalan raya eh daripade dudok rumah boring boring .
Mom was supposed to drive tapi kerete Suzuki Swift tu tapi ade problem.,
Soyal. hampa giler kakak zaff tu.. kesiaaan.. hahaha! AWWWW!
Padan muke nak ye ye " WHOAA! My future car. I wanna buy this car."
HAHAHA! Skali kerete tu ade damage.
Its near the rear bumper . Abey kene tayar dier, so when kerete tu
jalan, the car bising giler. Something was rubbing on to the tayar .
So park balek tu kerete. Last last naik taxi jugak. Hahahaha!
Okay lah tuuu kan.. ade driver lagi. ^^
DA TU JEEEEEEE ! hehe! k done!
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