Last Saturday went to makan Nasi Ayam Penyet Ria.
Sodaaaap giler.
But quite expensive tapi worth it.
Pedas nak mampos. Sukeeeeeeeeeeeerr ~~
Nak pegi lagi lahhhh bile2 freeee.. hehehe..^^
Actually zaff pon taktawuuu ape sehh nak update nari !
Besok ade event tapi i dont think im going.
Sorry ah Nysa oi.. Aku ajak kau, aku last last tanak pegi..
Hahahahahaha !!! Jahat seh aku.. hahaha!!!
I come across this website and it made me change my mind .
I dont think that is what i want nor what i need.
Nahhh, i'll stop my intentions of going there.. ^^
Yeayyyyyyy ~
Aniway ! I want to buy banyak banyak long dress.
Im just fetish in long dresses.. sukeeeer skali ^^
hahahaha !
Okay lahhhh... done updating .
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