Now everything is about me . :D

6709207955360560494 date: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 time: 11:37 PM comments: 0 ![]() 12 Day of 2011 SUPSSSSS PEOPLE! Today was my third day of school. Going to get used to the distance soon. And ohh yaa i've make friends with the girls in my class! Yeay! Had break for 2hours just now . From 11 to 2 . So me and my classmate, all girls go makan at nearby coffeeshop. THE GIRLS! They are actually not like what i thought on the first day of school. For most of them. Hahahaha! Somehow its true that 'dont judge a book by its cover'.. and they doesnt look like how it seems. On the first day, i dont wanna mention names here.. there's a girl who look like very arrogent and kerek but she turns out to be the gerek kind.. Another girl who always frown and not smiling back at people turns out to be actually nice only that she doesnt smile alot.. there's a girl who seems to be like ngade2 on the first day but actually she's friendly. Actually bnyaak lagi.. cos there's alot of girls in my class. ahahahaha! There's also girls who seems really nice on the first day turns out to be the step gerek and choosy.. hahhaa! There's few of them i havent make friends with yet. I mean like really talk to them.. They look pretty friendly and nice... Should go talk to them soon! And there's this philipin girl, she sooo cute her name is Patrisha! hahahaha! Really really. Oh my gawdddd im not a lesbian. Its just the fact .. And there's this girl, very pretty her name Syahirah or Syakilah im not sure.. She do accessories. Nice! She wore it on her hair today in school. My class got alot of girls .. Seriously. I used to have alot of boys in my classmate and my closefriends are usually the opposite gender of me.. hahaha! So now I have girls for my classmates and gonna be closefriends. Who knows right. hahahaha! Im gonna talk bout girls girls and girls.. Dah boring asyik laki je.. Dont worry i wont turn into a lesbian. HAHAHA! :))) Nice having them around. hahahaha! I've just finished colouring and designing in my sketch book. TIRED! im gonna sleep like now! AHAHA! okay bubyeeee bloghoppers! Love ya! :) Signing Off
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