1st September 2011
Today is the third day of raya . Didnt go to school just now. hehe. c: Was supposed to meet Arliph after his work today but my small little cousins from KL is coming over my place. So cant get to meet him. Haish! :C Takpe lah. hehe. I wanna go buy contact lens tomorrow. Nak beli tapi tak beli beli. Asyik lupeee je. Adoi! What else eh? Goin window shop first lah besok, bile part nak window shop je mesti terbeli punye. Susah ah ni maciaaaam. Ohyaaa! Get to talk to Suhaili just now otp. Rinduuuuuu banget. Suhaili! If you are reading this, aku rindu kau gile babi! Jumpe aku soon laaaah yeee! Sayaaang kau! Muah! c: hehehe. Okaylah till here then! Will update again soon!
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