13 August 2011
Went to Geylang with family. Bought baju raya for the first day only. Have to go there again to buy another pair. Haish haish. Sakit hati masuk sane. Muke dari ada senyum terus muke binget. Da lah panas. Adoi! Before we go Geylang, we went to Bedok North to atok house for buke. It's been awhile tak jumpe atok, so since everyone is free on that day, im not working also, we visit atok lah. He's so happy when we visited him that day. I kinda miss the feeling of going out on weekends cos i've been working for a month on all weekends. Sekali sekale je dapat kluar weekends. Next week also working. Haish! Malas nak keje, tapi nak duit macam mane eh. hahahahaha! Susah ah ni macam! :P k dah tkde topic nak bebual . So sampai di sini sahaje lah ye. c: hehe. K BUBYE. Takecare.
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