Now everything is about me . :D

4203101326243093169 date: Monday, April 2, 2012 time: 4:21 AM comments: 0 comment?
4198373950070619379 date: Saturday, November 5, 2011 time: 6:43 PM comments: 0 ![]() 4 November 2011 Atlast remembered my blogger password. Gosh! Been trying to enter to this blog but i cant. Haiz, Thank god c: Yesterday went to watch Hindi movie in cinema, RA-ONE! Sharukh Khan, super duper charming in that show. c: Melts . hahahaha! I just want to have a short update.BTW I MISS MY BESTFRIEND , SUHAILI :p If she's reading this, text aku laaah dengs! c: Rindu kau giler babi kau tau taaaaak! hahahaha! k dah. hehe Signing Off
7743540516441138952 date: time: 6:30 PM comments: 0 comment?
5237224228172267998 date: time: 6:24 PM comments: 0 comment?
7717094157579647161 date: time: 6:16 PM comments: 0 comment?
6780410779039713712 date: Saturday, September 3, 2011 time: 4:18 PM comments: 0 Friday Night, i lazy to write anything. hahahaha! Okay i go shopping yesterday . c: Happy skali. I went alone, but i prefer shopping alone rather than with someone. I dont know why. hahaha! Takde orang kacau lah kalau sorang sorang. hehe. I bought Charles and Keith wallet. Da lama tkde wallet baru kan! So went to Forever 21 to buy a dress and a blouse. Went to Zara buy tshirt cos i dont have alot of tshirt to wear nearby. Takkan pegi dekat dekat pon nak pakai lawa lawa. So just bought a tshirt for myself and bought Zara tshirt for Arliph as well c: saje je nak beli. hehehe. But not couple tshirt lah. We will get a couple tshirt soon. I bought long sleeveless shirt at Espirit from my workplace. dapat discount. hehehehehe c: So tadaa spend my day shopping and spend time with Arliph ! Ok done! Nak jalan raya ni !
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7921630938276900729 date: Thursday, September 1, 2011 time: 7:21 PM comments: 0 Today is the third day of raya . Didnt go to school just now. hehe. c: Was supposed to meet Arliph after his work today but my small little cousins from KL is coming over my place. So cant get to meet him. Haish! :C Takpe lah. hehe. I wanna go buy contact lens tomorrow. Nak beli tapi tak beli beli. Asyik lupeee je. Adoi! What else eh? Goin window shop first lah besok, bile part nak window shop je mesti terbeli punye. Susah ah ni maciaaaam. Ohyaaa! Get to talk to Suhaili just now otp. Rinduuuuuu banget. Suhaili! If you are reading this, aku rindu kau gile babi! Jumpe aku soon laaaah yeee! Sayaaang kau! Muah! c: hehehe. Okaylah till here then! Will update again soon!
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4518238316396300709 date: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 time: 2:29 AM comments: 0 A day before Aidilfitri c: Went to ArtScience Museum at Marina Bay Sands in the morning. Met Arliph after that around 3pm. We buka at FarEast. Went to The Cathay after buka to watch Final Destination 5 around 9:15pm! Wanted to watch it so badly! hahaha. Awesome and gory movie. But the best thing is, i get to spend time with him on the last day pf puasa. I loikeeeee. :P hehe. Took 502 home from town. Reached home almost 3am. Was a great day i can say. And it will always be. c: Ohya! I bought new Vans shoes. Maroon colour. hahahaa! I just love maroon when it comes to shoes. I dont know why. It just suits me better i guess? lols! c: okaylah done here! Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
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4 November 2011 Atlast remembered my blogger passw... Random shits - Nurul Zafirah Bte Norhadi My model shoot - Sheikh Muhammad Syafiq c: 28 October 2011 2 September 2011 Friday Night, i lazy to write an... 1st September 2011 Today is the third day of raya... 29 August 2011 A day before Aidilfitri c: Went to... 14 August 2011Went to Japanese Garden to take some... 13 August 2011Went to Geylang with family. Bought ... |
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