Now everything is about me . :D

3715744722019252056 date: Sunday, November 30, 2008 time: 1:26 PM comments: 0 comment?
9180562333510617255 date: time: 1:11 PM comments: 0
hello people! yesterdayy was quite FUN laaaa doinkks!went tuhhh cousins house pat pasiris terest for bbq.HAHA. gerekkk woikkk dpt jumpee sdaree! misss them truck LOADS! hahaha. took danish along withh us. naekk mrt ppl was likee looking at danish bcos he's soo damn CUTE! hahaha.dahh smpai pasiris.took taxi from whitesands to cousins house.reached there and salam ppl in the house.go inside uncle's room anddd talk withh sdare.tgokk si tira maen comp! hahaha.afterrrr dattttt tgokk2 org bakarrrr bakarrr. fuuuuuuuuhhh! TEMPTING man the food. makan CHICKEN,SATAY(standard),PRAWNS,FISHBALL.sdappp woikkkk! hahahaa. itss nice to the bang bang to the boogie to the sexy bebehhhhhh! hahaha! FUHHHLAMAKKK! eat and eat and eat! hhahaha. drinkkk tea instead of marinda orange i guess?HAAHA. gassy lahhh weii air. HAHAHA. toook pictures using amani's camera! GMBR TAKKMO LUPERR ANTAA EYHH UU! hahaha. ard 11 plus going tuhh 12 , uncle eno sent us back home.NAEKK LORRY BEBEHHHH! hahaha. FUNFUNFUN! hahahaa. masai siaa muke satu2.hahaha! kekek dokkkkkk ! hahahah. meeet uppp again soon aye sdareee! hhahaa ! ok DONE! hahaha!
7399900127759812257 date: Saturday, November 29, 2008 time: 1:16 PM comments: 0
people! yesterdayyy went tuhhh SUNTEC again. planned tuhh take uniform utk shaf nyeee work.dahhh susahh payahh pgie situ den pekerje tuhh still can say her colleague took MC on dat dayyyyy.OMG! irresposible man! alamakkkkk! pehhh GERAMMMM! aiyoooo! den walkeddd pat suntec den dok pat macdonald mkn ice cream cone.HAHA! budgettt. haha! ard 5 gitu go marina! hhaha. jalan2 there. BOREDDD uhhhh. in one week daa pegi datt place ALOT of timess man! tmpat samerr jeee.bored! denn dokk pat luwaa macdonald.relekkkk2. hahaha. dahhh malam gi tgokk SKAFEST. atfirst boreddd uhhhh dierr nyee band. daa kul 10 THE SALLYS!!!!!!! OMG!!!! hahahaha. best best ! but too badddd ! i was wearing hardcore tshirt so takk bleyh skank.HAHAHA. laterrr org igt apeee. hahaha so TOO BADD! must wait till NEXT YEAR!
3403706861916270404 date: Thursday, November 27, 2008 time: 3:35 PM comments: 0
MAKKK oi . boredddd siaaa todayyyyyy. do notinkkk at home! dokk dpan comp jeeee. iiishhhk! BOREDboredBOREDboredBORED! notinkkk to do uhhhh. shaf kuwaaa follow lin and fiza carikkk keje. shaf pkai alot of my stuffs takk mintkk PERMISSION ! omg omg! jahatt nyee dierrrrr.she wore my memorable watch datt my ex gave tuhhh me.my bermudaaas my BELT ! and my shoeee!!!! alamakkkkkk ! busteddd eyhhhhh! aiyoyoooooo. mintkkk laaa permission dulu klau yee pon cik kak oi. mcm saye niee tkk kasi jee klau mintkk permission. jgn amekkkk smbrg2 uhhh.JAHAT siaa ! aiyoooooooooooooooo!
7380487455095883377 date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 time: 1:29 PM comments: 0
hahaha! went out withhh shaf ngan ADA! newww girlfrennnnn ! ada and shaf plannn nakkk apply pat robinson! soo must go tuhhhh the office pat raffles city. smpai situu jeeee eyhhhhh.tgokkk dierr pehhh long queue! iiishhhkkk! takk bleyhhhhh angkat ! VERYYYYYY LONGGGG! hahahaa. terokk terokkkk! half wayyy in den dorg takkk jadi. BOOOOOO! niee keje apply for 3 dayss orkk jeee.soo takk jdiee.den folow shaf go interviewww pat suntec CARREFOUR! hahaha! DIERRRR DAPAT LAAA WEIIII..YESSSAAA! duit tolakkkkkk!!!!! ahahaha!! dennnn temankan ada apply keje pat STARBUCKSSS! makk oi. masokk bnyakk starbuckss siaaaa.hhahaa! siakksiakkkk. dennnn pegi jurong point makan kfc!! hahahaha! en go HOME! behhhhhh TODAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! shaf go outttt ngan kwn21 dierr go TOWN!!!!!! takk bleyhhh jadi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! saket hati siaa tgokkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!! AIYOOOOOOOO!!!! nakkk go outt jugakkkk uhhhh gini. ! try tanyeee mama dulu.HAHAHA!tkot uhhh. ok byeeeee!
7064331013125011813 date: time: 12:43 PM comments: 0
im back for my STORYYY TELLING session. hahaha. YEAYYYYYYYY! comee and LISTEN hor ! haha. on sundayyyy, me and shaf helped fariddd pat orang kawen. kakak sdree dierr kawen. pak pak bing bing.WOW! aizat,udi and amer was there tooo. they fetch us pt boonlay interchange. malu oik kene pkai baju kurong and walk pat situ. smpai pat boonlay interchange , people daaa start tgok2. few matreppps was like staring at us. kitee pegi balekk tempat same matreppp tgokkk jee. iiishhk! mcm nakk pekik 'APE TGOKKK2!' hahah.den meet faridd and frennn near basikal nyee parking,HAHA! malu oik. den walked tuhhhh datt place. reachedd there fariddd gave us one blue flower. kate kendarat. HAHA! patt bunge tuhh adee 10bucks oi ! fuuuuuuuhhhh! den afterr one hr den start workkk. atfirst okeyhhh uhhh. sdaree fariddd tolong2. shaf and me was likee. shaf: iiishhk! sedare daaa banyak takkk cukoppp peee. me : tuhh uhhhh. nie daa lebehhh dari cukoppp. HAHAHAA! takkmu mara eyh farid.haha! starting2 was okee! siket org. afterr 2 , bdk2 moto escort . FUHHHHHHHHH! dierr pehhh bisenggg ! hati berdebahh siol.HAHA! bnyakkk gileeeee. luckyy takkde police. haha. kude kepang pon adee ! tarian jeeee. too badd takkde menurun. kitee nakk tgokkk pon susahhhhh. org makennn bnykkk mkn. pinggan mangkok bertambahhh laa siol.sooo kitee tgokk skejapp2 jeee. sambil angka2 pinggan tgokkk2.kesian eyhhhh! hahaha. sdareee fariddd sumerrr ILANG !!!!! dorg RUNAWAYYYYYY! BOOOOOOOOOOO! left with shaf and me doinggg all thee jobbbb! iiishhhkk! takk baekk eyhh dorg. bdk2 moto niee susahhhh sikettt uhhh! org nakk angkat pinggan kene kacau. sbokk jeee. banyakkkk kali plakkk tuhhh. waduhhhhhhhh!! PENATTTT GILEEEEEEE! very very tiring! takktawu mcm manee nak describe uhh pnat dierrr. bolee nanges siaaa. dennn! shaf nyeee kasott GIVE WAY! da lahhh left me and her doing all the job. behhh lepass kasot dier da give way dierr tkkleyyhhh buat kejee uhh.dierr ddokkk tgok. kesian eyhh kasot give wayyy. tpiee zaff lagi kesian! i do all the jobb ALONE! hahahaha. neyminddd uhhh.last2 dpt 40buckss. dapat compliment frommm the makk pengantenn. ok DONEEEEE! hahaa.
4854265600631544210 date: Saturday, November 22, 2008 time: 4:01 PM comments: 0
pssssst ! neww stroryyyy! hahaa.
peeps!yesterdayyyyy on FRIDAY went out withhh rez and frennns. madee two neww GIRLFRENNNNS! friendlyyy oi dorg ! hahaha. aan th 6th childd was supposed tuhh follow but he got otherr plannn. sooo too baddd ! met rez first and haiqal at city hall.den waiteddd forr others tuhh come.rez showeddd me pictures from hanee's professional camera datt he took. oklahhhhh.dierr adee SKILL. goood jobbb REZ. haha! dennn wanonehhh anddd muswayyyyy came withh ADAWIYAHH and LISAAAA,new girlfrennn.den we walkedd tuhhh FORTCANING! hahaa! it was my stupiddd plan tuhh go there. HAHAHA! sorry guys! HAHA. rez took pictures of us.hahaha! baekkkk nyeeeee dieeeeee.HAHAHA! tunjokk skill laaa kateekan! pfft! hahaha. MUSWAYYYY curikkk my tissueee! HAHAHAHA! theyy call me tissue gerl.wth! hahaha!! i brought 3 packets of tissue paper.JUST IN CASE!hahaha.dennn met rozainey and hanee pat smu! hahaa. dorg SKATEEE ! sat theree tuhhhh relexxx kejapppp afterr penat walkin tuhh fortcaning.pastu kene HALAU ngan security guard pat situ.ahaha! siakksiakkkk. sawww fariddd and udi lalu there.shaf was likee.... shaf: ehhh adekkk!tgok bdk tuhh mcm faridddd eyhhh! me : eyhh! aah sehhhhh! aikkk? TUHH FARIDD LAAAA! shaf: ohh faridddd laaa.FARIDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!! hahahaha!!! ajakk dorg sit withh us.denn its TIME TO GO HOME! BOOOOO! den salam withhh dem.den farid and udi go seperate ways.haha! adawiyahh and lisaa went back withhh us! took picturess together in the toilewt.HAHAHA! toilet lawa oi. mcm bukan toilet.haha! dennn daaa reach at jurong east saww sapau and ayun! shaf daa terkejot... shaf : ALAMAKKKK! SAPAO! MCM MANEE NIEEE? me : ohhh manee? shaf: TUHHHHHHH! i shouteddd.. me:SAPAOOOOOO! den he turnedddd .HAHAHAHA! yeayyyyyy! shaf was likee.alamakkkkk adekkk! hahahahaha!! busteddd siaaaa me.HAHAHAHA! ok dahhhhhhhh! to be continueddddd.......hahaha!
6879400865894728496 date: Friday, November 21, 2008 time: 12:23 PM comments: 0
heyyyy people !
Yesterdayyy went out with shaf. accompany herr apply keje at suntec carrefore. dlm bnyk2 keje nakk kje carrefour.HAAHAHA! siakksiakk. nymindd uhhh atlaest something. dpt duittt jugakkkk.weeweeeeet! hahaha! duitt tolakk siket yerr kak klau dpt.takk bnyk uhh. 50ketol daa bleyhhh uhh setiapp bulan,HAHAAHA! takkmo kemot eyhh! yeayyyy! hahaha! HAHA! carikkk TOWER 3 pehhhh susahhh. smore we are late! supposed tuhh be there by 5. tpiee kol 5 masehh tgh carikk mane tower 3. siakksiakk. asked poeple ard. dahhh smpai towerr 3 lift plakk prob. dierr nyee lift likee wadd the hell. masokk lift tgokk level dierrr ade level missing. soooo must find lift level from 4-12. siaksiakk. merane siaa carikk. ATLAST. bilee tgh fill upp form adee one grp of malay guys also nakk apply work pat carrefour. but too baddd they sayyy no vacancy for them.HAHAHA!BOOOOOOOO!hahaha! afterr that wee walkedd tuhh MARINA! jalan2. kitee buy potto chipp pt JOHN LITTLE!hahaha! ade classss. HAHAHAHA! 3 packet 2 bucks oi. tpiee small nyeee. buyy coke pat macdonald den lepakkk dpt tep laut pat esplanade.HAHA!dahbes mkn den kitee walk near tuhh singapore flyers.saww POPEYE! dennn kitee mkn pat situ. takee pictureeee den kiteee walk2. walk frommm esplanade tuhh raffles. pehh dkat ! haha! soooooo yahhhhhhhhhh! dahhbes citeeeeee! malas nakkk typeee agi. BOOOOOOOO!
4476423861751486312 date: time: 12:11 PM comments: 0 comment?
2082558732767990092 date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 time: 7:59 PM comments: 0
ALAMAKKKKK!hahahaha! i missed datttt show cite BONG! atoi takkkkk bilang siang2.amakkkk!HAHAHA!dahh missss! on jer tv daaa bes citee tuhhh. HAAHAHAHAHA! siakkkkkk! alamakkkk. hahaha! bsokkk mesti tgokkkk! HAHAH! siaksiakkkk. yeayyyyyyyyyy! i missed! AHAHAHAHA! alamkkkkk.
5490795485578152141 date: time: 6:38 PM comments: 0
hello hello PEOPLE !
todayyy quitee boredd at homee.do notinkkk muchh. dahhh kene grounded for afew days bcos parents get tuhhh noe i pierced my SMILEYYYYY. hahaha! so must closee my holee.TOO BADDDD! sit infront of the computer for he whole dayyyyy. boreddd kann! luckily AHCHAI online! He's in school having some presenations.haha!BOOOOO!haha! chatted wiffff him on msn. HAHAHA! kekek oi dekni. i called him MATREPPPP.but hee sayyy he's a loverr not fighter.HAHAHAHA! ahchai ahchai. siakksiakkk! HAHAHA! okehhhh dahhhh! malas nakk type agi.dahhh maghribb oi ! HAHAHA! ok itu tkk perlu. ps: ahchai badan kong sehhhhhhh! weeweeeeet ! haha! peace no war! HAHA!
5858151934326920241 date: time: 4:54 PM comments: 0
pelan-pelan kayohhhhh eyhhhh nunu?hahahaha! okehhhhhh! bahann kekek peee aku pehhhh blog.HAHAAHA! rabakkkkk! HAHAA! LOL! best ehhhhhhhh kacau orang!
HAHAHA! nnt aku daaa tau pkai blog tanakkk tunjokkk uhhh bloggg aku! HAHAHAHAHA!!! WAIT uhhhh WAITTTTT ! TUNGGU EVERYBODY ! hahaaha! watchhhh outttttt eyhhhh! ehemmmmm PEOPLEEEEE! DONT LAUGHHHHHH! hahahaaaaa!
6620556237923466866 date: Friday, November 14, 2008 time: 9:02 PM comments: 0
thankyou eyhhhhhh kamu. weeeweeeet. hahaha! appreciate it LOTTTTTTTTS. maseyy maseyyyy! =p hahaa! LOL! ur the BEST oi AFIQAHHHHHHHHH! hahaha!
6774686323457773863 date: time: 8:26 PM comments: 0 comment? |
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