Now everything is about me . :D

6559405342011381954 date: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 time: 8:59 PM comments: 0
tiada di sisiku
bilaku sedih engkaw tiada di sisi aku cari2 kemana kaw pergi kini aku menyesal meninggalknmu. ohh sayangku.. manaku pergi aku ingatkanmu kemana kaw lari menghilang begitu jgn kaw hilang , meninggalkanku. ohh sayangku... (chorus) sikit pun tiada aku membencimu aku menyesal berpisah dgnmu tapi ku tahu engkaw da berpunya aku masih tetap setia.... selama ini ku cari2 bila ku tahu hancurnya hatiku terharunya hati bila ku tahu engkaw masih merindu..
3847050665370332594 date: time: 8:23 PM comments: 0
UPDATING ! yesterday went to westcoast with shaf,fiza,lin,farid,yan and aizat. actually planned to go QWEENSWAYYY but den aizat's mom sayy kedai sumer tutop. so takk jadi. tukarr plannn. go westcoast lepak2 jerrr. meet fiza and lin pat jurong east int. den walkedd near to shop and save bustop to meet the 3 badot. haha. ! ( joking jee laa eykhhh ) NOT.! haha . takklaa. denn waited for bus 105 i guessss. lupee laaa. haha.! dat was the first time i meet yan . slalunyee dgr namerr jeee. den we talkeddd while waiting for the bus to arrive. den in the bus me,shaf,aizat,fiza and lin was sitting at the back. den yan and farid was sitting infront of me and shaf. ( info tak perlu) haha! ok den dahhh reached pat westcoast kitee buyy food pat macdonald take awayyyy. so kirekan we having like picnic gytu laaaa. for the first time picnic ngan dorg. haha! den bentang tikar. shaf smgt nakk bawak . den kite sit on the met. and eat laaaa our take away food . den i played my guitar . singing my song . in fact all of us sing my song.hahaha. mcm best gytu ukhhh.! i'll post my song soon . tpiee not datt nice laaaa. i just learnedd to make new song. and it was the first time. haha! so yeahhhhhhhh. haha! den fiza took pictures. tpie siket laaa. but its okeee. so we talked and talked till mlm den kitee daa boredd so yan came up with an idea. somebody playy guitar den all of us must create lyrics . den we go on and on smpai shaf and fizaa nakk dkat kuwaa air mate seyyyyy. feeling katekan.! tsk3. den we tryy to change our mood by talking to each other and joke around. ahaha. den kul 9+ kitee walkeedd from there. so we took our bus home. den kite seperate form each other pat dlm bus. so we took 198 from where we get down . den we reached home at 10.50. lucky tkk smpai 11. haha. father told us to reached home bfore 11. so yahhhh . on time. in fact earlierr by how many minutes. hahaha.
ok done ! SIRAJUDDIN irritating oi. !
5878405074298228332 date: Friday, January 23, 2009 time: 5:58 PM comments: 0
todayyy come to school at 7.20. reached school , sit down talk withh frenns mcm biase. den flag raising. arghhhh boring.! mengantokkan nyee lagu. terpaksee listen jee. den read books for 15min. wasnt really reading book actually.hahaha.! was simply sleeping and talking. =)
den enter to the first lesson. SOCIAL STUDIES pat ava room. aircon beb. supposed to submit lit hmwk to him. but didnt do. lazy. so teacherr told us to do on the spot. so we did our hmwk. we wrote about waddd we understands abut the lyrics thescientist by coldplay. was nice actually. but didnt really understand deeper into the lyics. hmm. but its okeee. continue doing our work denhand in to teacher. den we watcheddd vdeo clipsss of the song im so sick by flyleaf. haha! nice man. ! but dont like one of the vdeo clipss by datt singer. irritating siaaa.okok. done withh vdeo clips. sooo.! after lit was maths lesson. go computer lab for our lesson there. teacherr introduce us to the neww website.no longer using the HEYMATH. so we got our account for that learning thing.haha. den i tried going to friendsterr tpiee takk boleyyy siaaa ! dierr block friendster. too baddd. ! den tied going to my blog skali bolee laaa. ! haaha. baru nakk replyy tagboard ms chai nmpk. hahahaa! ms chai : wadds this?. ( holding both of my hand from bhind). me: my blog ? *laughs* me : oklaaa oklaaa i close laaaaa. ms chai : u better close ahhh ! me : * laughs* okok! hahaa! so i close my blog.booo! hahaha. afterr maths lesson. was PE! hahaha.. we change to our PE attire. den go tuhhh basketball court. teacherr told us tuhh run train for NAFA . so we run run run. hahaa. after PE was recessss ! haha. after datt ENGLISH! LST LESSON OF THE DAYYYY! start lesson teacher on the projector. so i slept. ahahaha. till the last of the lesson.ahaha. den GO HOME TIMEEEE. ! so i reached home , oni mother and danish was at home. haha.! den rest . do own things. go to sofa lie down den suddenly tertdo.aha ! wake up suddenly saw father and mothe. danish daa balekk. fatherr balekk smyang jumaat. so i continued sleeeping. den ard 4 plusss motherr nakk go work. den fatherr ask me whether i want to playy comp or not. so i sayy i wanna playyyy . haa. so mother gave father password for internet.hahah! aiyoooooo. den other off to work. so left me and father. sister kluwaaa meet dunnoe who. den father put password on comp.so i play comp laaaa. *using* haha. ! den fatherrr off tuhh jrong pont. left me alone at home as per usual. aiyoooo. hmmm... so about tomorrow~GOING PIT at pasiris. hahaha. meeting my sdare's at my mom side. yessa. ! den going chelet at pasiris jugakkk at my dad's side. haaha.! whoaaaa. ! overnighting pat pasiris park withh mom side. hahaha. cant wait. ! ok done blogging. haha.
3038571071636125782 date: Friday, January 16, 2009 time: 8:30 PM comments: 0 comment?
7052020791166911665 date: time: 7:04 PM comments: 0
todayyyy was the most slacking day in school man. haha. reached skool went into class den sleep.! haha. dun care wadd the others in my class were doing.haha ! den teacherr masok collect money for HOMELINK den i sleep again. when teacherr wake me up ask tuhhh read book bell dahh ring.YESSA! haha. so go down to first level art room for maths lesson. argghhhh !
BORING MAN.! but still need tuhh bear withh the boring lessons. try my best tuhh absorb alot of stepps . haha . den cant wait for the next lesson chemistry ! ms dian was not in skool . so kite can do our own work in our own class at level 4. haha! den next lesson was biology ! ms dian jugakkk ! so we go tuhh science lab and watch movie ! until recess. ~ den after recess was MOTHER TOUNGUE.! cant wait actually tuhh go tuh MT lesson. cikgu hafiz gerek gylerr. ! dierr pehh loyar buwokk semacam beb.! haha! siaksiakkk. denden smpai mt class. dpt tawu cikgu hafiz pon nvr come. so we do our own work agy . relief teacher pat dlm class pon tdo sia. ! we all were watching dis chinese old teacher sleeping.cute seyhh dier tdo. he open his eyes nmpk we all were looking at him den he smiled.HAHAHHA ! kekek seyhhh. den he continued sleeping. some of us kuwaa class when he tdo. he oso takk prasan. haha ! terok terok. diana,suhaili,afiqah,me,firdaus,ruzaidi and solihin were sitting together. joke ard. diana ,afiqah and suhaili was playing with my hair. haha. kekek siaa. ! ikat rambot mcm2 style.HAHAHA ! until 12.25 kite been dismissed. so waited for ika at the foyer. den balekk samer2 naek bus 185. reached home . den do own stuffs. jage danish den tertdo on the floor. wake up continue sleeping on the sofa. haha. pastu bgon go makan. den naekk atas bilekk amek guitar den go inside mom's room. shaf was palying computer. den i ask her to take vdeo of me playing guitar.haha! rmbot masai siaa. baru bgon tdo mahhh.HAHA! postedd the vdeo liaow. ! haha. ok done blogging. byeee !
5605864151074490347 date: time: 6:51 PM comments: 0
2769119718195790867 date: Thursday, January 15, 2009 time: 7:56 PM comments: 0 comment?
4642076618378698198 date: time: 7:13 PM comments: 0
hello hello kawan.
HAHA.! ok tittle dierr LAME. i noe. hahaha. kinda boredd ukhhh nowadaysss. btol takk btol ? since skools reopen mcm BORED ukhhh life.hahaa. but too badd. must get use to it. need tuhh wake up 5.35 am everyday. den kuwa umahh 6.30. reach skool 7.15. aiyooo. hahaha. finish skool at 2 except for monday and fridayyy. BUT BUT BUT. i found new fav subject . ART ! hahaha. subjet yg tkkyaa blajaa.ahahaha! GEREKKK dokkk ART. hahaha. okok. afterr skool ika went tuhh my place . saje saje jerrrr. lepakk lepak . lucky ika teman me go home.if not i'll be alone at home.iishhhk ! haha. thanks eyhh ika. dpt mkn free pee ! aaha.! siakksiakkkk. i helped her with her art siket. ahaa ! i finish mine liaow eyhkkk ika.! BOOOO! too baddd. hahaha. den daa boredd ite go macdonald beli ice cream den patah balekk umahhhh. hahaha. ajakk ika gi jogging dierr tanakkk.!PEMALAS.! kunalan tol. ! hahha. ok doe! dunnoe wadd tuhh blog abt. hehe. OHH YAAAAA !!!! SIRAJUDDIN is the name. ! hahahahaha !!!
1033767506851513196 date: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 time: 8:45 PM comments: 0
long time neverr update. im cleaning my rusty blog. hahaha. I MISS CAMP. awwww ! =( instructor BEST BEST agy. rindu sama KENNETH JOEL CHANDRAN.hahaha. my goodlooking instructor. too badddd didnt get to see him animoree. BOOOO. ! hmmm...SKOOLS BACKKKK PEOPLE. ! brushing upppp my brain withhh studiessss. hahaha. dahh seldom go out wthh freennnss. waiting for 31 dec. ! kuwaa celebrating my advance birthdayy on 2nd feb.! hahaha. wheeeee ! takkk sabaaaa. :))))
652513265163570955 date: Sunday, January 4, 2009 time: 7:18 PM comments: 0 comment?
5236630986088649439 date: time: 6:53 PM comments: 0
story telling.
went to ika house on FRIDAYYY. after school, in the bus, ika called . ika : zaff ! kau kat ner ? me : pat dlm bus otw balekk. asl ? ika : lerr . baru nakk ajak kau dtg umah aku. me : buat pee sak ? ika : aku sorg sia kat umah. mak aku gi hospital. me : tgokk ukhhh dulu. ika : ahhkk. hahah. ! so i reachedd home , mandi . dry hair, playy comp! ONLINE.! ika tegor. ika : zaff ! kate nakk dtg umah aku. me : takk jadi ukh. ika : bustedd . me : kau pasangkan aku webcam dulu baru aku gi umah kau. ika : kau belikan aku manan ahhh. me : kau pasangkan webcm dulu ! ika : kkk nnt aku pasang. me : ok best. ika : dtg uma aku cpt. me : kk nakk siap. den i offline. hahah.! siapppp siappp den beli mkan for her pat kfc. iiishhhk! kene kacau siaa ngan pekerje kfc tuhhh. bustedd sakkk ! i ignored him. hahah.! den go ika housee.! kncked on the door den masokkk ! ahaha.! masokkk umahhh tros maen comp. ika kasi eykhhh. credit pahhh orgdaa blikan mknan. btol takk ika?HAHAH ! ika tgh webcam ngan dust.so i joined in.HAHA! dust was like . ZAFFFFF!!!! hahaha.! daa lamerr takk nmpk dust.! rindu sakkk ! den i online. webcam ngan alot of ppl. hahah ! besttt oii. ! ahaha.! atoi lagi best . ! muke masai gilerrr beb .! hahah .! klakarr ukhh.! yg lagi klakar ATIQAHH.! my ex classmate.! hahahahaha !!!!!! takk bolee tahan. ika jer yg tawu ekhh ika. ! hahah ! daa mlm went to esplanade alone. naekkk mrt bleyhh terkencet siol. lamerrr sgt .! ahaha . sleep for awhile. bilee bgon baru pat redhill. hahaha! iiishhhk ! so i nvr sleep laahhh . nakk dkat smpai pon. mrt was kosong man.! best. ! so i walked to esplanade alone. meeting my sis and frennns. haaha. den walkedddd pat near the laut situ kene kacau. siakksiakk. buat bodohh jeee lorhhhh. ignored the group of guyss. den continued walking smpai trjumpe dorg.yeahhhhh.! dennn dokkk pat situ till dunoe wadd time. den go marina square. jalan2 . behhhh go home.! took 502 from esplanade. wahhhh tiring man.! tdo dlm bus. tronn bus daaa 12.30am liaooww. balekkkkkk tdo .! haha ! ok done.
6036277543845159802 date: Thursday, January 1, 2009 time: 11:26 PM comments: 0
happy 2009 people. ! last dayy of 2008 went tuhhh SAKURA with family. daddy and sis dahhh dpt gaji katekan. hahaha. wooooh. ! makanan kat situ veryy the sedapppp man.HAHA. mommy took un-important videos. hahah.tpiee takkpaw. ! best juugakkk beb. eat smpai kenyang seyhhhh. dokk kaat situ from 6.45 to 9 i guess. lamerr ekhhh. ! tanakk rugi pehh pasal. HAHAH ! siakksiakkk. hmmm den balekkk naek 185. den toayyyyy ! 1st jan went tuhhh penninsular buyyy beg skolaaa. murahhh mahhh,! hahah ! den go makan pt komalas! pastu buyy kasot skolaa naer there.murahhh beb.19.90 jerr seyhhhh! HAHAHA! den walkedd tuh bugis buy dress and accesories. takkk dpt nakk beli long sleeve nyeee baju ukhhh. ! SHITSS.! ahaaha. long sleeve green daa takkdee seyhhhh.no stalk! iiishhkkk. ! tkkpee next timee den buy. den go tuhh aries buyy some rubber bandss pat jurong east. haha.pastu go popular beli pen and stuffs den go HOMEEEE ! prepare barang skolaa,onlinee den otp den SLEEP. ! hahah . ok byeee ! |
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[[ BABES AND DUDES ]] ♥IKAAAtwinny♥ ♥SHAFFF♥ ♥Fxza Kxtten♥ ♥ANNA ♥AZYAN ♥Diian ♥EenaShawty ♥FATIN HAZIRAH ♥FYZA ke ai ♥IZA ♥MICKIEEE ♥Miimye Sewel Nadiah ♥NANABARNEYYY Niselle ♥RHYNA ♥SHALEEN ♥TiraDARLS ♥ACAPcet ♥Acun ♥ADLI ♥Ahchai ♥Ahtoi ♥AIE ♥AIZATcantello an dumdum ATOI LISZT ♥AYUL ROMIE AZLAN AZZRUL ♥DANNY SANCHI ♥FAIZZIN FA RU KA Photography firdaus ♥FICKK H.A.F HAIQALpernicious ♥HAZIQstoint ♥HYRUDEbenben Superboy Haiqal Yusoff ♥IRWAN shah MIRZA ARIFFIN ♥REZ Yan Astro ♥YaNtOi ♥YAYAT SANCHI ♥ZHARIF |
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