Now everything is about me . :D

6999433230267005265 date: Saturday, February 28, 2009 time: 2:08 PM comments: 0
YESTEDAYYY finished skool at 12.30 ..mcm biasee straight awayy go home never singgah aniwhere. .
went home withh ika and suhaili . . dahhh reach bustoppp suhaili go different waysss. . left me and ikaa. . waitedd fo bus 185 lamerr sgt den ii take 99 lorhhh. 20minute journeyy. ika rmah dkat tanak jalan kaki . pemalas siowwwww. ! huakhuakkkk . . reachedd home do own stuffs and all . . ard 3.30 meet afiq nearrr my housee. . so wee lepakkkk2 . joke2 here and thereee . . ard 5.30 i set off from there. nakkk go meet shaf,aizat and fiza. haha. . . meet them near padang infront of supreme court ard 7 liddat.. den we go makan LONG JOHN at marina ! haha. .after eat walk2 pat situ den we meet farid, fiza ke aii , juni and iza . . teman them walk2 againnnn pat marinaa. . actually tkkde pape seyhh pat situu. btol tak btol? haha ! siaksiakkk .. afterr datt we goo lepakk behindd the john little theree . . near 7/11. . denn saww raidahhhh .! preety laaa shee. ! hotstuff siaowww dierrr. .haha. she sat withh us skejappp den she go withh her frenns. den den suddenlyy fiza kwn shaf talked about piercing needle.. asking about the sizee. .so i took out my 1.8 and 1.2 hollow pin lorhhh . . show herrr the diff ofhollow pin sizes. .she sayy she wann tuhh tindekk her beloww lipss there but she gt no studddd . den i piercedd for herr below lips on the left . but pkaii ear studdd jeekkk . .coss she mati2 wan tuhh tindek yest . .ahahahaha. so yeahhhhhh .! pierced for herrr. . muke daa mcm minahrepp siaoww shee. . haha .! pastuu ard 10+ walked frm thereee. . go home. ! huakhuakkkk . . todayyyy morning went tuhh levender . teman father reneww passport. . den went tuhhh beach road go mkn pastu jalan2 pat atass. alot of shopss haven open yet siaaa. ! . wee puseng2 alot of times. . nakk unggu kdai bukak nye pasal.. but takk open2.. den father bring me to tmpat thailand. .nearr opposite beach roadd. dat tmpat bleyy imagine pat thailand. . scaryy siaowwww. .dlm sumerr org thaland. haha! i buyy guitarr stringg pat situu . . huakhuakkk ! murahhh siaowwww. ! jalan2 thereee. .den go back to beach road drinkk waterrrr. . den go upp gain see wether the shopp daa bukak ke belommmm. . somee openn readyy. . soo daddy bought original everlast bag cost 35bucks.quite cheap laaaa for a branded bag. . ard 1+ kitee go homeee. . phewwwww ! laterr mlm goinggg bowlingggg. motherr nakk blanje siaoww ! huakhuak ! ok done bloggingggggggg .!
5916035843945006815 date: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 time: 10:36 PM comments: 0
datt GONGONG MATRREPPP sayyy my bloggg is deadddd liaowwww.. walaooooweii uuu nabeii tengteng. . dunnoe wadd tuhhh writeee laaa horrrr. . uuu jaga2 horrr wait till ii smackk urr keneng kehhhhh . ! daa laaaa idk waddd tuhhh writee liaowwww. kk golekkk.
3630747368679720256 date: Saturday, February 21, 2009 time: 8:24 PM comments: 0
hello PEEPS!! updating my bloggy yawwww . alot of stalkersss and spammers ahh nowadays.
huakhuakk .! yesterdayy me and shaf went to meet aizat at jurong east ard 4++ den went tuhh paya lebarr. dorg teman me go extent my hair again. haha. ! took bus tuhh bugis . . nmpk bnyk HOTEL 81 siaowwwww. ! siaksiakkkk . . we alight near sim lim and walkked to arab st . kitee go buy suji . . fav oikkkk ! lepak pat golden landmark and eat the suji. whoaaaaaaa ! ahahahah ! walked near tuhh bugis mrt near raffles hospital. . lepak2 near theree. . denn kitee jalann to meet ADLI nearr topshoppp. while walking skali kene tapped at the shouder. turned behind den got dis china woman from the model agencyyy talked to me. hahahaha ! mengarot siaowwwww. . alot of ppl daa prnh kene . kekek siaoow ! dennn goo find Adli near topshop there. . first time meeting himmm . . tinggi seyhhh dierrrr. . hahah ! den aizat and shaf seperatedd from us. dorg nakk gy date.hah ! adli teman me go find baju pat bugis. . bugis nye kdai bnyk tgh renovating siaa! mcm wth ! adli sayyyy he's goingg to open hiis own shop.datts whyy dorg tgh ranovating. ahah! nonsence. kitee puseng pehh pusenggg i didnt finddd shirt datt ii wantttt. . bcoss datt kdaii kene renovate laa siaowwww. ! geramm siakkk .! ard 8++ teman adli go eat nearr bugis there. . he ask me where to go after disss. .eitherrr town or pennin. . atferst planned nakk go town . piker2 balekkk mcm veryy far siaowww.! soo gy pennin jee laaa. . so we walkeddd tuhhh pennin . . jokee here and thereee. hahaha.! so kitee jalan2 pat pennin . buyy bag pat situ. pastu jalan2 pat marina. .pastu lepakkkk at esplanade. kitee talkk2 laa all the wayyyy . . fun fun. . den meet shaf and aizat pat esp jugakkkk . go home together.tron jurong east. hahah.! seperated from them.den go home.! adli sayyyyy he enjoysss going out withh meeee. . sooo yeahhhhhhh ! gudddd laaaaaaa. .haha! kuwaaa again aye tinggi.. . haha !
5604643833657907304 date: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 time: 8:43 PM comments: 0 ![]() fon connection got smtg wrong . dunnoe whetherr its mine or he's.. he saiddd its not he's . soo maybe its mine lorhhhh. huakhuakk ! ard 3++ am daa rase ngantokkkk . . ii listenn tuhh him talked but im halfwayy deadddd. . but im still listening. soo he told me to sleep. so yahhhhh . . put downn the fon den tros LANDING siaowwwww. . wake up at 5.55.. going tuhh 6. late liaowwwwww. supposed tuhh wake upp at 5.30 . . den mandyyy..siappp2..ard 6.40 kuwaaa rumahhhh . . reachedd skool at 7.20.. dennn mcm biaseeeee. . . sing national anthem..amekk pledge..bace buku..huakuakkk! den den sit for lessonsssss. BOREDDDD siaowwwww. . art jekkkk gerekkk. i drewww taj mahal forr my art .. haha! not datt niceee uhhhhhhhh.. kekek laaa siaowwwww. . ika didnt turn up for skool. boredd seyhhhhh. tkk bleyyy kecohh ngan kacau org samerr2. haha ! after skool got dis enrichment classs. every wedd aderrrrr. terpaksee go..nakk cabott tkkleyyy.. nnt bsokkmorning kene panggel. soo ade badi siket uhhh.ahaha ! gudddgerl mahhhhhhhhh ! den den reachedd home at 5.15 i guesssssss. so yahhhhhhhhhhh ! ok done blogginggggggg. hehe !
8165912015621981078 date: Sunday, February 15, 2009 time: 1:40 PM comments: 0
wake upp at 6.30 and go mandyyyy . siappp2 all .need to go tuhh temp int at 8. kene jual bungee laaa seyhhhh. . be FLOWERGIRL for one dayyy. hahah. met mimye infront of macdonal kecykk .den wait for kak linda at the entrance of tempines mall. .ard 8.20 we need to start workk liaoww. . approaching the GUYS tuhh buyy flower for their valentine. .its not an easy jobbb tawukkk. . but den got oso some ppl disturb2 laaaa. .hahaha. siakkks tolsss. ! still need tuhh talk to dem jugak waddd.left afewww of 25bicks flowers. .den kene stoppp dgn NEA. huakkhuakk.malu siowww. nasebb dat time kite tgh resting. .andd kak linda blomm go for lunch yet.if not we dunnoe wadd to do.den datt NEA talk to kak linda . me,tira and mimye mcm tkkde pape.kite masehh bleyhhh amekk2 gmbr and pose2 infront of datt NEA.denden kak lindaa suro kite angkat barang2 go wait for uncle ahmad to come. so we waited for him near the taxi stand. me,tira and mimi sat down and talk2. there's this guyy squating next to us was looking very smrt laaa. obviously he's waiting for he's valentine or waddd. beside him got dis expensive plastic beg and aderr flowerr terkuwaa from datt bag. mcm whoaaaaaaa. ! sweeet seyhhhh. ! butt he waited dunnoe for howw longgg ready the girl tk dtg2. mcm sedehhh seyhhhh .den he walk off. .awwwwww ! so saddddd. . denden mimmye follow us back to pasiris . aftrnoon kitee kuwaaa. ajakk shaf skali. so we walked to whitesands.took mrt to city hall. den toorchard.go fareast meet farid and aizat there. i dowan tuhh meeet dem . cos ade problem going on btwn me and farid. bfore they come . terjumpee nana,ahtoi,eena,haziq andd one of their frenn.tkktawu he's name uhh. misss nana alotttttt ! hurhur. ! den at fareast jugakk saww some familiar faces .! ahwat...degil ..danny chucky..kim..naqib and bby fee.. aizat and farid came afterr datt . .didnt talk to fariddd. i dunn dare to face him actually. jalan2 pat fareast den lepakk again... behind old chang kee . waited for ajibb .he sayy hattan tagged along. den farid and aizat nakk jalan dulu.. shaf nakk ekot dorg. bustedd sakkk my sis. den left me,tira and mimmye waiting for the due ekor.huakhuak.! den wawa came . took some picturess whilee waiting for ajib and hattan. den wawa go meet her date..so bilerr dorg daa smpai kite go jalan2 pat fareast . den lepakkk kat macdonald opposite farest.infront of kdai mango.i guess. . ajibbb blanjee kite gerlfyys ice creammm. thankyouuuu ajibbbb. ! denn ard 8++ jugakk kitee go cityhall.seperated withh ajibb and hattan. den we go . .meet nas kecyk , man and bai pat memorial hall.. denn lepakkk together pat esplanadee. otwww thereee terjumpee wanonehhh and muswayy and their frennnss. so theyy tegor mee. talk to dem for awhilee denn walk abit nmpk rez.!!!! OMG!! missss himmm damn ALOTTTT siaaaa ! hahaha.! terkejot seyhh nmpk dierrr.! ahahaha ! denden we continue walking carik tmpat dudokk. so we satt down and talkk2.. man and bai funnn laaa sweyyyyyy ! kekek seyhh. me and tira kacau man kekek siaa! hahah !fathul came after he send her gerlffy to cityhall. den ard 10 i send mimi to bridge there.she wanted to go home.. . otwww there ternmpkk amiraa and her boiffy.haha.. soo seperatedd withh mimi at the bridge there.when patahh balekk to the place. i was like fxcking SHOCKKKKKK siaoowwwww. aizat,shaf,yan and farid was there too. fariddd wasss drunk. omg.! shaf said he's drunkk bcos of me. . stupidddd laaaa.! he's likee keep falling when he's standing. .i noee he's hartbroken bcos of mee. but idk wadd i do.. seriouslyyyy. .not my fault . ! he shuddd think back wadd i've saidd too him afeww months ago.. den bilerr kitee nakk balekk infront of the padang there near the stage he pointeddd midddle finger ritee infront of my facee. . den i do to himback.but not middle finger . . den he maki2. i shout at himm .daaa gerammm nyee pasal eykhhh. . yan , shaf and tiraa stopped me from continuee arguing withh him.. so i stopped . denn otw in the dunnoe where towardds marina yan talkk to mee den faridd interupt. . yan ask me whether im ok or not.i wass likee very sadd fariddd likee disss. . den fariddd toldd yan not to ask me. i shoutedd at himmm .den me and faridd was like going tuhh fite liaowww. aizat go tahan my hand. den yan pull faridd backk. i noee im going tuhh lose him no matter wadd.he's stronger mahhhh/but wadd i caree?? i wass reallyrealllyyy sadddddddddd actually dattt until my hand want tuhh flyy to he's face.. but i tahann . . takk smpai hati seyhhhh. whilee walking towards peninn. faridd criedddd. . im heartbroken siaaa. watchinggg my bestiee cryyyy. i cant do anitinkkk . . haishhhhhhhh !!!! i need timee tuhh forgettt thingssss. . so yahhhhhhhhh ! to fariddd. . . faridd gy ingatt wadd zaff told u bforee laaa afewww monthhss backkk. u waited for me but i oredy saiidddd to uu. . don blame me if anitinkk goess wronggg. .i toldd u not to wait andd just to move on.i oni can accpt uu as myy bestieee. .i've oredyy triedd my best . i noeee itss harddddd .. but u MUSTTT listenn to meee. see wddddd happen nowwww .. ur heartbroken isnt it ??? im hearbroken too do u noee datttt ????im verryy veryy veryy sadddddd ! seee waddd happen yesterdayyyyyy . . datt wont happen if u listen tuhh me at the very ferstt . yest shuddd be funn dayyy . . but it turnn up worstttt . . even thoughh u've saidd sorry..i don tinkkk i cann forgetttt . its easy to forgive but not to forget. . i cannot blamee uu the whole thinggg for doing datttt.. i noeee im at fault somewheree. . there's alot of thingsss i wanna sayyy. .but i wont .. i'll tryy to do wadds best for bothhh of uss. .
6011393160933173742 date: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 time: 9:18 PM comments: 0
REACHED school at 7.25. . im not latee laaaa. the timing is just right. .
sit for 5min.. and sing the national anthem . need tuhh readd malayy newpaperrr todayy during silent reading. no interesting newwwwws in that berita harian . so just stared at the paper blankly. and sing any songs dat goes into my mindd. huahuaa. ! first period was ART. supposed to play with clayy . but the clay has expired. so teacher bring us to the back of the courtyard where the pond is. we sat infront of the pond and begin to draw picture dat we see from our vieww using one colour pencil. i chose red . dunnoe whyy laaaaa. . random colour! WOOOH ! hurhurr. ! den begin tuhh drawwww. draw and drawwww. den sketched and mixed withh other coloursss dennn it turned up oklaaaaa.my sis and dad says its nice.so nice lorhh! haha!! . my drawing need tuhh be improve laa actually. it sucks. AHAHA ! do art for 2hours.! best eykhhhhh. ! den after dat was maths lesson. boreddd . ! i excidentally slept when doing my correction. . sleepy uhh. .so lesson go on and on . . last period was assembly. ! performance wass great ! touching man ! about dis gerl who had suffered from bomb desease. sedehh sedehhh ! ... after skool have enrichment classs again. its diff from yest . everyweek ader enrichment due kali seyhhh. tiring man.! finished at 4.45.. reachedd home arddd 5++ laaaa. haiishhhh ! tiredd btol laaaaaa.. bsokk thusdayyyyy. 2nd last dayyy of the week tuhh go skool. ! HAHAHA ! yeayyyyyyy . but still maybe i need tuhh stayback. teacherrr force me go cca . mendakkkkk perhhhh ! from npcc igt tukar cca niyy bleyy relekkkk. mmg relek ukhhh..tpie dierr pehh MENDAKKK mcm nakkk quit jekkk ! hahaa. . nvr attend forrrr SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long. dunnoe for how many motnhss liaowww. ! so see how laaa bsokkkk . hmmm. so peeps.! dont take drugs.! ok LAME ! random laa ppl. ok donee. ! byeee. .
4088711780848320001 date: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 time: 9:33 PM comments: 0 ![]() 17 signs you like someone this is how u know u like/love someone SEVENTEEN:You look at their profile constantly. SIXTEEN:When you're on the phone with them late at night and they hang up, you still miss them even when it was just two minutes ago. FIFTEEN:You read their Texts and Ims Over and over again. FOURTEEN:You walk really slow when you're with them. THIRTEEN:You feel shy whenever they're around. ELEVEN:When you think about them, your heart beats faster but slower at the same time. TEN:You smile when you hear their voice. NINE:When you look at them, you can't see the other people around you, you just see him/her. EIGHT:You start listening to slow songs while thinking about them. SEVEN:They're all you think about. SIX:You get high just from their scent. FIVE:You realize you're always smiling when you're looking at them. FOUR:You would do anything for them, just to see them. THREE:While reading this, there was one person on your mind this whole time. TWO:You were so busy thinking about that person, you didnt notice number twelve was missing ONE:You just scrolled up to check & are now silently laughing at yourself.NOW MAKE A WISH. YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO......
6502120967033748025 date: time: 9:23 PM comments: 0
SWEET MESSAGE that i read from tagged !
guy handed his girlfriend 14 roses. 13 real. 1 fake. He said i'll love you until the last one dies.. She gladly accepted them. But when she grabbed them. She said "one of these is fake.." He said "exactly. that's because i will love you forever." If u post this on a bulletin in 5 minutes, someone you like will message or call you. ??????????????????? If you dont you will have 5 years of bad luck.. repost with the title:13+1=14 . .
8363827310820567634 date: time: 6:46 PM comments: 0
updating yawwww. . notink interesting really happen todayyy in skool . was really boredddd .
reached skool at 7.25. ms teh talked tuhh me bout my attendance for my cca. i did not attend my cca for so long liaowwww. ! cca mendakkk siaowww. ! when she talked tuh me, i keep walking.. avoiding her to talk moree. skali she caought my second and third hole on my ear. she sayyyy.. cher : zafirah ! u better take out ur second and third ear ring on ur ear. me : yaya . . cher : u better take it out now. me : later i take out kehhh now going to take flag raising liaow . cher : i dowan tuh see it again . understand anot. me : mmmm. .. huahuaa ! so unlucky. . but who cares. haha ! den todayyyy took maths and bio test. lucky chemistry test was posponed . if not my headdd meletopp man . after skool got dis enrichment class. start at 2.30. but me , ika and shaleen sit pat canteen and talk2 smpai kul 3. mmg sengaje lambt2 kan. enrichment mepek seyhhh. . so yahhhh. entered classs sit down and listen tuhh teacherr. den do own speech for my own topic about PARENTS GIVING TOO MUCH FREEDOM. huahua !! topic mendak uhhh. notink tuhh write mahhhh . . den give presentation infront of class. . ard 4.30 go homeee. . reached home at 5+.. boredddddd siaowwwww. !! okeyhhhhhokeyhh . . valentines dayy coming yawwwwww. . kawan2 go find ur partnerr quick .! ikelspade ! go find ur partner at zoo kehhhh ?! or at jungle. . HAHAHA ! siakksiakkkk . berok berok . . tsk3. . skooling dayss are boreddd man.! dahhh less kuwaa withh kawan2. haiishhhh ! very the laen laaaaaa. boredd seyhhhhh! masehhh in a holidayy mood siaaa ! aiiyooo thambi . . about my love lifeee . . been dunnoe how many months i've been single. . so yahhhhhhhh. i've got no feelings of jelousy when i sawww coupless togetherrr. . hurhurrrr. ! tuhhh certain guysss out thereee. .i dowan tuh sayy the name..i wanna sayyyyy sorry if i got hurt ur feelingsss or waddd if ur waiting for me too long. . i've known u for 1yearr liaowwww. ! and wee still closee u see. ! andd too ----- and ----- datt been waiting for monthss. im sorry jugakkkk ! its just dattt ur all special andd i think its better tuhh stayyy as friendshipppp. yeahhhhhh . ?? its not dattt ur not the type of guyyy im finding . but i thinkk datt im not suitable for u.. andd i didnt thinkk datt im giving high hopes to u all riteeee. ?? haiiyoooooo .. okokkkk. going out liaowwwwww. ! soooo takecareee yawwwww. !!! huahuaaaaaa .!seee all of u soonnnn ayee. !
7628154205775073761 date: Sunday, February 8, 2009 time: 11:16 PM comments: 0 comment?
2565295926982804903 date: time: 11:03 PM comments: 0
wake up 7.30 in the morning need to follow family go somewhere. .
tira tagged along too. . ard 11 we went tuh eat breakfast at taman jurong . denafternoon go haogang for awhile . tira need tuh take some stuffs from herr kwn nyee house. den my family send tira home. after dat my family went tuh bedok tuhh visit my grandfather . dpt 10bucks oi. atokk kasi..atleast smtg oieeee... huahuaaa ! bsokkk start skool again as per normal for 5 dayss . haiishhh ! need tuhh save moneyyy nakk beli some stuffs and piercings. ohhyaaaa. just pierced my ear again . hahah. its just a ear. so notinkk laaa kan . ok laaaaaaaaa. daddy's waiting for me tuhh shutdown comp liaowwwww. ! and and i miss someone dat i just knowwwww. . haha.ok done. byeee !
5679495587130266904 date: Saturday, February 7, 2009 time: 4:10 PM comments: 0
hahaha.! yesterdayy went out withh nana,ahtoi,ikelspade(BEROK),bull,shaf and lagi2.. met farid and aizat at jurong east. met ahtoi pat jurong east jugak but dlm train.hurhur. we reacheddd vivo ard 5 plussss. siang oie...! si ikel ngn bull LAMBAT ! haha ! go KFC makan.! sumer tgh lapaa blom mkn.. huahua ! after datt go lepakk . lin and akid buy for nana bday cake. ahtoi, bull ngan akid sabo nana rabakkk seyyhhhhh ! rambot pon kene seyhhhhh ! iishhhk ! nana binget jekkkk . ikel tk bersalahhh pon kene! hahaa !!! kesian ikel . . dorg ckp muke nana kene cake mcm chuckie. busteddd sakkkkk ! HAHA ! i go help nana clean her hair bfore amek acap pat tangge. kesian nana. terpakse pkai air yg kat situ nyeee. . nana malas nakk gy toilet. aahahah ! her hair smells CAKE ! hhaha . stiff seyyyy ! den walk pat skygarden rmai2. nana kene simbah ngan air seyyyy ! kesiann sakkkk ! HAHA ! den ard 10+ kite balekk. took train home with them. . haha ! TODAYY was supposed to meet ika teman her buy for her abg nye bdae present.den meet ajibbb.kuwaa withh him for awhile.dahh lamerr takkk nmpkk dieerr seyhhhh. den baru meet ahtoi and frenns pat bugis. but plan takk jadi. something happened. . TOO BADDDD ! next time dennnnn . . hahahah .
240599739665078781 date: Friday, February 6, 2009 time: 2:21 PM comments: 0
LAST day at ITE bukit batok wass abit boredddd. reached there go to canteen and sit down.
dee took ALOT of photo's using her DSLR camera. the camera datt i want from last timeee ! . hmm. so nvm .haha ! to DEE ! dont forget tuhh send me all the pictures kehh sweets. time to assemble..we walk to briefing room. saw arepp,yan and shidah otw there. whoaaa .! ITE seyyy! weeweeeeet ! siaksiakkk . reached dat room ...teacher give some briefing about wadd were going to do later on..so we proceed to one room dunnoe wadd ukhhh. my group doing 'MAGIC'..hahaha. ! its a moving car. we need to make the car turn to the correct way in a maze. susahh laaa oit. hahaha. ! but we do half way. . okoklaaaa. continue next time. late liaowww. ! want go siapp readyy.HAA !
95367151414963762 date: Thursday, February 5, 2009 time: 6:59 PM comments: 0 ![]() My class and ika's class went tuhh ITE bukit batok just nowww .todayy is the last day for ika's class and my class first dayy going tuh ITE bb. was really scareddd and excited. .nervous oik .! we took bus from school to ITE. when we reached there my heartbeat was like really fast. saw a few ITE students came in to school . we was likee cheyh bdk ITE seyhh. kite masokk skola dorang seyh ! HAHAH ! den we need to queue up in two lines. was so embarrassing actually. but we doesn't really walk in two lines lahhhh. who want go follow the instruction. haha ! almost all the students there was looking at us. all of us lagi2 the guys step baekkk jekkk .! huahuahua ! went into the lecturer room and they give some talks about ITE. he doesnt really explain . he was just reading the words from the screen. as if we doesnt know how to read. aiyooo. ! all of us were simply talking with each other and the lecturer was like talking to himself bcos nobody listens. its really pretty obvious dat we are not listening. but he stills continue..when 9.40 ready den Santosh interupt the lecturer... him : cher ! 9.40 ready. break time. ! lecturer : huh?break time readyy ahhh? ok lorh.line up outside.we continue later after break hor. den we didint line up. we took one packet of milo each den walk off to the canteen. heartbeat moving fast.. haha ! ITE students that was at the canteen was looking at us. seram ukhhh. ! but we dont care luhhhh . do our own stuffs as per usual. but still got some disturbance . but i dun reply to their questions or wadd lahhh. haha ! after break we do some stuffs . was really boreddd. den 1hr30min break again.. kene kacau agy. tapi dont care lorhhhh. never entertain them. after dat third break we switch activities. we do some interesting stufffss . cool oi. haha ! put my name and lily's name on it. whoaaaa. ! haha ! till 4.30 den we sat off from there. took diff bus to pioneer sec back. me and suhaili sat infront. just behind the bus driver. kite KARAOKE lagu mlayu oi .! bus kecohhhh gylerrrr ! fun laaa. ! hopefully bsok took dat same bus again. haha ! go home witihh zul .took 185 back. zul takk abe2 dari pagy ckp eykhhh zaff nnt balek ngan aku eykh. ! haha ! irritating oi bdk niy.HAHA ! behh otw home he takk abes2 say "we are the mods ! " .. kpale hotakk dierr lahh ! HAHHA ! siaksiakkkk. ok done updating. ! haha !
8423118046129286137 date: Wednesday, February 4, 2009 time: 5:40 PM comments: 0
i was supposed to wake up at 5.30 in the morning so i will have alot of time siap-ing bfore going to skool. my fon alarm clock kept ringing and vibrating alot of times but i dont relised till my fon vibrate and hit my ear. haha .! wake up..look at the time it was already 5.45.
so i will have lesser time siap-ing. go out at 6.40 . i took bus ard 6.55. alight at 7.15.hahaa ! ( time tak perlu sia sumer) HAHAHA ! for ur info jeee laa kan. ahaha .! den terserempak ngan azmi. so went to school with him. atfirst he was like lookin at me den laugh. so i look at him and ask why. he sayy notinkkk he's just sleepy. HAHAHA. ! no link siaa azmi .! nakk start convo must ktawe first eykhhh. . i ask him whether he lock his hp pat locker or not den he ask me back . ahaha .! kekek ukhhhh. so we naekk tuhh class together lorhhh. pastu seperate at level 3. haha .! ok done blogging. bsokk and friday going tuhhh ite bukit batok. ahaha .! ohhyaaa.! i want tuhhh pasang extentions agy ukhhh. dahh dropp 5 strands seyyyy .! iishhhk.! and and nakk cut hair ukhhh . kedai snip avenue standby ukhhh. ! ahahaha. okok byeee, !
7125477336361516577 date: Sunday, February 1, 2009 time: 2:26 PM comments: 0 comment?
5405030141210703678 date: time: 1:34 PM comments: 0 ![]() SATURDAYYY NIGHT on 31 january was FUNN laaaa oii. very the kecoh-rable laaa. thanksss eykhhh korang. appreciate it lotsss for the effort .! lagi-lagi fariddddd and faizzin jugak. !!!!! THANKYOU VERY MUCHH eykhhh to farid sistahhh lurpp ku. hahaha !! i was at home tgh siapp-ing nakkk go outttt. afterr siapp i askk sis.. me : kak ! jom kuwaaa . sis : huh??!!! nnt laaaa japp agi . me : dahh lmbat tawu takkk .! sis: japp agi ukhhh. ! sis ajakk gy kadai bawahhh. i tot it was for real. i wonderr why shee bawakk kotakk tissue skali. i ask herrr den she sayy takkde pape. saje2 jerrr. aiyooooo ! ahaha. daa tronn bawaa block nmpk farid ngan faizzin . punyee laaa shockkkk ! hahaha. faizzin tgh light kan candle pat cake brownieee. whoaaaaa. !!!! my fav cake siaaa browniee. fuyoooo ! after cutting the cake farid took out present for me. PUNYEE LAAA LAGI SHOCKK .! present mahal siaaaa .! kasot vans .! iiishhk.! and it cost 99 bucks. haha! THANKYOUU eykhh faridddd. ! seriouslyyyyy. !!!! thanyou very muchhhh !!!! toucheeddd man by their effort. kite makan cake brownie pat bawa blokk. padehal daa lmbt siaaa. we still can sit bawa blk and makan cake. haha ! so we quickly naekk. put present kat umahh . letakk cake dlm fridge. amek bag den kuwaaa. haha. took bus 334 to jurong east den took mrt . skali terserempak ngan syawal.arep ngan palat . haha.talked to dem for awhilee.. kite tron kat raffles nakk go orchard. meet all of our frenns at fareast . firdaus was withhh akid,matey akid, lina,meera,nana,wany,lin,mateyy firdaus,wany ,kwn guy dierr,lagy sape eykhhhh..i think i missed someone's name..neymind. den i was withh farid,faizzin,yan,anis,shaf,fyza,juni,udi,udi nye kwn 2 org,aizat,adek fyza, and takktawu sape lagi. ade lagy ukh i misss. sorry to the one i didn't mention.lupee laaa. we walked tuhh cinyleasure jumpe bull ngan ikelspade. walked from there to cityhall. tgk chingey for awhileee. firdaus ngan member dierr gi marina slope dulu. so kite stay pat chingey skejapp. pastu kan.! sumer dahh tgh kehausan behh nmpkk org jual2 air kat tepi2 so we all beli air. haa ! amekk some gmbr together after dat.kite meet ahtoi and frenns pat slopee .dpt tawu lin buyy for me oreo cake.aww!thankyou..!!! we were seperated agian after dat. ahtoi's group wanted to go to merlion first.bcos shaf,farid and faiizin need to settle some problems lambat sgt. but ikel stayed behindddd.AWWWW ! terkejot jugakkk seyyyy ikel nakk stayyy behind tinggalkan member dierr..! whoaaa. ! took afeww pictures withh him. tunggu shaf lamer sgt den shaf suro kite go first meet ahtoi and frenns. so me and ikel jalan tuhh merlion lorhhh. kite talk2 otw there. takk abes2 panggel org badot taw si matrep niyy.walaowei.haha ! ahtoi called me . den i pass my fon tuhh ikel. the weird thing dat happened eykhh is datt ahtoi's voice can be heard loud on the phone tpie ikel can sayyy he cannot hear ahtoi's voice clearly.haah! funny laa he. ! den kitee lepakk pat merlion. walked to laopasat . haahah. lepakk japppp with ahtoi and frenns den meet shaf pat clarq quey. lepakkk2 jap den go home. THANKYOU eykhh korang.! |
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4 November 2011 Atlast remembered my blogger passw... Random shits - Nurul Zafirah Bte Norhadi My model shoot - Sheikh Muhammad Syafiq c: 28 October 2011 2 September 2011 Friday Night, i lazy to write an... 1st September 2011 Today is the third day of raya... 29 August 2011 A day before Aidilfitri c: Went to... 14 August 2011Went to Japanese Garden to take some... 13 August 2011Went to Geylang with family. Bought ... |
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