Now everything is about me . :D

4647849557719015788 date: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 time: 4:28 PM comments: 0 ![]() my blog is sick . . haha ! cheyhhh .! im the one who is sick actually..thats why didnt update yesterday . hurhurrrr . . ii was shiverring when ii woke up on tuesday. dunnoe waddd medicine ii take .. teacher called mom.she say she wann MC..so ii need to go to polyclinic alone . mom didnt get to go with me cos she was taking care of bby danish.. in the bus to polyclinic ii felt like vomitting but ii just terpakse tahan. . lucky 2 stopps jekk . .datt boonlay primary boy makes me want to vomit. talk to each other shout2 at my ear! walau ! so after ii alight from my bus ii go take number laa den wait for my turn. . ok my no. was 2496..haha ! den bilerr my no. like coming ii felt like vomiiting siaa. ! mcm siaaaak ! so keep tahan and tahan. dunnoe how many times ii tahan laa . . haishhhhh .! ok so proceed to level two den wait again to see doctor. . balblabla..get mc for 1 day jekk .! pffffft ! ok sempat vomit when waiting for my medicine. . whooo~! atlast . . ok den blablablaa .. tungggu bus naaak balek. . miss the bus cos ii go muntah dulu at the drain . . huakhuak ! so wait for other onee. . reached homee ..RESSSST ! yesterday no mood to eat . .so at night just drink HL milk.. mother bought for me. ! after drink milk den tertido paat sofa. . wake up jekk daa abit okeyy. so msged dearest .. he havent sleeep . .so we msg2 lorhh .! he top up lioawww ! whooo~!! aahahaha ! todayyy oso taaak gy skolaaa. ! cos feeel kinda dizzy and feel like vomitting. . so nvr go skool lorhh . . msged faizul .. he oso didnt go skool from yesterday. . hahaha. . saket laaa kaaaan . den he ask me why ii nvr ajak him to teman me go poly yesterday. lols. ! bcoss faizul. kaw pon saket ! tkkn naak suro kaw teman aku kaaan .! haha . . at home very the mendaaaaak . . headache still blom ilang fron just nowww. need to go out uhhh ii think. . hurhurrrr. ! okeyy laaa... malas naaak type panjang2. haha ! kk go ! thakyou mother for taking care of me. ! ii miss my kawan2 ..ii misss ika MORE. ! she called me just to say she miss me. ! awwwww. ! sweeet kaaan . . aahaha..kk jumpe kaww bsokk kehh ika. ! wheee.~ bsok suhaili coming to my house. do the e-learning thing.. no need to go skool oie bsokk. ! hahaha ! beeeeessssst. ! den petang got sports day..faizul want to go with me.. so yeahh. ok golek .! jumpe kaw bsok paat bustop kkeh .! byee. ! and and dearest .! whooo~! hello ! ur blog is deadd. ! GONJENGAN .! aahaha ! kk go byee ! anintk beeep ! ![]()
6855533640283392761 date: Monday, April 27, 2009 time: 6:07 PM comments: 0
okeyy helloeewhelloww bby. !
its gonna be a long post since ii havent update for two days. hurhurrrr. ! so care to readddd. ? make urself free first .! cos its gonna takee a LONGGG time.. HAHA. ! k go ! LOL ! ![]() ![]() mother bought for us muffin with that ring on top..cute kaan ! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() HAHAHA ! zaff jadi hantu .! spot me. ! ![]() fiza and shaf bdae cake ! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() to those yg gmbr taakde paat sini..sorry hor.! bz uhh naak amek2 gmbr.haha ! my weekend was absolutely happening beybeh .! haddd a really great time with my peeps. . on SATURDAY . . had a bbq at eastcoast..celebrating shaf and fiza's birthdayy together. .aizat kept secret with me,junie and faiizin. .but we three dunnoe that we know the secret . .sumer stepp dunnoe jekk pat each other..aizat wanted to gave shaf a BIG surprise. . he told shaf that he's not coming but tibe2 he muncol with the BIG cake. .sweeet kaaaan .! hahaha. ! and thanks aizat for making shaf happy and and uu did listen to my advice. awwww ! hahaaa. .okok . .start the bbq ard 6++ . .first2 ayam hangosss and tak masaaak ! ahahaha. ! kechooo2.. mom cook pasta. ! sodaaap. ! thankyou mom for ur effort. iloveyou ! =) den kawan2 maken rmai..WHOOO~kechooo .! kk serious talking ..got this guy khairi the so called gentlemen and kong guyyy very the rajen siaa.! thanksss hor khairi for the help..he bbq the foood smpai late night seyhhh ! mcm whoaaaa ! aha ! ey korg ! sape2 got he's contact say thankyou to him hor. ! hahaa. den den dearest came with bull .rinduuuuuuu ! happy seyhhh nampaaak dearest. ! daaa more than 3weeks taaak nampak dier ! so ajakk them go mkn..talk2 withh themm..ii was abit bz laaaa need to find ppl buat air laa tuh laa niy laaa..but still get to spend time withh dearest.!hurhur..kkehhh den the SABO-ing part wass fun fun.! we gathered ard the table to cut the cake and wait for the candle to light up..but the api keep terpadam..me and tira da taak sabaa naak sabo shaf and fiza..den biler shaf naak bloww behh api terpadam again den ii pour water on shaf's head..tiraa oso put colgate on her head and baju.. beh shaf lari like stopp2 asyik terpijaakk dierr nyee slipeer .haha.! sempat throww bedakk on her face and shirt..shaf was like chasing ppl ard to kene kaaan balekkk ..so after awhile..shaf daa kotor gylerr den we sang for her bdae song..lepass cut the cakee kene saboo lagi..its like most of us paaat situ kenee kejaa ngan shaf..hahaa ! klakar uhhhhh..kechoo siollssss...sumer kene cake..hahaa!!! kekek uh.! after the whole thingggg they do their stuffs lurhh.so talk2 withh dearest and bull..they went off dunnoe wadd time..LUPE.!but ii dun have stm oke ! lols! took gambar withh dearest..tgh masai but neymind laaa.amekk gmbr ngan dearest skali skale seyh..!so duncare..hurhur..after he went home talked with wantan and ong.!! ohhyaa forgot tuh mention them earlierr.! MISS KORG BANYAAAK2 siolssss. ! hhhaa.they very the kechorable la seyh! hahaha..see laa my story very longg. takkpe luhh ii end it hear.. so went off at 4 ..took taxi home..reached home ard 4:30am bath and SLEEEP.! lenyaak seyh tido.! azmi's pit was just beside...coincidence.!hahaa..ok go! thanks alot to.. fiza,junie,farid,iza,nyemi,faiizin,fxza,shaf,khairi,ayip for helpinggg..! and thankyou the rest for comingggg..love korg bnyk2 hor. ! LOLS.! picture will update soon..not nowww. okeyyy finishh bout saturdayyy... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() SUNDAYYY ! got a wake up call from superboy hyrude benben ..den followed by lufi..ard 10:30am liddat..telling wadd time to meet and stuffsss..so bgonnn and mandi den siaaap.! lufi was late by 8mins.! lambat mcm pompaaan.!so we bouce back to joo koon to cityhall..met hyrude and frenns near pennin theree..so yeahhhh walk to art housee..the gig start at 2..first band was quite dissapointing..haha..but takpe korg.! uu did ur best! whooo~! kkehh after that was devout recitals. hyrude,aizat joyjoy and frenns nye turn..joyjoy kesian seyh! the guitar last min rosakkkk..no sound coming outt..sedeyy seyhh..muke bingett sakkk joyjoyy..but takkpeee..their band really attract the mostt..nice one..! ii loikeeee.! hahaha ! thanks hyrude for the company..hahahaa..winstband pon perform laa seyhhh..ahaa! wow.! nicee voiceee... kkehhhh..it end ard 6++..so right after it end ii rushed home..mom keep calling me..so yeahhh..fareez was there.he tegor me..ok its been a long time ii saw him..ahaha.. ok bblablablaaaa reached home kul 7++...fast ritee.! ii noeee...hahaha.! didnt get to lepakk with hyrude and kwn2 ..sorry hor..next time kkehhh! hahaaa..and and hyrudee.! beeeesssssssstttt ! haahaha!! ok go . ! ok ppl done updating abt my weekendssss...kechooo kaaaaaann..niyyy not in detailss laaa.. hahahaa...if not my post will be very very veryyyyy longggg..hahaha.. okok now MONDAYYYY ! didnt go skool with ikaa cos ii missed the 185 bus..so yeahhh next bus was 99...klaw naak tunggu 185 conperm lambat! hahaa..so took 99 to skoool..sempat tido jaaaap.! standard..jaouhh mahhh . teacher bnyk taak dtg..enjoyyyy. ! hahahaa. .oni had PE and LIT lesson for the whole dayy.last lesson talk otp withh dearestt..haha...ohhyaaaa..after skool just now got maths extra classs..its optional but ii choose to go ..important . cannot play2 readyy.. hahaha..after that ..go home withh faizul and syafiq..baekkk korg eyy naak teman aku.! haha.. ok reached home do own stuffss den kuwaaaa go jurong east..extent my consession..haha ! after that went tuhh snip evenuee..den blablablaaa.reach home update blog..and nowww.! nakk kuwaa teman sis go makaaaan ! hahaha. kesian dierr lapaaaaa...tgh twaiting for me finishh updating myy bloggggg..and tgh sengajee lame2 kaaann..and typee bende yg takkk perlu niyyy..HAHAH ! kk laaaahhhh ! kesian uhh dierrr. byee ppl..!! gmbr will update soon kkehh ! hahahaa... okeyyy peeepss.tc oteyyy! dearessstt ponnnn ! ahahaha ! GONJENGAN! hhahaha !!!! ok golekkk .! BYEEE! chiaowwwwsssssssss !
3503773658594142589 date: Friday, April 24, 2009 time: 6:31 PM comments: 0
daaat dearest matrep gunduhead of mine bustedddddd siaaa. disturbb me onie. . RAAAABAAAAAK seyhhhhh .! ok reyyy ! uu forgot tuhh gimmi sweeeet ! hahaha. . takkpe2..mondayy oteyyy . . was bored the whole day . . beginning tuhh concentrate during MATHS lesson. . teacher going thru the important subjects ready for exams.. . so yeaahhhh . .starting to make notes for maths. . and now ii love maths homework .! going to stayback next week to ask teacher to teach me about gradient and stuffs. didnt really get it actually. . about fractional equation and solve the dunnoe waddd . . . the stepps are looong but it oni give out 2marks for it. like HUHH ! WTH ?! and the stepps are half mark each. . omg omg. . difficult maths question for us is the easiest question in the exam paper. . thats whatt my teacher sayyy . . and its gonnaaa be very hard for us. ! GOOODLUCK PPL . .! ii had so much fun during PE lesson. . the boys doing the NAFA stationss like sit ups , pull ups and sit and reach . . funny faces and different expressions from the boys make me and my gurlfrenns luff like hell. . during english lesson was bored. . that teacher love being sarcastic to the students. . . kesian nazrin..baru bbl ngan cikgu daa kene shuddup. . HAHAHA ! boooo. ! for 2days lioawww balekk naek bus sorang.! sedeyy ! ika uhh niyy bustedddd. . balekk tanaak bilang . . hahaha. ! todayyy she go yewteee jumpe fir. . so taaakpe luhhhh. . hahaha. ! saw syafiq again otw home from school . . its like every friday terserempak ngan dierrr. . hahaa. ! go smayang jumaat mahhh he . . whoaaaa. ! guddboi. .daa 20years old ready seyh . . eyy ? agknye laa tuhhhh. . lols. ! later going sheng siong buy stuffs for tmrw. shaf .! standby baju extra okeyy love. ? aahaha ! siaksiakkk .! eating pat kfc jaap agy. whooo~! daa lamer taakk mkn pat kfc siolsss. . paat taman jurong. hurhur .! saddd ! daddy wasnt ard with us. . we didnt get to celebrate sis and moms coming bdae and anniversary with dad. .. but we'll celebrate after he came back.. lamer lagi tuhhhh ! ahahaha ! but hopefully things will go on quickly laa hor. cant wait to finish my exam. ! ahaha ! june holiday taak saba naak enjoy. . but noww concentrate first . .! cant wait for 2 february 2010. .. HAHAHA ! will be my sweet sixteen beybehh ! but lamerrr lagy laaaa. HAHA ! LOLS. ! talk with dearest ku syg yesterday smpai daaa nantokkk . . and until ii talk crapp . HAHAHA ! he talk talk den ii like suddenly topic laen terkuwaa siaa. ! dunnoe howw come eyyy . . lucky dearest taaak dgr sgt. he talking abt smtg den somehow ii talked abt art . daa kemarok art uhh agknyee. ! HAHAHA ! bustedd sia dearest . . he lufff like hell siolssss. ! beyy gy letaaak pat blog. ! HAHAHA ! busteddd siolsssss. . ade pegy ade balekk uhh eyy kirekan .? lasttime ii luff at uu now ur turn uhh niyy ? HAHAA ! siaksiakkkk ! chibong tols. ! hurhurrr ! see uu real real real soon ! ii want tuh change my blogskin . . but dunnoe howwww. . HAHAHAHA ! siaksiakkkkk . . ! and sis. ! its great to see uu and aizat being togther again . hurhur .! da smlm throw anger on me biler naak tido . . rabaaak siaaa. ! =( *sedeyy oie. !* hahaa. . ok byeeee peoplee and dearest ku syg . . ahaha ! takecare hor. !
4313169967134529341 date: Thursday, April 23, 2009 time: 8:30 PM comments: 0
2nd post of the day !
TALK ABOUT PPL .! hurhurrrr ! ![]() Happy birthday to uu shaf syg. ! its been fifteen years i've been by ur side and will always do. ii always want uu tuhh be happy in ur life. . uu noe im the one who always will give uu all my support in everything uu do. ii always will love uu as my sister. . share with me if uu have any prob. . i'll always be there for uu aye. =) happy 17th bdae. ! ily sis. ! ![]() okeyyy diss guy here makes my day alive .! he very kechooo laa seyhh . kaww gerekkkk oie. ! REYYY ! aku naaak sweeet caaan ? yg heartshape punyeee. ! hahahaah ! WHOOOO~! ![]() okk ini dearest kaaan yg zaff syg naaak stepp manerr nyee guddboii jekk taw. ! pfffft ! HAHAHAH ! ok rindu dierrrr ALOTTTTT. wo hen siang niyyyy eyyyyy . . kitee banyaak nickname eyy dearest .! hahaha ! until ii dunnoe which one tuhh call uu siaaa. . klaww list down eyy pnjang siaa. ! but first nickname kekal uhh eyy.GONJOL ! ![]() ikaaaa. ! aku syg kawww banyaak2 ! hahaha. notinkk muchhh .! bsokk jumpe mcm biase.. hahaa ! okok another guyyyy SYAFI ! ii dunn have his photo .! booo ! sedeyyyyy ! one thing bt that guyy .! always call me SOMBONG.! im not okeyyyy . . kaw tuhh daa sombong ngan aku.. daa taak jiwe lagy. pffffft ! ahahahaa . ! OK GOLEKKKKK ! BYEEEEEE. !
1837325696607425152 date: time: 5:33 PM comments: 0
ART was great. .ii manage to finished my art first . .alot of art piece eyy. pelan2 kayohhh eyy korg . . HAHAHA ! cheyhh taaklaaa. . come on guysss uu can do it. ! dunn give up. . ! hahaha. cheyh .! daritdy sia zaff kasi the same old motivation . got praised by art teacher..woooo~! she askkk meee... cher : uu finish ready uhhhh ? me : yaa cher. .ii finish liaowww..WHOOO~! cher: whoaa uu guddgerl uhh. very fast . me : now den uu noe uhh ii guddgerl. ? cher : yalaaaa. ! now den teacher noe how guddgerl am ii . . HAHA ! baekk perhhh . .siaksiakkk ! ok noww for sis. . ii noeee noww u're stress about alot of stuffsss. . schools .. frensss. .upcoming events and relationships . . no matter wadddd i'll be by ur side ok sis. . ii dowant ur bdae to be saddd and stressful for uu.. so i'll try my very best tuhh be on ur side awritee sis. ? about ur relationship. . its not totally ur fault or he's fault that both of uu are in this position . . ego kuat . . both of uu told me that u guys give in at each other and ur both sick and tired of all this and cant stand at each other animore. . both of uu have the same feelingsss.. uu noee whyy . .?? korg love to revenge. .thats whyyyy . .am ii ritee to say that . ? both of ur revenge that will make the unreasonable fights. . then the word break up will be one of ur suggesstionss . . like nowwwwww. . uu all go think back urself laa kkehhhh . . and try tuhh change for the better awritesss.. this situation same goes to my kawan2 okeyyy . nowadays ii noticed that alot of breakups going on. . tsk3...so those who are having relationships nowww try to last long aye.! ikaaa. ! ii noee sometimes uu feel like breaking upp with ur boiffy. . ok thatss wadd uu told me. .try to hang on awriteee. . soon he'll change he's attitude . just wait oteyyy ? uu noee i'll be there for uu ikaa bby. .! ii adore cool relationshipsss yawww. ! not the time for relationshipss yett . . scareddd of having problemss likee waddd my kawan2 and sister are facing. its likee ppl sayyy . . it took a looooong time to noe and understand a person well. . am ii ritee ? hurhurrrrr. !! long post huh. ? okok dearesttttttt takecaree oteyyy ! lepaak jekkk . .tsk3. okeyyyy2 done my post . . so yeahhhh. takecare okeyy syg2 kushhh and dearest matreep ku ! hurhurrrr. . chiaowwwwwwwwwwww !
1063849101956780552 date: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 time: 6:43 PM comments: 0
ay beybehhhh !
Cuzzie going to sleep at my house for 2dayss. yeay .! got teman.! hurhurrr. .sis go qweensway todayyy . . with fiza and lin.. ii guessss. . datts wadd she told me. . quite worried abt the bbq pit. . HAHA ! kesian uhh tgok shaf. stress here and there.. bukannye naak settle all the important stuffs first tawww. . haiiyooo niyy shaf eyyy . . not organized siaaaaa. . if father was ard conferm he'll help for suree. . hurhurrrr. ! sat will be NAZRIN's bdae..he invited me to he's bbq pit jugaaak . . on the same dayy. same place ..but diff area... hurhurrrr. . see if im free den ii come laa hor,. ! ika came to my house again todayyyy ! ![]() ![]() ![]() she accompany me at home. ! WHOOO~! thanks alot ika. ! sayang kawwwww. ! she set offf from here 6:30 pm . . and and nowww im ALONE. ! whoooo ~! scary .. waiting for my cuzzie to get back . . lambat naaaah ! hurhurrrrr, , okok zulhelpme taik gave me this cool question. . 1kg of gold and 1kg of copper... which one is heavier... ???? come come guesssssss. ! HAHAHAH ! siaksiakkkk . . WHOAAA dearest happy sehyyy todayyyyyy . . hurhurrr. . matreppppp.. tsk3.. ade hal here and there..aiyoo ! bilerr eyy uu naaak get out from ur baju . . iishhk .! hahaha. .hopefully soon laa eyyyy .! hurhurrrr. . i'll be waiting uu tuhh be kuai2 de. . LOLS. ! ii missss uuuuu siaa ! rindu rindu rinduuuuuuu ! see uu real sooon okeyyyyy dear. uuu .! taak sweet mcm gule2 pon .! hahaha. ! ika. ! aku takkde twiin baru okeyyy ! kaww one and only twinny aku adee . WHOOOO~ ilyt ika bby ! okok takecareee dudes&dudettes and and my lovely ikel. ! hahaha. . =)
6905745342569748224 date: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 time: 6:00 PM comments: 0 ![]() ![]() ![]() HOOOOOOOOO ! was raining heavily otw to school .. met ika near the bustoppppp where ii get down from my bus. . so we went tuhh macdonalds for awhilee. .sat there while waiting for the rain tuhh lessen down.. ujann lebatt gyler seyhhh. . so 7.25 liddat we set off from there..took out our umbrellaass . . ika happy seyhh kite pkai payong..gylerr saakk .! ktawe ktawee. ! pkai payong pon kekek perhh ikaa .ahahaha !!siaksiakkkk . . teacher didnt ask for my MC..whooo~! hahahah ! tdy got malay oral. .pasaaal BAPOKKK . .kekek siolsssss. .cooolshyt uhhh . . schools was boredd todayyy. .did notink much . .mathss didnt get full concentration. ppl .! ii need help on my mathsss. !gimmi motivation tuhh study can can can. ?? exams are cominggg..still need tuhh catch alot more subjects to study on. . hurhurrrr. .! neeed ppl to guide me siolssss. .ii cant do it alone. lazynesss. ! hurhurr.HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP .! hahahaha !! after school ..ika come to my housee. lepakk2 . .we listen tuhhh songssss . . SIKSA KUBORRR. ! whooo .! by shadows of miasma. ! baekk perh siolss band. S.O.M.!hahaha ! miss going tuhh metalcore and hardcore gigs laaa seyhhh .exams are near and makenn bnyk gigs bertimbul timbul . . WHOOO~tempting to go .! my going to be last gig will be dis sundayyy on the 26th april . . band DVR performing..supporting hyrude and frenns laa kaaan. haha. ! say thankyou to me kehh hyrude. ! hahahah ! denn will be my study week ready..hopefully..! must concentrate liaowwww. .hurhurrr. tdy ika try on my dresses and clothes and accessories. . hahaha !kechoo kechoooo ! hahaha !! going tuhh buy basket bag togetherr. kite sweet eyyy ikaa bby.! LOLS. ! she went back early todayyyy . .go meet her boiffy . . takecare siolsss. hahaha !! sis balekkk awal todayyy.yeahhh ! got teman .! happy siolssss. . hahaha ! dearest go where todayyy ?da taak pnat lagy eyy ? AHAHA ! kkkehh. take caree hor dear .! annd and takecare peepss. !
1821907163192930570 date: Monday, April 20, 2009 time: 8:46 PM comments: 0 ![]() misss going to gigs uhhh people. ! klaww dpt masokk free takpe jugaaak . . HAHAH ! second post of the dayyyy . . meet shaf and aizat near my area ard 6++.. naak buy makanan for mom , shaf and myself. ! bought burger ramli . .sodaaaaaap . ! shaf mkn pat do-N-me. .(not surre bout the spelling. .) aizat mkn jugaaaak kaperr. ! LOLS. ! tgh sit down there..skali shaf point finger pat this guy. . he was walking laju2.. denn skali tgok baju blakang dierr namer 'ACUN' . . hahaha. ! my bestie guy laa seyh . .so shout for himm. so he sat with usss skejaappp . talk2 . .lucky ii didnt come to skool todayyyy . . alot of ppl sayy todayy at skool very the mendaaak . . do notinkkkk . .hurhurr. ! phewwwww.! bought for mom burger ramli jugaaaak . . nice one. ! dearest online skejaaap tdy . . den he go rest... kesiannnn dierr penattttt . . hurhurrr. ! sape surooo taak tido smlm . . apedaaaahhhh ! siaksiakkkkkk . . takecare hor dearest .! rest welllll . . ![]() freddy sebokkk jekkkk ! org naak amekk gmbr ngan ika dierr naak join smpai kite kene squeeze in . . pfffffttt ! haha !
8055137983519919013 date: time: 3:36 PM comments: 0
whoooooo~! hellowww hellowwww. !
Dad send email to me. .whooo~! lucky dad phm waddd ii teach him . . atleast noww he can send emails..haha. . kejot dearest up kul 6:30am . .jady dierr nyee alarm clock for todayy. . hahaha ! called he's hp den he called me back .. laju siaaa tepon balekkkkk . . lols. ! talk2 for awhilee den asked him go mandii. . busukkk siaa . faeces tols. ! HAHAHAHA ! siaksiakkkkk . . didnt go skool todayyyyy . .HAHAH ! so layan my bby danish . .cute laaa he. ! took some of he's gmbr. ! ![]() cute kan cute kaaan ! hahaha .. tawu . . tgok uhhh sape kakak sdare dierrr. .whooo~! LOLS. ! bsokk cannot layan him ready. . must go skool bsokk. ade art and maths..important siolssss. ! when ii get back home.he go back liaowwww. so tooo badddd. . hurhurr. ! now mother going oout for work . . im alonee at homeee .. seraaaam ! HAHAHAHA ! siaksiakkkk . . HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! ![]() HAPPY BIRTHDAY FYZA ! happy bdae to uu. happy bdae to uu.. happy bdae tuhh FYZA .. happy bdae to uu. ! hahaha ! whoaaaa daa 18 seyhhhh .! legal age kapaaa. rokok daaa bleyy beli sndiri uhh dierr ! ahahhaa ! kaww standby uhh dis sat . . kene sabo ! whoooo~! takecare siolssss kawww .! hurhur . . okok..best wishes for uu kkehh .! last long ngan junie taw taw taw ! TAKE CAREEE. !
8575043616289747053 date: Sunday, April 19, 2009 time: 6:33 PM comments: 0
went to somewhere every sunday morning. tmpat baekkk beb ! but todayyyy like sadd uhhh . . family not complete. normally after the ehem ehem we go makan . . budden dad's not ard likee no moood to go eat liaowwwww. . we went to boonlay buy nasi briyani for 1.90 jekkk . .kenyang beb. ! bought 10 packetss. . beli kan tira nye family skali. . bcos going to tira's house after that .. petang gy tira's house naekk trainn . . pey berat angkat tuhhh nasi briyani. bleyy jdy gado siolsss angakat tuhh barang. . hahahahah ! siaksiakkkk . . trokk uhh eyyyy . . lolss. ! reached tira house den eat rmai2. . kechoo laa seyh . . den slack2.. nowww taktawu naak buat apeeee. still kat umahh tiraa uhh niyyyyy. pkai comp dierrrrr. .hurhur ! tira and shaf pat dlm bilekkkkkkk . . dunnoe going back waddd timeee. . bsokkk moms working..sis skooling..den when im back from skool nobody will be at home. . cool kaperhhhh ! sorang2 pat umahhhhh . .mendakk siolsssss. . hurhurrr. ! okok .! dearest oi . .i'll be strongg kkehh. thanks yawwww.. tapy kaaan tapy kann.. yg phrase " he'll be back bfore uu notice dat he's gone" tuhh mcm laen mcm jekkkk ! itu daa mcm dierr da takk balek2 lagy siolsss. ! tkkmo mcm2 siaaaa. . siaksiakk ! hahaha ! okok laaaaaaaa. . .done bloggingg for todayy . . takecare people and dearest kuuuuuuuu . . hurhurrrr. chioawwwwwww !
2211209005307834561 date: Saturday, April 18, 2009 time: 10:47 PM comments: 0
![]() ![]() Went to airport today afternoon. took taxi there. mak long,nenek and noyang was there already . so yeaaaaahhhh . . ajak ryan and elly play with the trolley . . cute laa seyh dorg . .lols. tolaaak them ard the airport at terminal 3 . . after awhilee. . dad called me and sis. .he want to talk to us . he advice us abit. den ii start to dropp my tears . cannot tahann . ! nenek and noyang saw me crying then they also cry . . sedeyyy mahhhh . . then ii took out the card that me and sis made for dad. . we paste our picture there. .memories laa kaan. .so when he's at texas he can still see our photo even though we're not with him. dad begin to cry after he read the card. hugged him . *sadd* ii started to miss him readyyy . sedeyyy sehhh .! ii cant stop crying . . after he went in.. he called mom..they talk about dunnoe wadddd. .den mom passed the fon to sis...sis told dad to look at the card everyday so that he'll rmbr us . . dad want to talk to me after that. .but ii cant talk ready . so didnt get to talk to dad. . haiiyoooooo ! i'll try to be strong ayeee. . hurhurr. . daddd. ! ii'll misss youuuuuuuuu alotttttt. . love uu dad. ! ate popeye after that .. whooo~!! nice . . but still thinking of dad. .tried tuhh control my tears . . hurhurrrrr. . ard 9+ we set off from there. took mrt back home. . reached home 10++++ . . dunnoeee wadds dad doing ritee nowwwww. . hopefully he enjoyy he's trip there. . lols. . okok nari takde crite pasaal dearest faeces.. ape eyy dierr buat . hahaa . .!!! siaksiakkkk . .! okok antink beep2 hor. ! takecaree aye people .! and DEAREST KUUUU. ! ps: love uu dad. !
2299715252562338635 date: Friday, April 17, 2009 time: 10:26 PM comments: 0
meet up with ika after skool ard 2++ liddat . we went tuh yewtee. terjumpe xiao chen,my art classmate, in the mrt . actually we didnt notice him. he was just standing infront of us . very near siaaa. ! hahaha ! ika was waving at koko . . den suddenly she notice he was standing infront of us . . kekek laaa xiao chen. . we talk talk to each otherr. . dis weekend he's going to dance and drink . . and and do MAGIC. ! datts wadd he told us. . hahah ! kechoo laaaa seyhhh .! he gave ika alot of the blowing bubble . .lols. ! ika uhhh niyy menyusahkan org jekkkk. .hurhur .~! reachedd yewteee.. do own stuffs. . den slack2 for awhilee. ard 6+ we sat off . went tuhh bukit panjang after that . . whoaaaa. ! boleyy sesat siaaa gy sanerr..sumpahh .! haha ! ii get down of the lrt dunnoe how many times uhhh. . aizat uhh niyyy.info takk kasi btol2..siaksiakkk ! first time siaaa gy saner naek lrt. HHAHA ! alone plakk tuhhh ! siakkk ttolsss. lols. meet shaf and aizat pat situ . .so yeahhhhh ! slackkkingsssss with fiza,junie,iza,nyemi,farid,aidil,shaf,aizat.. set off from there 9++ . .reachedd home 10+++ reachedd home do own stuffs. . talked otp with dearest for awhileeee. . ouhhhhh2 ! ii just finished teaching my dad how to send email ..chatting and stuffs. . so when he's away for 3months atleast he can send email or chatt with me. .=)) bsokk he's flying off. ! arghhhhh ! ii cannot tahan siaaaaa when shaf or sape2 tegor me about my dads flight. .conferm i'll drop my tears. .sadddddd. ! gonna misss him damn ALOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTT !. ! seriouslyyyyyyyy. ! bsokkk need tuh reach at the airport by 3pm. . he's gonna be away for 3monthssss.. and its like veryy fast daaa SATURDAYY ! OMG !!! ii dun expect dis day to come by very fast . . i'll misss he's everythingggg. ! awwwwwwwww . ! sedeyy sedeyyyyyyyyy . . takecareee okeyyy fatherr. ! love uu alottttt. !
6456281860103765157 date: Thursday, April 16, 2009 time: 9:08 PM comments: 0 ![]() ![]() ![]() yooohooooooo . ! =)))) tadi ii woke up late by 10mins.. tdo best siolsssss. but lucky sempat lurh. not lateee.infact ii reach skool early by abit uhhh. hurhurrr. ! mcm biase go skool wth my twinny pendek .! otw to skool kite storytelling. .wheeeee~! social studies teacher and maths teacher didnt come to skool todayyyyy . enjoyyyy beb .!hahaa. !social studies gerekk. .took pictures with dee. .and took her vdeo..seram sioolsss.mcm hantu saak dee. !ii was like imagine alot of things bilerr she put her long thick hair infront of her face.WHOOO~ seraaam ! hahaha .! ade ciri siolsss jady anak cik pon .! HAHA ! LOLS ! after school went tuh LOT 1 . .meet ika at jurong east . . bought shirts pat cotton on. .we bought the same dress. haha. ! cool uhh eyyy . .kite akleyy gy shopping samer2 sakk ika. klaww takk sumer bende kite beli naak together-gether . hahaha ! ey ey ? supposed to go qweensway again to order 1 more class tee for solihin.. called the place and ask if cann or cannott. . budden they dont accept just one tee just liddat. that will be expensive. .so ii told solihin dat he cant get he's class tee. sedeyy seyhhh .! sorrry horrr kwn kushh .! very unlucky siaaa he. haha ! siaksiaak .! shaf still pat woodlands when ii called herr. planned tuh go back together. . so me and ika go to macdld go makaan ! hahaha. . tgh makan2 skali fir dtg. . pey terkejott. .atfirst ii was thinking asl laki niyy diri dpan kite sak. . muke cam familiar jeekkk . ika pon bleyy diaam2..takk tegor tak apee. padehal daa nampakk . .hahaha ! ika nvr tell me fir naak dtg saaak ! rabaaak shee. ! hurhurrrrr. . saww LUFI pat cck . .pat luwaaa lot 1 . . senang siaa nakk spot si dekniyyy. the hair laen dari yg laen..hurhurrrrrr. ! siaksiakkk . .the blonde very the striking siaaaa. .so ii go like chase him . . daa lamer siaa taak jumpe dierrrr. . he kept on asking pat msn bilerr nakk jumpe . . so datts why ii chase him . .ahahahaha ! but sorry uhh gang kaw msg aku tak dpt reply. ! hahaha ! hp sot laaa seyh ! tgh makan saww PAI ngan amira and frennsss. . but nvr tegor them uhhhh . . theyy like very far .. ii can see.! whoooo~~~ cheyh ! padehal tgokk their fugure2 jekk siaaaaa. . hurhurrrr ! okok . .dahh makan den jumpe shaf pat cck mrt . . she was with aizat. .ingat sorg.patot uhh lambat. . she tgh gado with him . .so yeahhhh . .they mcm nvr talk tuhh each other liddat . sedeyhh seyyyy . .aizat just follow shaf from behind. . sad sad. ! hopefully they are doing finee. . so seperated with ika at jurong east. . see uu pat skolaa ey ika. ! ahaha ! shaf naak gy imm..dunnoe for waddddd. .she sayyy she want tuhh settle some things with aizat. . so yeahhhh. .go home alonee. ! sedeyyyyy ! ahahaha !! reached home 7.40 liddat . .nobody was at home. . rumahh gelaap gelite. .seraaaam !! ahahaha !! so switched on bnyk lampu. . waited for father at home . . he came back 1hour35mins later .hurhurrrrr. . okok ii saww dearest onlineee.!! WHOOOOO~~~~ ey ey ii dowann sayy datt word hor dearest . ! uu piggy otak semot. ! haha ! best perhhh bobal sorg . .kaan kan ?HAHAHAHAHA !!! whoaaa sindeyyy nampakk sindeyyy nampak ! LOLS. ! OKOK TAKECAREEE dearesttttttt .! anitink call horrrrr. .! hahaha. . MATREPPPPPP . . okok byee mussibotss. ! and dearest . .=))
4074246463390687298 date: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 time: 11:21 PM comments: 0
talked tuhh dearest kushhh yest .! called him ard 11:45pm liddat . . rinduuu larh seyh .! whoooo ! LOLS .! we talk talk until im sleepy . . ard 3pluss ii went tuh bed. . dearest .! smlm uu sesat eyyy carikkk pokok pisang pat dlm mimpi ii. ? taaak jumpe uu ponn.! hahaha ! den den dearest do me a favour ..dearest be my alarm clock dis morning. ! tapy kaaaan . .ii read dearest blog he sayyy he got call my hp .. ii got pick up he's call budden ii didnt talk.HAHAHAHAHA !! so ii check my recieved calls lurh. .skali btol laa seyhh he got call.! kekek peeee. ! HAHA ! sorry uhh dearest org tgh ngantok mahhhh . hahaha ! bobal sorg eyyyy ? HAHAH ! kesiann eyyyyy . ! too badddd .* keneng up and down* lols! father wake me up . .he's gg tuh work lioawwwww. . kesiannn father nari kenee kuwaa siang. lols .! so yeaaaahhhhhh . .todayyy didnt go skool with ika cos ii take diff bus dat taak lalu the place where ii always wait for her.. so meeet her in skool . .first lesson was art .! jumpe ika .! kitee storytelling mcm biasee .! hahaha ! fun fun . . petang go to QWEENSWAY ! take class tee . shaf accompany me there. meet her at jurong east . she was from her skool.RP.! ahaha. . best perh meet neww frenns pat skolaaa..so we took mrt to qweenstown den took bus there. . so yeahhhhh . .take class tee den makan pat mcdonald. . wait for aizat to come. lambat laa seyh dierrrr. .siaksiak ! hahaha . . he help me carry the shirts . .banyak seyhhh .!hahaha !! thankyou eyy aizat ! aahaha ! appreciate it lotxxxx siolsssss. . dah reach my area. .waited for faizul plakkk. .ii want tuh give the class tee to him .. so bsok he bring to skool laaaa. .cos he go skool early mahhhh . . behhh called him he tilll dunnoe kat maner laaaaa. . so we lepakk jappp while waiting for him . .LAMBAAAT uhh faizul .! ahahaa. . ard 10+ liddat den he balekkk . .so antaaa shirts at he's housee. we stayy nearby mahhh . .denn ii lepakk at he's house for a whileee. talk talkkk about some stuffs lurhhhh . . we share certain things with each other. .cos we close mahh since sec1..haha . shaf and aizat tanakk masokkk umahh dierrr. .they lepakk luwa he's housee. no diff siaaa. .haha ! ape sajee lurhh dorg eyyy . ahaha ! ard 10:45pm set off from he's houseee. . wheeee.~ okok done ! DEARESTTTTT ! thanks for being my alarm clock even tho ii didnt realise that uu called me. HAHAA ! makasehhh hor. ! takkecare dearest ! and people. ! hahaha ! ps : bsok taking 2.4 km run siaaa !
6097280314697039588 date: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 time: 4:47 PM comments: 0
hellowww whellowww dirty fellowwww. !
went tuhh skool as per normal . . attend to lesssonsss yang mendaaaaak . . my exams are coming soon . .must studyyy hard ready . . iishhhkkkk .! hurhurrrrr. .naak suro shaf ajaa maths pon she teach me wrong method until ii got my whole paper wrong. tsk .! busteddd siaaa. . hahaa ! mathss lesssonnn wass very the KECHOOOOOO ! we take our own time going tuhh classs after recess. . denn reached maths classs everybody was noisy. . den people start doing the 'ssshhhhhh' soundddd. . it goes on and on without stoppingg.. den teacher sayyy . . do dat for 1 min don stoppp. . kekek siaaaa...den our classs bunyikkk mcm sssh ssh shhh shhh ssshhhhhhhh... crazy peopleeee .hahaha ! .ii kept laughing..takkleyy tahan siaaaa tgokk their reactionn. ! ahahahaha ! we kept dragging and dragging until we oni eleft with 25mins tuh study mathss. . aiyooooooo ! trokk pahhhhh .! hahaha . .deeJAMAL kene marahhhhhh !! HAHAHAHAHA !!! klakar uhh kawww. .pekik dpan2 cikgu siaa dekniyyy.hahahah !! siaksiakkkkk .! okok. gua rindu sama lu dearestttt . . daaa lamerr siolssss taaak nampaaaak ! hurhurrrrr .! see uu real soon..soon sooon sooon ! ahahaha ! rinduuuuuuuuuuuuuu ! SEMOTTTTTTTTTTTTT kuu. ! lolsss. ! =) HAHA ! going tuhh bugis laterr on with shaf . . hahahaha .! teman her buy baju for her skoool . . mentang2 poly kaan. kene bnyk baju.. ahaha ! siaksiakkk . . okok golekkkk .! done bloggingggggggg.. takecare people. ! DEAREST jugaaaaaak !!! wheee~!
289245035774914237 date: Monday, April 13, 2009 time: 8:26 PM comments: 0
MONDAY(starts from the beggining)
![]() first day of the weeek. start from the biggining..long weekdays. .mendaaaak ! need tuhhh count back from mondayy den tuesdayyy den wednesdayy blablablaa... not looking forward dis weekend..sedeyy seyhh ..uu shudd noee whyy if uu read my previous post. .so yeahhhhhh ! ii feeel like crying everytime teringt abt dad's flight . . haiyoooooo .! ii feel like ii want tuhhh stayy at home for this week and spent my whole week with my dadd bfore he go . .but father say its not necessory to do dat..cos my exams are coming.so ii need tuhh go tuhh skool . SAAAADDDDDD ! hurhur =(( i'll try to be stronggg aye . lols. ! ok tdy at skool was very sleeepy. ! went tuh skool with ika. lucky she's not as late as per usual. hahaha. .lit lesson pat AVA drewww deeJAMAL's hand. HAHAHAHAHA !!! colour all the figerrr in purple ink .! hahahaha !!!! nice hand deee. ! whoooo~ and and deee. !!! do uu like fishsticks ? do uu like to put fishsticks in ur mouth ?? are uu a gayfish ? HAHAHA !!!gylerrr saaak tdy..kechoo kechoooo ! okok 3S4 musibotsssss. ! uu guys soon will be getting ur class teee. ! so klaw takkk lawa dun blamee me okey. cos im not the one who design ..MUAHAHAHAHAAAAA !! ii oni help uu guys tuhhh order . BOOOOOO~! hahaha !! siaksiakkkk . . so padan muke korg and aku laaa eyy klaw takk lawa.. HAHAHA ! okok done .!!! seee uu peeps tmrw.takecarree aye.! and anddd byeee dearest . . takecare hor .! see uu sooon. .
5970253878794950976 date: Sunday, April 12, 2009 time: 10:21 PM comments: 0
SUNDAY ( get 20bucks)
![]() need to wake up at 7++ . .need tuhh go smwhere interestingggg ! HAHAHAH ! ssshhhh dearest ! takkmu bilang saper2 . . hurhurrrr. . secretttt .! dennn petang siapp2 take mrt tuhhh bedokkkkk .! ii was talking tuhh my sis bout gigs and stuffsssss. . dennn ii was like suddenly wondering why ika nvr call me liaowwwww. . so ii called herrr. actually ii missed herrr. ! yeahhhhhh . . so we talked for awhileeeeee. . hahahaa. . so reached bedokkkk . .slackkkkk until kul 5++ den we set offf. reached home at 8 .. ahahaha ! biler onlineee..ika told me dat when she tgh cuci toilet suddenly she think of me. she missed mee .! awwwwwwwwww !!! so yeahhhhh , . .ii told her datt ii miss herr jugaaaaaak ! rinduu seyhhhhhh !! whooooo~! okok bsookk jumpe eyy ikaaa. ! hahaha. . partner in crimee. ! WHEEEE~!
3700910502272142773 date: time: 9:31 PM comments: 0
SATURDAYYY (fast and furious 4)
![]() ![]() ![]() went tuhhh watch movie withh this kaki gerek ! tapi kann he was late by 30mins. HAHAHA ! niyy uhhh janji2 mlayu . .LOLS. ! kate jekkk naak dtg earlierr den me . . lucky he nvr come at 4 if not kene blanje me liaowwwww. ! hahaha ! datt showww wassss super nicee siaaaaa. .! shuddd watch uhh people. ! full house siolssssssss. . we wanted tuhh pick sits in the middle but its taken. so yeahhhhhh ,! tooo baddddd. . hurhur. . after watch movieee ..met he's frenns pat cityhall. . go makannn togetherrr. . kwn dierrr frenlyyy laa seyhhhh . . nice one. ! WHOOOO~! seperated with dem at 8 liddat. .cosss my batt going flat . must find shaf cpt2. . if not ii dunoe how tuhh contct her liaowww . den at 8++ lepakkk at esplanade . .yan and aqilah came after dattt. . aizat,shaf,fiza ke ai ngan junie gy double date laa kirekan . . sweeet kaperrrr. ! hahahaha. . dennn we lepaaak2..talk aboutt smoneee in mindddddd. kwn yg sentiase diingati ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!! kiwak kiwak ! kekek perrr siolssssssss. .. hurhurrrr. ! gerekkkkk uhhhhhh ! smpai taaak tgokk the timeeee. . ard 10.35 liddat we sat offf. . we kechoo kechooo while walkingggg. . pasaal mcm sunyi mahhh . . LOLS. ! reached home ard 12 ++ lidaaat . . yesterdayyy didnt get tuhh meet my dearest siaaaaaa. ! saaaaad gylerrr . ! hurhurrrrrr. . missss him hentuo hentuo de. . iishhhkkkk ! den waited for he's call yest . sempat do my homework until tertido. . dennn dpt tawwu he's house phone rosaaak lahhh seyhhhh. . sedeyyy perrrrr dearest . . hurhurrrrrrr . .! tapi its okeyyy lurhhhhhhh . . seee uu soon aye dear ! WHOOOOO~ takkecareee horrr matreppppp ! dunn cabot skolaaa eyyy ! huakhuaakkkk ! saturday is coming . .the days dat father's going to leave us for 3months is coming nearer and nearer. . going tuhhh misss every single thing that he shares with us. . jokes , laughter and stuffs. . . so yeahhhhhhhh . . hopefully uu can come back earlierrr aye dearest dad ! will miss uu alot dadd ! takecaree okeyhhhh ! okok done blogging people. ! takecare aye. sweetdreamsssss. ! takecare DEAREST !
1697769869788140251 date: Friday, April 10, 2009 time: 11:45 PM comments: 0
FRIDAYYY(good friday)
went tuhhhh TONGKANG just nowwwwww.gy umahh pakcikkkk .! reacheddd there slackkkk. . makaaaaan then tgok crite school of rock. . even tho me and sis watchedd the showwww afew timesss tapy we ttp like dat show.. hahahaa. .decide tuhh set off kul 7 . .but daaat cerite blomm abesss. . soo we suroo our parents tuhh wait . . ii still lying down on the comfortable sofa and nice pillowwwww. . hahahaha . . . theyyy like threaten us ckp aiyoooo balekk sndiri eyyyyy . . den we was like okeyyy . .bukannye kite taktawu mcm mner naak balekk. hahahaha.!! singapore is not big waaddddd riteeee. . hahahah . . so father and motherrr ponnn waited for us until kitee nakkk gooo . . ard 7:40 we set off fromn theree. then we took taxi to pasir ris. .gy umahh tira. ! hahaha . . go for fun lurhhhhh . . . visit theeemm . .so yeaaaaahhhhhhhh . .ate ketammm .! WHOOOOO~fav siolsssssss. . lols. . we set off at 10pm . .reachedd home kul 1030 . .laju eyyyyyy . .naek taxi mahhhh.! hahaha . .siaksiakkkkk .! bsok maybe goinggg tuhh watch moviee crite fast and furious 4. . hurhur. . fatherr is going tuhhh overseas on 18 april . .sadddddd uhhhhhh .! will miss him ALOTTTTTT.! he'll be awayyy for 3monthhsssss.! isnt datt longggggg?? sadddd tawwwwwww. !!!!! wadd tuhh do . .he working mahhhhhh . . i'll miss uu fatherrrr .! BOOOOO~~~ =( okok done bloggingggg. ! see yaa .
8396631147453699530 date: time: 11:00 PM comments: 0 ![]() ![]() ![]() THURSDAY (Live and Loaded) supposed tuhh meet fir,ajun,arynn and yan pat yewtee. they reached yewtee faster den me. .so when ii told fir ii reaching yewtee ready den ii dunnoe tht they want tuhh naek . so when ii get down from mrt deyy naekkk . then they waited for me at kranji. took mrt red line tuhh toa payoh. reachd there kite takktawu naak naek bus aperr. so we take about half and hour finding how tuh go to mediacorp. after get all the informations we took 157 there . it took afew mins tuh reached there. dah reach pat situ terjumpe some org yg pat gigs.. so kitee together2 lorhhhhhh . . familiar faces . . so yeahhhhhhhh . . fir collect the tickets there. get alot of extra ticketsss. hurhur. . !! waited for pinocchio and frennss. . theyyy LAMBAAAAAAAT.! waitedd for more den 1hr for them . . sampai dahhh last call siaaaa. kite sumer worried klaww gate dahh tutoppp den cannot masokk lioaww. so we waiteddd forr dunnoeee howw long. fir dahh bingettt. kesiaaan dierrrrr. . hahaha. . denn when pinocchio daa sampai dpt tawu dahh last call ! gate daahh tutopp siolsssss. so org2 yg waiting for naak masok make afew calls. . den den someone open the gate . . so we went in. lucky siaaaaa.! phewwwwww.! so we went in thereee. ingatkan mane nye besar lahh tmpat live and loaded tuhhhhh. kecyk siaaa.sempit. and everybody was likee squeezing tuhh each other. . siaksiakkkkk . . got MOSHING siolsssss. body surf and stuffs. dahh mcm gig. . hahahaaaa. coolshyt uhh eyyyyy . . finished the live and loaded thingyy ard 9 . . den we waited for bus 157..about 30minssssss. . nakk go back tuh toapayoh and go makaaaan. ! tunggu bus lmbat gyler seyhhhhh .! journey daa laa boleyyy tahan jaohhhh . .lols.! the bus 157 very kecohhhhh siaa. . the whole front part was taken by us. . WHOOOOOO~! kecohh kecohhhhh. . so we went tuhh MAC D. . hahaha.! mcdonald laaaaa . .go makan paatat situuu . . kiteee take our own time siaa naak mkn. talk2 first . .dennn go order foood. . rmai maaaah . .hahahaaaa. afteer eating talk2 with pinocchio and frennssss. . den go homeeeeee. ! reachedd home ard 12.25pm .. . father fetch me at busstopppp.! whoooo! thankssss fatherrrr. ! talked tuhh dearest after that . . rinduuuu rinduuuuuuuu .!! ii went tuhh bed after that . . ngantokk and tireddddd mahhhhh . . hurhur .! so yeaaaaaaaahhh . .my dayyy wass FUUUUUNNNNNN .! wheeeeee.~~~ takecare ppl and DEARESTTTT kushhhhh yg tersyg . . hurhurrr.! |
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