Now everything is about me . :D

2471552275881768905 date: Sunday, May 31, 2009 time: 4:36 PM comments: 0 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() EYYYY YOOOOO EYY YOOO. Saturday . went out with bukit panjang peeps. Fyza,juni,farid..Ong tag along . rinduuuuu dorannggggg sumer. whoooo~ daaa lamer taak jumpe . hahaa . . terserempak with liza at city hall . daat pretty girl . *wink.* ii think ii saw faez there . he was like looking at me but nvr tegor. so yeahhhh nvm .den jumpe aizat,fizzy and mamat at macd. but yg tige tuhh tgh mkn .lols. ! so we went to marina first . denn meet dear after daaat . slack with toi,falil,bull,acap,nana,wani,eena,bull,haziq and lagy2 luhhhh . bull pierced for wani and dear .! hahaha.. siaksiakkkkkk . .macam2.. ape niyyy tindek2..lols.! hahahaha.! bull need to rush home..so 9plusss we set off from there . haha. . seperate from them at city hall mrt. tkde time naaak take picture with dearrrrr . saddddd.~! ouhhhh.! ii sawwww mickie. ! atlast .! haha . .whoooo~! saw degil oso . .and yayat and ahchai daat two matreppppp.! hohohoho ..! mickieeee .!! kuwaa one dayy okeyyyy.! hahahaa . .lols.! ii was browsing thruuu messages . someone sent me a relationship survey . so here it goesss... 1.What kind of guy do you prefer ? ~gentlement,goodboy,understanding,caring,sweet. 2.What do you want in a relationship? ~love,respect.trust 3.Do you prefer guys to hold your body parts or just to hold your hands,kisses and hugs in a relationships? ~hold hands,kisses and hugs offcos..ii dunn like guys who love to hold body parts. hohohoho ! 4.What do you expect from a guy ? ~ respect girls . 5.What would you do if a guy keep on pestering you to do stuffs that you dont like ? ~leave him even tho how much ii love him . 6.What you prefer to do in a relationship ? ~spend time with boiffy for the whole day and talk . 7.Do you think your partner will think that you are boring just because you are not willing to hold your certain parts of your body ~ ermm..hopefully not. . if he loves me he wont think dat way. 8.How long have ypu been single ? ~10 months 9.Who is your last ex ? ~syafeeq 10.Do you want a long relationship with your boiffy now ? ~duhhhhhh ! hahaha. ok doneeee. ! relationshippp surveyyyyy . tagged : -shaf -fxya -ikaaa -tira -anna the names i've tagg better do the survey hor.! goooddd for youu.! lols. ! hahahahaha .. kk go.! yesterday night talked to dear till 2.30am. kesiaaaan dear penaaaaat. hahaha. . ok dear dunnoe doing waddddd nowwww.. lols.! haha. . love you lahhhhhhhhhhhh ! HAHA.! siaksiakkkk ..*winkwink* picturessss update at ur blogggg horrrr... naak copyyyyyy . kk go.! hahaha . sdare came to my house at midnight. daa lamer taaak nampaaakkkk..! hahahaaha.. rinduuuuuu ! lols. ! kk going out nowwwww to lakeside.. naaak teman mom go top up ezlink card. hohoho .. boring nyeee pasaaaaaal eyyyy . so we walking there lorhhhhhhh .. hahaha. ok done updating.! dearr.! ur blog is DEAADDDDD ! hoho .! kkkkk takecaree peeppsss and lovely doggyspade.HAHA ! lupp uu laa hor. ! chiaowsssssssssssssssssssssss !
1527058986975910242 date: Friday, May 29, 2009 time: 9:06 PM comments: 0
Saw this quiz from Ayit's live journal .
Peliknye he doesnt want people to link him . Link-ing ppl is not so cool to him. apejekk mepek si dektu .LOLS. ! no offence eyy kaww. ! HAHA ! joking jekk uh . 22 RANDOM questions to : - Matjudy - Zaffbombom - AtiqahPower - HarryLannn - Azmikoti Someone important to you that you want them to do this random survey : - my dear bby love . - ikaaa pooppy 1. What do you do usually when u're bored ? ~ play computer,sing and play my guitar . 2. Who are you thinking right now ? ~ thinking of dear offcos. ! 3. Before you sleep , what you usually do ? ~ Talk with dear otp smpai ngantok . 4. What comes into your mind when someone say that you are pretty or handsome ? ~ i noe you are lying . *winkwink* 5. If someone other than your boyfriend/girlfriend wants a kiss from you do you willing to give it ? ~ if that person is a girl , yes . but if that someone is a guy definitely not. 6. What you want your dream in your sleep to be like ?. ~ ermmm. . dunnoeee ? haha ! 7. If you are given a wish , what will you wish for ? ~ I wish that i would have a million wishes . * keneng up and down* whooo~! 8. Who is you favourite soccer player ? ~ not into soccer laa deyyyy ! 9. If a random girl/boy come to you and ask for your numbers will you give to them ? Why ? ~ NOPE. ! ermm cos ii dont give no. to random ppl. hohoho ! niy bukaaan sombong keyy ! HAHAHA ! 10. What are you hoping for ? ~ i hope that i will have a very long lasting relationship . 11. Will you fall for a guy/girl easily ? ~ nope ii wont. 12. Who is the person who accompany you when you are bored ? ~ dear bby love . 13. If somebody liked you right now , what you will do ? ~ do nothingg ? 14. Are you scared of having relationships ? why ? ~ to be honest , yes. ! scared of hurting his feelings and to be hurt . 15. Do you believe that you can change someone ? ~ haha ! yesss . 16. How many ex-es you have ? ~ ONE. ! 17. What will you say to your last ex ? ~ ermmm.. fuck off.! cheyh ! no lahhh.im not that mean..ermm hello,last long with ur new gf. LOLS. ! dunnoe uhhh. ! haha ! 18. If someone you fall for have more than 3 ex in a year will you trust them ? ~ hahahhaa ! yessss . 19. Who is your bestfriend that you treated like a sibling ? ~ Ikaaa pooppy ! ii love her. ! 20. If your bestfriend partner do not allow he/she to spend time with you what you will do ? ~ whoaaa ! mcm tawu jekk ! i will talk to him . 21. What website you will first go to when you log in into the internet ? ~ http://boi-spadestar.blogspot.com ..HAHAHA ! 22. Are you missing someone right now ? who ? ~ yessss ! my dear doggyyyyy ! Md Haiqal Bin Md Yusoff ! * wink*
7891775183117222481 date: time: 5:18 PM comments: 0
wooooooww wwuu wooooww wuu yeaah yeah !!
LAST DAYYY OF SCHOOOL ! holiday liaowwww. . haha . mom says that ii kene grounded dis holiday bcos of my exams. but who cares . da holiday seyyyy . ahahaha ! im tired of sitting at home evryday . BOREDDDDD ~! pfffttttt . alrady have some outing planns with classmates . anitink beeepbeeep hor. kkehhhh . . dear just called...he just reached home from temp ii guesss. den later going to woodland play soccer. uu takecare okeyyyy lovelyy dogggg. ! hahaa. . see you soooon hor. ! lols. ! okeyy im BOREDDDD. mendaak siaaaa. . going offlineee soooon . maybe updating again later. or maybe not. see howww laaaaa. . LOLS. ! ok byeee people and and DEARRRRRRRRRRRR ! whoooo~!!! wo ai niy okeyyy ! byeeeeeeeeeeeee ! =)
5131932283961454208 date: Thursday, May 28, 2009 time: 9:18 AM comments: 0
(Wednesday 27.05.09) Yesterday meet dear pat marina bay . planned to go marina barrage after more than 20mins of thinking where to go the day before. LOLS! supposed to meet him at 6. but im late by 10mins. sorry dear.! hahaa..! ii nye turn uhh lmbaaat . ade pegi ade balek, HAHAHAHAHA!! taaklaaaa..JokingJoking.!*winkwink.* okeyyy . reached there go to the waiting area tgok board then skali it says last bus from there at 6pm.we missed it. den we walked to raffles . den to boat quey to clark quey ..walk pat dlm mall tuhhh..and find some special kind of ANIMALLLLLLL . uu noe ii noe eyyy dear ! 13-12 !!! ii win .! LOLS. ! saw dis 2person playing guitar and 1 of them play dunnoe waddd. .they sing and play while walking. .coool uhhh.! nice voice siaaaa..haha. after daaat walked to Funan . saww dear nye brother lurppp. hahaha ! org gyler siaaaa..lols.! walk2 paaat situ deeen go to pennin . after daaaat jalan paaat raffles city. haha.. after the walking we sat near the SMU. . talktalk with dear . lols. ! take some picturesss with dear using his hp . update laterrrr laaa hor. after dear send me the gmbr. . ard 9 plus we set off from there . dear send me home . thankyou dear .! appreciate it alooooooot ! ii lovee uuuuuuuu .! whooooo~! reached home at 10plusssss..dear reached home at 12. lmbaaaaat eyyy . jaouhhh mahh from my place . thankyou hor dear ! talked otp with dear after he came bacckkk. .haha. went to bed ard 2plusss ii guessss..hahaha.! dearrrr ! ii haddd fun kuwaa with uuu ! whooo~! love uu many many keyyyy! =)) Today reached schoool quite early by 10mins. whoaaaaaa .! haha. . after skoool todayyy going back . den ard 6pluss need to go to school again. got the dialog dunnoe wadd thing. . aiyooooo.! lecehhhhh . till 8.. pfffffffftttt ! compulsory siaaaaaa..tsk ~! geraaaaam. tpy neymind luhhh . .ii oso nvr do antink at home wadddd.. hahaha ! Holidayyyyyy's coming beybehhhhh ! going to get scoldings from mom and dad soooon . failed my examsss like alotttttt.. today getting back ii guessss. standby uhhhhh ! LOLS.! kkehhhh lesson ending. need to off comp lioawwwwwwww. . okok byeeeee peeeppssssss and dearrrrrr !! whooo~! luppp uu ! takecare horrrr doggySPADE ! HAHAHAHAHAHAA!! siaksiakkkk . ok golekkkkkk ! chiaowsssssssssssssssssssssss ! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
6302768019616029948 date: Tuesday, May 26, 2009 time: 6:02 PM comments: 0
Reached schoool early todayyyy .
howw early ?ermm..about 5mins earlier liddat..LOLS.! im earlier than ikaaa todayy.whooo~! hahaha ! Maths lesson was BOREDDDDDDDDDD.. no moviessss..pffffttttt ! need to studyyyy..aiyooo .! got maths homework todayyyy . datts why ii HATE maths alottt ! always got hmwork. seee laa later ii want to do or dowaaan. haha. ! ikaaa came to my house todayyyy . iiloveyou ikaaa. ! hahah. she accompany me at home. she's very irritating. ! pffftttttt ! hahahaa. . go makaan with her paaat kopitiam tady den walk2 for awhile. haha .! perooooot bloateddd uhhhh. . reached home carikk toilet. hahaha. . Going to do maths homework later. den naaak watch movie. ! mcm biase lorhhhh. haah .! yest night called dear but he nvr pick uppp. read his bloggg . uu tkot naaak call my house uu tepon my sis nye hp laaa dear. apedahhhhh .! haha ! funny lurhhh uuu . . whoaaa ur post bnyaaak eyyyy . nice nice. ! lols. . ikaaa bdae coming..taaak abes2 tanye anaak gy anerr utk bdae dierrr. hahaha ! ape sajee lurhhh dektuuuu . HAHAHA ! kkehhh going to do hmwk liaowwwww. . iiloveyouuu dearrrrr ! takkecare peopleeeee. ! CHIOAWWWWWWWWWWWW !
6254453163071092383 date: Monday, May 25, 2009 time: 9:36 PM comments: 0
Quiz that fizaaa kasiii .
hahaha ! 1. Besides your lips, where is the favourite spot to get kissed? cheeek and foreheadddd. 2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning? ii feeel ii wanna go back to sleeep and skip skoool . 3. Who was the last person/people you took photo with? my sis..in the toilet. haha. ! 4. Would you consider yourself spoiled? ermm..not reallyyyy..im a gudddgerl . LOLS. ! 5. Will you ever donate blood? hahaha. ! not sure. .maybe yes maybe not . 6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of opposite sex? yeapyeap. sure do. 7. Do you want someone to be dead? YESSSSSSS. ! hahaha. jokingggg jeek .! 8. What does your last text message say? ermmm. cant recall..but dear was the last person who ii texted . 9. What are you thinking right now? BOREDDDDDDDDD. ! 10. Do you want someone to be with you right now? yahhhhhhh ! but sadly no one ard now. hahaa ! 11.what was the time you went to bed last night? ard 2.40 ..haha ! 12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now? qweensway shopping cntre. ! 13. Is someone on your mind right now? hahaha ! offcosss. 14. Who was the last person(s) who text you? dear ! 5 Lucky Person(s) to do this quiz: ikaaa poppy ikelspade adli meera hyrude
3033338727697597819 date: time: 4:40 PM comments: 0 ![]() TOOOOOOTERSSS ! Yesterday called my love love ikel at night ard 12 plusss liddat . ii guessss. . haha. . talked till 2:30am deeen dear ask me to sleeeep . dear dunnoe sleeep waddd time. he want to update blog first . hohohoh .! dear dear .!! ii got mimpi uu siaaa yest .! whoooo~! tpy kaaaaaan daaat mimpi buaaat ii jeles seyhhh .! pffffftttt ! lols. ! wake up at 5:47am budden feeling2 naak tido baleek. so yeaahhhh . igt naaak tido smpai 5.50.. ..3mins sleeep. but wake upp at 6:10..hahaha ! so kelam kabut lorhhh . ahaha ! in skoool still kene take temperature. aiyoooo . .! taaak abes2..haha. ! CE lessson as per usual . denn MT watch cite BOLTS. bolts is a cute little DOGGGGG ! hahahha ! ii tink ii wanna find daaat show and watch later. klaww dpt jumpe lurhh...haha ! PE lesson didnt do anitinkkk.slackkkk ! den literature watched twilight . last lesson BIO watched dunnoe waddd movie pasaal virus spreading and chemical2 daat ade kene mengene ngan bio lesson. daat show was totally out for me. boreddddd ! haha ! reached home at 2:10pm.. do own stufffs as per usuaal. . normal routine everyy weekdayss. ahaha ! MENDAAAAK ! listening to ADAM LAMBERT songggg nowwww ! powerful voice .. love love adam lambert but ii love my dear more. whoooo~! hahaa. . okok done updating . boredd to the max lurhh siols. kk goleeeek .! ii loveeee uuu dearrrrrrrr ! hahaa ! LOLS. ! chioawwwwwwwwwss ! ![]() okeyyy just finish watching this showwwww. ! BESSSSSSSSSTTTTTT ! touching oieeee. . should watch people. whoooo~! strong friendship btweeen the animals . sweeet uhh the showwwww. . nice nice .! hahaha . GO WATCHHH ! its a MUSTTTT keyyyy. dear called tady ard 7plusss. . talked for awhileee. . deeen he ask me to continue watching my movie.. haha..so put down the phoneeeee and continued watchingggg the ending part . lols. ! calling him later at night. hohoho ! Just came back from buying dinner for me and mom . tired siolssssss. . buy mee goreng mama. ! sodaaaaaaaaappp. but ii haven eat yet lurhhh .lols. ! later den eat . hahahahaa. ! okkkk peeeepssss !! HAHAHAHA !!! guesss who is this two people in daaat pic belowww. ? its my sis and me . TAAAK BEDEEEK ! big BIG big diff kaaaaan. ?HAHAHAHA !!! kekek saaaak ! ini timeeee BULAAAT gylerrr bab. . hohoho !! actually malu siolsss naak show last time nye gmbr but picture knangan .! so tkkper lorhh .HAHAA ! LOLS. ! ade lagy but dowaan to post uhhh. shyyy dok ! HAHA ! ii was lufffing like hell siaa sorg2..seriouslyyy. ! HAHAA. ! ini one of the gmbrrr. got moreeee in sis photobucket . LOLS. ! siket2 cukoppp.hohoh ! ![]() ![]() ![]() OKEYYYYYYYY DONE POSTINGGGGGGGG. ! whooooooo~~!!!! ii love ikel my sooon to be gudddboyyy ! LOLS. ! okeyy random . LOLS. ! HAHAA ! kkehhhhhhhhh byeee ! takecarreeee peeepssss and dearrrr !
62694004178324536 date: Sunday, May 24, 2009 time: 12:16 PM comments: 0
all gmbr curikk from dearr .
hahaha ! ii lazy too edit uhhhh.. LOLS. ! whoooo~! HAHAHAHA ! >friday picture ![]() ![]() >saturday picture ![]() ![]() ''BROOOOOMvroooooom '' dear feeeling2 ade motor smlm. HAHAHA ! FRIDAYYYYYYYYYYY ! Went home with faizul . supposed to go bugis with dear but taak jadi . dear's mom nvr give him money to buy his stuffs. kesiaaaan dear . den sis planned to ask me to tag along to slack with her paat RP. her skoool laahh ..feeling2 bdk poly laa kaaan .!so ii meeet sis lorhhh afternooon . bforeee daaat dear ajakk slack with him and his freen paat wdland.. buttt ii dowaaaaaaan. hahaha ! dunlike to watch soccer uhhhh. haha ! sorrry dear .HAAH ! so ii planned to meeet him paaat woodland jeeek lahhh . hahaha ! reached woodland den find public phone and called dear. he reached liaowwww. rinduuuuuu wo de dearrrr hentuo hentuo de ! lols .! he's with fahmy and alif. slack with dem for awhile den fahmy and alif jalan dulu.. dear slack2 with me skejaap. he planned to buy studs pat dlm causeway point but after half way in den kene patah balekk kuwaaa. got fireman all. . suspect terbakar laaa tuhhhhhh..hahaha ! siaksiakkk . . denn dear accompany me to rp . aawww ! thankyou dearrrr.. luv uu lahhh ! waited for sis paaat rp with dear . den dennnn sis came with her frennn wan . neww frenn neww frennnn ! whoo~! slack withh dem paaat rp . wan's freeen oso slack with us . radi and adi . hahaa. ! went to causeway after daaat..dorg nakk gy mkn. slack for awhile..took the same train..kekek saaaak dorg ..hahaa ! all dahhh 19 ngan 18 tpy prangaii taak mcm . hahaha ! siaksiakkk . reached home 9.30 mlm... called dearrr .. talked to him smpai he reached homeeee.. haha. . deeeeeenn talktalk smpaiiiiii dahhh sleeepppyyyy. pastu gooo sleeeeep. dear very degil .! hahaa ! SATURDAYYYYYYYYY wake uppp ard 1.20 liddatttt . lambaaat eyyyy . lols. ! hahaha. .! bath and makan nugget ..dear!!tanye sape goreng ??haha ! talked to dear otp .! till 3++ .. Actually planned to go henderson wave with the bukit panjang peeepsss. but atlast taaak jady. den sis planned to go bugis with her mateyyy. . so go out withh dear and the ressttt . meeet dear and bull paat orchard. LAMBAAAAAT ! pfffffffffttttttt ! wahlaowwwww. ! haaha.. boleyy balek tdo skejaaaap ! HAHAaa ! after deyy reachedddd meet eenaShawty,liza and waniSmall,toi and acap infront of nikesingapore.walked to orchard centre.tempaat toi nye attchment. lols. ! mlm slack paaat istana park . bull kekek bile time amekk gmbr . ! haha ! went to PS for awhile.den go marina den haziq and his sdare came.. saw Adli and Afiq there. .hahaha. ! afiq tot ii sombong dowan to tegor him . . hahaha ! apejekkkk . . slack paat esplanade..ard 10.40 liddat we sat off.not sure uhhh. dear,haziq and bull toook cab home.bull got some important stuffs to do.. waitedd for sis paaat cityhall nye control station till 11.30 siaaaa . pfffft ! dpt tawuuu she take train lioawwww and she reached tiong bahru ready..rabaaaaaakkkk ! while waiting for her paaaat situ kene kacaww siaaaaa. .tsk .! siaak tolsss. ! jumpe sis and aizat paaat jurong east jekkk . .reached home kul 12.35. hahaa ! ok done updating. ! takecare chao chibye's ! cheyhh fake . ! hahaha! takkecare peeeps and my one and oni ANJENG ku syg .! HAHAHA ! whooo~! iilupppuutoooooooo caaan ? lols. ! haha ! chiaowwwwwwwwws !
3972315600432302612 date: Thursday, May 21, 2009 time: 6:26 PM comments: 0
A Fan of Adam Lambart and Allison Iraheta
![]() ![]() OINKKKOINKKKKKKK ! iim late again..get off from bus ard 7.20 lidddat . need to rushh to skoool bfore my clock reached 7.25.. terserempak with Farhan otw to skoool . so we go skoool together lorhhh and he's like superduperr tall. ! my head was like below his shoulder . HAHAA ! todayyyyy in skoool was super duper bored . notinkkk exciting happened. pfffffffft ! minahrep's peninsular bags being confiscated by disciplin master in the morning . awww ! tooo baddd people. hahaa ! sumpah art was seriously mepek today. watched freedom writers during chemistry lesson. and wild child last lessonn. . supposed to go back with ikaaa poopy todayy . but end up she go home first with deeJAMAL and leave msg for me bhind. so as per usual go home with suhaili and afiqah . faizul and syafiq dunnoe go where . so kite gerlffys balek together . reached home .. bathed and go makaaan while watched anugerah 2007. sawww my fav science tcher ! elhazeeeq. ! come and teach us baack laa deyyy matrep ! ii called him matrep bcos he looks like one in daat show..but his not laaa. he's supernice like my dear . ! lols. ! after mom go to work .. ii continue watching wild child until the end.. the wild child movie beeeessssst oie ! hahaa ! dear yesterday mati2 naaak wait till im sleepy den he will go to sleeep.awww ! suuuuweeeeet like chocolate ! lols. ! degil seyhhhhh dear .. tipu2 him daat im sleepy but he knewww daat im lying.pffft ! aahahaa .! okeyy im nott gudd at lying and stufffssss..ii noee . dunnoe where he is noww laaa..maybe lepaak or wadddd. . hohoho ! cuzzie is at home with me..but she's in my rooom tutop pintuuuu.. so dunnoe wadd she's doing lahhh . . mendaaaakkk uhhh . my everydayss routineee... in skoool ii will be thinking of wadd i'll be doing after skool . . after skooool ..went home straight..bath..eat...play comp smpai mlm.. maen comp smpai mendaakkk den mlm talk withh dear. the next dayy wake up late for skoool .. den blablablablaaaaa...repeated. lols. ! boredd kaaan. ! mcm no-life liddattt . . haha ! okeyyyy American Idol ! sadly Adam Lambart didnt win . omg. ! the other one winsss. pfffttttttt ! ii waann adam lambartt to menanggggg ! omgomgomg ! alamakkkk later dear sekel me siaaa. HAHAH ! taaak tkot uhhh eyy . LOLS. ! *winkwink* okeyyyy boreddd. ! done updating lahhhhhh . ..lols. ! kkehhh takecare ! so longgg suckerssss and dear dear dear !!!!
1791470369799614126 date: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 time: 4:50 PM comments: 0
my art piece ! whoooo~!
![]() TITITOTOTUTU .! yesterday called dear at 11pm and talked until 3pluss in the morning. hohoho .! dear ! uuuu are LATEEE for skool ! ALWAYS !LOLS. ! hahaha..ii woke up late todayyyy . ii dunnoe whether to blame my alrm clock or myself. my alrm clock is tooo SOFT . . woke up at 6.10.. bath ..pack my skool bag..siap2.. off to skoool .! =)))) supposed to go skoool with ikaaa pooppy.. but im late . so ika went off to skool first. . First lesson was ART .! 2hours for art..beeeessssssstt ! we do paintingssss. ! but pity nazrin,ace,and some other guysss. hhahaha ! still holding on to the pencil and eraser or waddd?? LOLS. ! cheyhh .! JKJK ! haha ! siaksiakkkkk . .we do our paintings outside our class carpark . kite mcm buat show siolsss. ! students that pass by conferm will stop and look at our paintingsss. sboksbok. ! haha.. poeple at the 2nd and 3rd level also stand and look at waddd we are doinggg. ahaha ! aiyooooooooo..malu oieeeee..... one by one nye acrylic paint fall on the flooor. board jatohhh2 bcos of the wind..tsk3.. lucky didnt stand bside afiqah .! swayyy uhhh ! their uniform all kene the paint. tooo baddddd. ! ikaaa was sitting bside me..her board that she put the paint on it nearly hit me but it end upp terbalekk paat flooor. ! hahaha ! kechooo kechooo .! dangerous uhhhhhh if kene the uniform . cannot ilang for sure. ! LOLS. ! watched amagadon during MT lessonnnn..beeessssst. ! last lesson was class-interaction. went to AVA theatre. ade talk about SEX. about STI . .sexually transmited infection. HIV , AIDS and stuffsssss.. theyy got showww picturess of private part for both guys and gerls dattt kene infectionnnnn.. disgusting siaaaaa..siaksiakkkk ! they got teach how to use condom safely sumerr. kekek saaak got one vdeo .! lols. ! bodohhh sakkk org kampong. ! hahaa ! kechorable uhhhhhh..haha ! kkehhhhh my cuzzie sleep at my house todayyyyy . yeayyyy .! got temaaaan at home. im not ALONE. ! ahahha.pffffttttttt ! lols. ! dunnoe dearrrr balekk waddd time todayyyy.. aahaha.. kkehhh uu aniitnk pon just call jeek kkehhhh .! lupppp uu tooooooooooooooo lahhhhh ! =)) WHOOOOO~! haha.. Somone sayyy ii changed but didnt tell me personaly. did ii people.? im not sure myself.. ii think its just daat im not ready close to uu.. daatss all..uu shudd noee whyyy .. done updating ! kk byeee doggiesss and piggiessss ! and anddd dearesttt ku syg ikel JENGJENG. ! *winkwink* LOLS !
412652242562703784 date: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 time: 6:47 PM comments: 0
ikaaa poppy didnt go to skoool todayyy. pfffft ! beeeesst uhh eyy dok umahhhh. lols. ! exam results is going to be a disaster. hahaha .! conferm nyee lurhhh.. ii ony satisfied with my ART result. get 77 for art.whoooo~!! passs laa siolsss. ! A1 uhhh beb..baekk perhhhh..lols. ! my final piece uhh yg mcm soyal .. buat case naaak cepaaat nye siaaa.. den sleeep sleeep sleeeeppppppp like wadd ii do for most of my exams.. aiyooo .! hahaha..terok terok. ! Yesterday talked to dear skejaap jekkk. . mother sebokkkkk suro tido. pfffftttttttttt ! she pick up the phone from her room . and ask me to sleeep . bcos normally ii cant get up to school in the morning. . datts whyyyyy . .ahaha. ! so yeahhhh. mom gave me the last 5min to finish up our talking. we count down . haha.! after 5min dear told me to sleeeeep . suro dgr kate maak .. LOLS. ! =))) Mom went to work when im asleeep tadi. sis blom balekkkk skoool yet . she go to CCA. SMNGAAAT PEE. ! sorang2 paaat umahhhh.! everydayyyyy siolssss.! MENDAAAAAAAAAKKKKK gyler laa kaaan ! aiyohhhhhhhhhhh ! how ii wish dad was ard. atleast umahhh taaak sunyi .! and im not alone at home. ! hahha. siaaak tols. ! dad will be back after JUNE HOLDAYYYY ! whooo~! taak sabaaaaa..lols. ! miss miss him tuckloads lahhhh ! ii miss my family..ii love myself. hahaha. ! random sak . ! boredd. ! pffft ! ![]() see how many blsack dots. ! pffffft ! mine is white . ! ![]() HAHAHA ! ii won two timessss. ! just finished playing reversi with zulfiqai shah. ii wonnnn ! we played 3timesss.. 2-1 laa keyy .! HAHAHA .! bfore that we played poker card. taktawu maen la seyy ! hhahaha ! maen hentaam jekk ssaaakkk ! Dektu uhh suro maen je. lols. ! =))) tpy takp ii wonn reversi. ! HAHA ! talking to dear nowww. ! he baru balekkkk from skooooool,, eeeeee dear busukkkkkkkk.! HAHAHA. dear.!!! clause ! ASAL perot. ! kk done updateeee !!!
984005783121951180 date: Monday, May 18, 2009 time: 6:59 PM comments: 0 ![]() EYYY-OOOOOOOOO-EYYYYYYY-OOOOOHHHHHH ! LOLS. ! get back our BIO and CHEM paper... excellently done beybehhhh ! HAHAHAHA !!! scored 12 and a half above 50. for both paper.. fail jugaak siolll in total. hahaha ! WASTE TIMEEEEEE uhhhhhh ! lols. ! aiyoyoyooooo.. siaksiakk tols. ! HAHHA !! literaturre lesson watch TWILIGHT. ! beeeeesssssttt ! went to AVA as per normal.. feeeling2 mcm wayang.. ! ahahaha ! thought that the twilight show is going to be boredd.. budden when we watched that show it really changed my mind. hohoho ! that show infact is interesting.. get to watch for only half an hour.. pffffftttttttt ! den go for break . finished skool at 1.30pm .. reached home do stuffsss. watch survivor. ! after mom go to work watch movie paaat comp .! continue the TWILGHT showww smpai abesssss. ! sweeeeet oie daaat showwww. ! BESSSSST ! lols. ! bfore daaat showww checked some blogs..! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!! tsk3..dear...dear ...LOLS. !! kekek saaaakkk .! uu noe ii noe kehh dear .! HAHAHA ! niyyy sumer taak busteddddd. . ini FUUUUUNNNNN .. haahah ! yesssaaaaaaaaaaa ! lols. ! and and ur gambaar yg makarena tuhhh super duper cute ! ii loikeeee. ! lols. ! hahaaha ! JUST CAME BACKKK.! tadi teman faizul antaaa barang to his abang pat firepost.. he ask if ii want to teman him anot. lagypon im bored at home mahhhh. so teman him lorhhh. meet faizul paat one of the block.. den we walked there. if we take bus its just like two or three bustops away. so we walked lahh. ahaha ! near mahhhh . after dahhh send barang.. we walked backkkkk.. wwent to macD.. faizul naak buy cheeseburger.. den after eating. lepaaak for while.. take picture den balekkkkkkk ! ahahaha ! kkehhh done updateeeeeeeeeeee. . takecarre people and IKELBAWALLLLL no more ikelspade ! haahahaha ! *winkwink*
986989024009839643 date: Sunday, May 17, 2009 time: 4:04 PM comments: 0
random saaaak. ! todayyyyyy boreddd to the MAAXXXXXX laa sia . taaak buaat paper. and very the MENDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKK ! pfffft ! taaak buleyy tashaaan ooooooooo ! mom tertido pasaaaal tgok cite2 lamer.. bisengg saaak tv ! lols. ! if ii close later mom will surely terbgon den suro bukak balekk. HAHA ! niyy laa ppl say.''tv tgok dier'' lolsss. ! sis in her room dunnoe do waddddd.. pfffft ! mendaak saaak . seriously siolsss. ! dear todaayyyy dunnoe go where. either hospital or go help pat org kawen.. hahaa..not suree laaa eyy. uu anitink just call my house laaa kkehh. ! ahaha ! kk go ! manusie2 paaat msn who chatted with me conferm got ask when ii want to mateyyy with my dearest..HAHA ! asl eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy korg2 .. sbokkkkkkkk ! pffftttt ! LOLS. ! hahaha. taaaklaaaa.. JKJK .! HHAAHAH ! siaksiakkkk . . chill uhh joy.. ! kk lahh..dunnoeee wadd to type liaowww. ! CHIOAWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. ! takeccare DEAR and and NABEI frennnssss ! haha !
4320551671491097514 date: Saturday, May 16, 2009 time: 11:50 PM comments: 0 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I WANT NOBODY NOBODY BUT YOU .! hahahaa. ! listen to daaat song several times today . sodaaaaaaaaaap ! hahaha ! went to geylang tadi. mom wants to buy dunnoe waddd cream laaa kaaan and inai. lols. ! beli tuhh jekk siaaa.. pastu we take train to airport. ! eat popeye. ! my family favourite place to makaaan ! dahh makan all kite gy toilet laaa kaaan. amek2 gmbr..den got dis airport lady tegor us.. she ask whether me and sis are twins .. lols. ! den we talk2 with her for awhile.. den she want to help us take picture... so ii sayy...we take piicture together lahhh. hahhaa !! she sayy we'e CUTEEEE. ! whoooo~!! lols. ! so kite take pictureee together..hahaha ! after daaat we go to tamp 1.. jalan2...ii bought banggle pat topshopp yg kuwaa pat ELLE megazine .! cheaappp siolss after discount. ! usual price is 3 for 36bucks .. after discount is 3 for 19bucksss. ! HAHA ! peyy muraaahhhh ! den mom beli ring cos 9bucks..but usual price is 20++or 30++buckss.. worth it laa kaaan. ! hahaa..den bought black strawberry clip pat kedai accessories.. cuteee oieeee. !! whooooo~~!!! puass haty uhhhh. ! thanks mom .! ily lahhh ! hahaha ! jalan2 till 9++ ii guesss.. beli bubble tea pat dpan temp mall! strawberry milkshake. ! SODAAAAP ! took mrt homeee.. reached home ard 11.40++ gytuu. baru balekk uhh niyyyy. ! hahah ! got gmbr lagy naaak updatee. ! taak sempaat.. bsok uhh .! HAHA. dear updatee lembaaaappppppppppp like babi siolsss. ! HAHAHA ! siaksiakkkk ! kk later ii callllllllllll uu key anjeng.! HAHA ! kk byee dear ! takecre horr DEARRR and KAWANNNN CHIBAI KU !
5432844664651234531 date: time: 12:14 PM comments: 0 ![]() ![]() ![]() WAINKOOOOOOOOO ! yesterday went to meet dearest paat sembahwang.. dierrr LAAAMBAAAAAT ! pffffffttt ! ii go find for public phone lurhh naak call him.. abeyy taak jumpe. den ii go tegor dis malay guy ask him where the public phone is.. budden he just lend me his phone.. hahaa. so ii use lorhhh . . wait for dearest paat contol station there. main game smpai game naak dkat abes. HAHAHAH ! paantat .! after he reach.. took bus to admiralty with fahmy.. dorg naak playy soccer.. so lepaaak with them lorhhh.. took pictures with dear . . tapi taaak bnyk uhh. LOLS ! malam deyy playy soccer.. ard 9.30+ ii set off from there.. dear send me to mrt sttion. whooo~! thankyou dear ! reached home at 11+ .. hoho ! didnt talk to dearrr yesterdayyyyyyyyyyy.... NGNTOOOK .! hoho .! todayy dunnoe he go where lurhhh. lols. ! takecarre hor dear .. ii going to geylang with mom and sis later. tempaaat boredd siaaa. hahaha..but neymind lurhhh. daaaaaa lamerr laa kaaan takk kuwa with mom . hhaah ! so takpe lurh. kkehhh done update lurhhh. takecaree ppl and dearest ikel BAWAL.! whooo~! lols. ! ps: my hair sucksssss when his around.HAHAHA.! btol oieee. ! serious2 .. tak bedekk .! hahaha.! |
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