Now everything is about me . :D

3395355848465064476 date: Monday, June 29, 2009 time: 6:13 PM comments: 0 PUTYOURHANDSUPP ! First day of school was quite okay . didnt even hold any books . whoo~! Woke up at 5.20am . mom wake me up . bathed and stuffs. . ii didnt noe dat ii can siap daat fast . ard 6 im ready to go to school . but its like im TOOOOOO early . so nmpk katil cam memanggil jek . den baring jaaap with school uniform . naseb taaak ronyok .! haha . .sleep for another 15mins . den bgon take my school bag den buat MILO ! kul 6.30 set off from my house . meet Faizul at my bustop ard 6.40 .. took bus 99 to school . He was like keeping quiet all the time and ii do all the talking . slalunyerr taak gytu siaaa. Faizul niyyyy bnyk bobal .! So after alighting . otw to school he sayy he like susah hati liddat . dunnoe why . . he make me even more nervous going to school . haha .! siaaksiaaak . thats why ii find him like always termenung in the bus . tsk3 .! apedahhh ! susah hati eyyy .. Reached school, enter the class .. and and and . . . tdo jaaappp ..bcos doing notinkk waddd . so sleep for a while lahhh . few mins later .. MARI KITAAA RAKYAT SINGAPURAAAA SA... blablaaaablaa.. den followed by .. PIONEERS RISE WITH ... if im not wrong with the school song lyrics uhh. hhahahaa not sure siaaa . den den followed by temperature taking . watch powerpoints slides about the H1NI after that . need to stay in class for 2hours . . doing notinkkkk .! pffft ! mendaaaaakk siaaa . PE was okay uhhh . kekek sak .! cikgu gerek gyler laaa siaaaa. new teacher .! pastu RECESSSS. after recesss tgh assemble got this AYG thing . Asian Youth Game .. they came to our school and pass the torch . den our Principle like lari pat the whole level 2 den naek stage pat hall . . give speech . suare terkehel siolss. ! KEKEK SAAAK ! LOLS ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA !! kk den MT lesson . . Mr Yatim took our class . relieve teacher. bobaal pasaaal agama plak dekniy . den its like oni me yg laynkan niyy cikgu . most tdo sakkk . cikgu niy nak buat klaka kadang mcm taak jdy jekkkk . . hhahahaa ! siaksiakkkk . after MT was SS . .pat AVA theatre . .mepek uhhh ..bobal pasal wayang sak . citer ape yg rating tinggi and stuffs ..haha ! aiyoooo .. den kaaaannnn ... KRINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ! balekkkk .! happy gyler siaaa.. first day of schoool cam daaa lepas . haha ! whooowhooooo~! homework cam takk terbuat jek ! hahaaha ! takper luhhhhh . lols. ! kkehhhh im missing bby damn alooot. ! Sumpah tak bedek . iiishhhkkk ..cam daa lamer sakk tkk nmpkkkk bby .! Yesterdayyy oso tkk dt jumpe. . itss beeeen like dayyss siaaa taaak nampak niyy doggy . . pffffftt . okayy neymind .. see you sooon . haha..everytime ii saw dog ii teringtkan uu sia biy ! and and kadang nmpk dog jekk it makes me laugh . hahahaa. u're everywhere beybehhh . . II LOVEEE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU ! banyaaaaaaakkkkbanyaaaakkkkkkk kayyyyy ! muahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! *huggiessss* hahaha .! Talked to bby doggysepit yesterday till 3am..den we go to our dreamland . hahah .! ok goleek ! talk to uu later kayyy biy ! Yesterday mom bought this nail thing daat cost ard 50bucks pat Jurong Point . . it comes in set . usual price is 99bucks . but he gave 50% discount . so mom just buy lorh . . hahahaaa . to me its like a waste . gimmi 50bucks for my shopping lagy mulia seyh mom ! boooooo ! hahahaha . .datt American man keep on persuading mom to buy their product . mcm irritating saak . . hahahaahahha !!! joking jeeek lahhhh . . . okayyy bsok Tuesdayyy . .2nd day of school for Term3.. A new day ! whooooooo !! kkehh done updating.. byeeee people .! takecareee sayanggggggg bbylove. ! iiloveyouiiloveyouiiloveyouiiloveyou iiloveyouiiloveyouiiloveyouiiloveyou II LOVE YOU ! *winkwink*
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Plan kuwa withh bby taak jdy .! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MOM .!.Happy 44th Birthday Mothe... SECONDDDDDD POOOOOST .!BOREDboredBOREDboredBOREDbo... WAINKKKKEBABOOOOOM !Yesterday's planned was suppos... WOOOOOOOOOTTSSS !Todayyyy maybe sitting at home th... WAINKOOOOOOOLOLIIEEEEE .Woke up at 11. .called bby... HELLOWWWWWWWWWW .Did notink much the whole day .Wo... B-O-R-E-D to the bangBANG to the Boogie to the Sex... YAAAABBADAAAABEEEEDOOOOO !(Thusdayyyy)Woke up at 1... |
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