Now everything is about me . :D

1324425329740712768 date: Friday, July 31, 2009 time: 6:39 PM comments: 0 WAWAAAAAAN ! SECOND POST . Im bored so yeah . here's the second post . Now is 6:41pm . and by the time i finish posting it will be like 6:45 .. 6:50 ? HAHA ! okay random . Talked to babylove on the phone just now . Now he's out with bull to Hougang Mall . Muhd Haiqal Bin Muhd Yusoff is sick . Pity him . hmm..okay . now im all alone at home . and the weather is getting darker . cant wait for dad to get back . Atleast ii got some company . hahah ! ok go ! WAWAAN WAWAAN WAWAAN ! Just cant wait to watch for the next Anugerah episode . and baby feel kinda irritated sometimes when ii talked bout Wawan. Jealous jealous ! WAWAN CUTE EH ! hahaa.. OMG ! OMG ! hehs . hhmm.. okay my guess is wrong cos now its oredi 6:51pm.. HAHA ! ouh hunny ! YOUR BLOG IS DEAD ! dont you think so? hello? knock knock ! HAHAH ! ok go !
2677830575492110663 date: time: 2:38 PM comments: 0 Blogger got something wrong again . hahah ! but its okay . No big deal . I've been coughing past few days and ii feel its kinda annoying . im tired of coughing continuesly . Its like sometimes ii feel like taking out my heart and wash it with detergent . hahah. but ii cant. so too bad . Baby is so sweet . he moniters my medicine time . I will be very lazy when it comes to medicine . Cos sometimes ii think that medicine doesnt works for coughing . i've been eating this medicine for several days but my cough is still there . When will it dissapear ? hahah . not sure. Must ii still take medicine regularly ? HAHAH . okay stupid question . if ii ask baby this question his answer will be... 'DUHHHHHHHH!' .. hahah ! Yesterday docter called my house told mom something bout me . and she's kinda shock . hahah . im actiing as if nothing happened but im scared indeed . Nothing serious . and can be cured. so yeahhhh . im strong . right baby ? LOLS ! Okay forget bout this . Yesterday watched 'JANGAN TEGOR' at sis laptop . That show was full of suspend . the sound effect was really good . hahah ! and OMG ii shouted several times . It effect mom even tho mom is not watching it . HAHAHA ! Baby slept early yesterday . Its okay baby . ii noe you're wearied after a long day . so yeah its okay . Today was supposed to go Bugis . follow Afiq and band members go Jamming. but too bad ii cant go. sorry guys . next time aye . haha . okay im done updating . takecare people ! II LOVE YOU HUNNY !
5876098490068226193 date: Thursday, July 30, 2009 time: 12:11 PM comments: 0 HELLOWBLOGGERBABIESS Im in the mood to blog today. okay lets talk . Yesterday night watched this malay Malaysia movie . While waiting for bbylove to reached home . That show is GOOOOD .! Not sure what the tittle is about . 'SYURGA CINTA' ii guess. its about changing to the better . Yeah its good . *winkwink* ANUGERAH 2009 ! Ii support Wawan cos ii think he got the voice. and and ouhh most importantly..his CUTE . haha ! dont uu guys think so? lols ! takmo jeles ey Muhd Haiqal Bin Muhd Yusoff .! Hopefully Wawan will win for this year Anugerah . he's a good entertainer too . haha ! ii wanna take picture with him . boley ? HAHA ! Yesterday Ikaaa my hunny bunny twinny called and tell some 'Pioneer' stories. HAHAHA ! Cute laaa Ikaaa . . Sorry pasaaal tak bilang kau pasaal bende tuh eyy syg . HAHAHAHA ! rindu kau uh . For so long i've never spent time with her . Ii find her quite pitiful bout something . Just be strong aye . I'll be there for uu whenever uu need me . ... UNPRIVATISE MY BLOG ! ii decide to unprivatised my blog after so long is bacause ii think that its quite.. TROUBLESOME . So yeahhh . haha.. .. MISSING SCHOOL ! Im gonna miss lesson for this whole week . And ii miss alot of subjects . wasted right ? its not purposely that ii dowant to attend school . im sick . So yeahhhh . lols ! and ii miss my classmates like alot . im touched actually when they say they cant wait for my return. hahaa ! suweeeet nyer classmate aku niy. haha ! sayaaang korg ! LOLS ! ... II LOVE MY BBYAMOR ! ALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT ! my one&only lah kaan . hahaha . okay golek .! *winkwink*
Done updating baybeh !
3629974448452736855 date: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 time: 2:05 PM comments: 0 MONDAY ! SICKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK ! Bby accompanied me to Polyclinic on Monday. THANKYOUUUUUUUUUU sayang ! he set off from his house very early in the morning . Reached under my block ard 7plusss . took bus to polyclinic . waited to see the docter . my temperature was 38.0 .. so docter gave me ONE WEEEK MC .! hahahaha ! whooooo~! Then he send me home . bbylove so sweeet laaaa ! ahhaah ! happy 2monthsary . ! ii love uu hunny ! sorry for posting short post . haha ! no moood actually . but since bby sayyy my blog is DEADDDD ! so just post a short one . ahahah ! okay go ! BABY II LOVE YOUUUUUU !
6952273878934314621 date: time: 1:55 PM comments: 0 SUNDAY !
Went to Geylang with family . Saw someone unexpected in the train . OMG .! for so long i've been running away from him . then suddenly bump into him in the train . WORST NIGHTMARE ! We stared at each other . but he stared at me even longer . HAHAHAHA ! MATREPPPPPPPPP MAHHHHHHHHH dierr . eeeewwwwwwwwww . hahahah . ii alight at Paya Lebar . Lucky he nvr alight the same place as me. hahaha . His stare ahhhh cannot be described . HAHAHA .! tsk3 . Jalan2 at Geylang . Go makan at the Haig road .haha ! dunnoe how to spell it . LOLS ! Den went home .
8089308114431165041 date: Sunday, July 26, 2009 time: 11:16 AM comments: 0 SATURDAY. !
Yestersay was quite kecho-rable . Meet Faiizin,Farid and Aizat at Fareast ard 6pm . Then we walked town area . Went to few shopping malls there . Ard 7. we walked to esp . Reached esp we slack2 there . Faizzin meet his girl friends and boy friends. Somehow they noe me from somewhere . LOLS ! dorg kecho la sia. haha ! Bella and Yan was there too . Went to Marina after watching the firework . Nakk go makan . Meet Yayat,Ahchai and Degil at the 'matrep paradise' . hah! no offence! HAHAH ! YAYAT MATREP eyh Ahchai?! haha! So ii go find them pat KFC after dat. After awhile..baby,Haikal and Danish came . WHOOOOOO~! happy uhhh nmpk baby ! gwa sayang lu uhhh beb ! HAHA ! okay random ! after mkn we go meet faizzin and friends back behind JohnLittle. AHAHA ! den Haziq,Falil,Casha,Wani and Eena came! daa lamer tak nmpk dorg ! rinduuuuuuuuuu ! HAHA ! slacked till 11pm liddat . den we set off from there . cheyh2 REZ ahh ! haha! saw rez sitting at the 'matrep paradise'.haha ! gylerrrr uh dektu . haha! den we walked towards cityhall MRT and go home . Seperated from them. bbay and Haziq tron Outrum. HAHAHAHA ! sorry bby ii tot uu was LYING! AHAHAHA ! tsk3.. LOLS ! kkehh reached home ard 12.. Bathed and wait for bby to reached home . Talked with my loveydoveybbylove after daaaat . SAAYAANG UU ! MUAHHHHH ! OUHHHH and TODAYYYYY im late for my CIP ! so taaak jady pergy even tho im ready at the bustop waiting for bus. ii tuned back HOME. ! kwang3. sorry baby. ahaha ! Later going to tira's house . LOLS ! dunnoe wad tym uh . haha! kkehhh .. PICTURE UPLOADDDDDD SOOOOOON ! hehehe ! Bby still sleeping mcm BA** . hahah !! ok golek ! bye ! chiowwwwwsinchi !
852361338346916691 date: Saturday, July 25, 2009 time: 3:04 PM comments: 0 FRIDAY ! Went to ignite thing Yesterday . was tired standing for few hours just to wait for A Vacant Affair to perform AVA wassss excellent . hahaa ! BEST ! ouhh ouhhhh.. THANKYOU baby for accompay me yesterday . LOVE YOUU LAHHHHH .! rinduuu uuu bnyk2 seyhhhh .! muahhhhhhhh ! ahahaha ! Baby's brudder was there too . LOLS ! kkehhh den den slack for awhile. pastu take 187 home. reached home at 12 . talked to baby after daaaat ! Today baby got rewang. so yeahhhhh ! ii going out with Faizzin,Farid,Shaf,Aizat .. hahaa. ! siket ppl but tkkpeeelahhh .! aslkaan enjoy ! HAHAH ! okay go !
1697695123614302267 date: time: 2:41 PM comments: 0 THURSDAY ! Went to sheeeshaaa after school . Sis planned on it. but instead ii smoke sheeshaa alone. taaak best langsong . hahaha ! ii feel giddy after daat . cos ii smoke continuesly without stopping . stupid thing to do .HAHA ! pffftttttt ! and and ouhhhh ii VOMITTED ! eeewwwwww .! but beeeesssst uhhh . for so long didnt go to shesha ready ! So its like whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa best nyer ! HAHAHAH ! slept early after reaching home. didnt talked to bbylove . ahaha ! boooooo ! kkehh done updating.
7592042761006192102 date: time: 2:23 PM comments: 0 WEDNESDAY ! During Literature Dee,me and Suhaili didnt even concentrate on the book. but insteadd we talk talk and take pictures . Dee's hair is like freakishly UNIQUE laaa. . SEEE the picture on top .! her hair is BIG,THICK AND CURL . and its NATURAL ! hahah ! get wad ii mean .. and sorry dee for the LATE sending of dis picture. HAHAHAHAHAHA ! KKEHH GO ! maen jaouhhhhh2.. SHOOOH !
7775831437761868575 date: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 time: 9:30 PM comments: 0
1) What is the subject you hate the most?
-biology 2) What happened at 10AM today? -having my lessons ? 3) When did you last cry? -haha ! ermm..recently . 4) What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter? - bread . haha ! ii dont like peanut butter dat much. 5) What do you want in your life now? - ermm .. to be the happiest girl ? hahaa ! dunnoe lurh . 6) Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up with a hood? - carry umbrella. ! 7) Who do you hate? - anybody who wants to take bby from me . 8) What is your favourite thing to put on your bed? - dunnoe ? 9) What bottom are you wearing now? - shorts 10) What is the nicest thing in your inbox and by who? - nicest thing?erm bby's sweet msg . 11) Do you wish to make your relationship complicated? -nope . ii wan to make it sweet and easy . haha ! 12) Are you wearing anything that you borrowed from someone? -nope. 13) What is the last movie you caught? - Fast andd Furious ? 14) What is the oldest message in your inbox and who was it from? - Bby sry ltr ii online. .com stuck uh . Hehe. by Fyy kecho 15) What are you proud of? - haha ! ii dunoe ? 16) What was the last song you sang out loud? - Tak ku sangka tak ku duga ! by apit . haha ! 17) Do you have a nickname? - yess ! aloot ! 18) What does your last received message say? -- " Bby! Awwww,ii kacau tdo uu eyh ? blm abes uh. Maseh kt cnie nga trianing.hoho.uu nga wtpe niy? " from bbylove ! 19) What time did you go to school yesterday? -6.45 ! 20) Are you currently happy? - yessss offcos ! 21) Which primary school were you from? -Rulang Primary .. haha ! 22) What if your boyfriend two-timed you? - ermmm.. ntah eyh ? hopefully not. cos ii trust him ! *wink* 23) Are you in LOVE? - YEAP ! 24) Are you happy with your love life now? - hahah ! yesss offcos ! 25) Does that person you love know you like him/her? - sudah tentu joy !
3790145077367771624 date: time: 8:14 PM comments: 0 II LOVE YOU MY BABYAMOR ! Ii misss my sayang alot . Havent seen him for few days and it feels like few months. okay ii noe its like 'bedek ahh few months' .. Thats why ii say ' its feels like ' . hahah ! Baby ! II LOVE YOU DARLING ! See you soon kay bby . ... Today sit for Biology test and Math re-test . Bio test was terrible . haha ! Did my test like only few minutes then off to Maths retest . Maths was quite okay . ii pass my maths re-test ii guess ? that's wad my teacher say . LOLS. ! This Sunday ii need to do CIP for CCA im not sure to go or not. BORED uhhh CIP . LOLS. ! .. Baby still havent finish his work training . Pity baby . .cos he'll be like tired when he gets back . kesiaan dier . haha. Whoaa baby plann tuh disturb me uhh . wann to call me minah uhh ? NO THANKS .! Minah is not totally referring to 'Minahrep' but it seems like disrespectful . like..'' eh minah ! ...'' haha ! See ! We got names for wad rite ? LOLS ! So might as well call by our names right , rather then mat/minahs . correct correct ? ii got the point there kaan baby ? and and for the 'rep' kaan is like the short form of.. mat/minah repEEKKKKK ! biyy. ! uu matrepek . . HAHA ! noluhhhh JOKING only ! hehehe ! *winkwink* HAHAHAHAHAH ! .. TODAY is the TOMORROW that you worried aboout YESTERDAY . hahaha ! ii took few minutes to understand this phrase hahahaha ! but infact its damn easy to understand . LOLS. ! .. This Friday got the Ignite thing . pat Republic Poly . A VACANT AFFAIR ! Caracal , Fatskunk , Vertical Rush .. and lagy2 lahhh will be performing . LETS ROCK beybeh ! HAHA ! .. Okay. my twinnybunny ikaaa is sick .! She got one week MC . and its like she's missing aloot of subjects . kesiaaan dierr . High fever ey ikaaa bby ? get well soon okay darla ? aku rindu kaw siaa. paat ART tkde kaw boring. ! tak boley kacw kaw . pffffttttt ! rest well kayy ! .. Okay im done updating ! tired of typing liaow . and im short of ideas. LOLS. ! ii wanna be a ...... CLEANER ..cheyh ! FAKE. ! random siaaa. ! HAHAHAHA !!! kkehhhhh takecaree people. ! LOVE my bbyamor. ! tc otey ! see you sooon .! muahhhhhhhhhh ! LOVE YOU SAYANGG !
5719162314454941155 date: Monday, July 20, 2009 time: 5:24 PM comments: 0 II LOVE YOU BABY ! Better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad. Yesterday something happened btween me and bbylove . Its a total dissapointment . but wadd to do. What is done cannot be undone rite ? i'll try to forgive baby and to forget what happened . Baby's foolishness makes me harsh on him . All people have the right to stupidity but some abuse the privilege . Sorry baby . ii was feeling quite downhearted yesterday night . and datts why ii talked to you dat way . Only you know why bby . Can ii gain my trust back on you ? ii love you . and ii think ii should . Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it right ? pfffftttt ! lols . ii give you time to change to the better . ii didnt even decide when . . everything is up to you. and ii just have to wait. Patience is bitter, but it bears sweet fruit. right ? haha. so yeahhhh .. The past will will be a history aye . Baby II LOVE YOUU ALOOOT ! your 'not intentionally' is a problem to me . So try to 'improvise'..like you always say . hahaa. ! okok baby ? II LOVE YOU and will always do . You're my one & only baby . iiloveyouiiloveyouiiloveyou ! <3
507786187571482780 date: Saturday, July 18, 2009 time: 1:26 PM comments: 0 MEEEET MY BBYLOVEEEE.! II LOVEEEE YOUUUUU .! Get to meet baby yesterdayyyy . Went to Hougang to meet bby . Went out from house ard 3plusss. Saw Azyan bby in the bus .. Primary school mate . rinddduuuuuu .! walked to Jurong East MRT together and exchange number. haha...den go seperate ways. In the train got dis two mats sitting bside me disturb2. pffftttt .! hahaha.. ii just ignore them .hehe! took purple line to hougang. meet bby pat int . LAMBAAAATTTTTTT.! hahaha. kkehhhhhhh . den meet bby's brudder2 and slacked outside his house. they sparring with each other . and now baby's body aching. PADAN MUKEEE. ! hahahah! ard 8pluss set off from there. baby send me home . thankyouu bby.! Reached home nearly 10pm.. ii misss baby alooooooooot. ! ii dunn wanna let him go . dunnoe when we'll meet again.. we live far apart but we are close at heart eyy bby? LOVEEE YOUUU LAHHHH! muahhhhhhhh.! MY ART SCULPTURE.! hahah.! bloommm abess agy uhhh . hahaa.!
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[[ BABES AND DUDES ]] ♥IKAAAtwinny♥ ♥SHAFFF♥ ♥Fxza Kxtten♥ ♥ANNA ♥AZYAN ♥Diian ♥EenaShawty ♥FATIN HAZIRAH ♥FYZA ke ai ♥IZA ♥MICKIEEE ♥Miimye Sewel Nadiah ♥NANABARNEYYY Niselle ♥RHYNA ♥SHALEEN ♥TiraDARLS ♥ACAPcet ♥Acun ♥ADLI ♥Ahchai ♥Ahtoi ♥AIE ♥AIZATcantello an dumdum ATOI LISZT ♥AYUL ROMIE AZLAN AZZRUL ♥DANNY SANCHI ♥FAIZZIN FA RU KA Photography firdaus ♥FICKK H.A.F HAIQALpernicious ♥HAZIQstoint ♥HYRUDEbenben Superboy Haiqal Yusoff ♥IRWAN shah MIRZA ARIFFIN ♥REZ Yan Astro ♥YaNtOi ♥YAYAT SANCHI ♥ZHARIF |
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