Now everything is about me . :D

858759083518467243 date: Friday, August 7, 2009 time: 4:53 PM comments: 0
Went to school with the usuals . Actually planned not to attend school . Because there's no studies going on . Butsomehow someone make me go to school . heh ! National Day Celebrations was quite okay . The classroom activities bored me . I just cant wait to go home . Hahaha ! Half day of school . wow ! Reached home quite early . LOLS ! beeeeest ! Sorry to Afik and friends. cos today i cancelled my plan with them . hahah . i wanna meet bbylove . But in the end i cant go out . okay thats the most saddest part . pfffffttt ! Mom told dad bout the sheeshaa thing . dats why . LOLS ! Not blaming her . hehe ! Bbylove has cut his hair. and he say that his hair is SHORT . OMG ! i cant imagine how he looks like now . tanaak suro i guntengkan ! lerh ! haha . Told him to take picture of him now . kept persuading him and he's very stubborn . Post gmbr pat blog okay ! hahaha ! i wanna see .! Hunny, ur attitude is coming back ? i dun like matrep's attitude. ur itchy hands and legs . and and ur attitude yg disturb ppl . haiyooo . get it change hunny . ur becoming 18 soon . ur not going to stay like this rite ? wad i mean is dat , u will change ur behavior .. rite hunny ? I trust u .. u can think wad is rite wad is wrong . u dont want me to call uu matrep . den get it change . haha. simple ! im giving u time to change to the better. not to the worst . hahaha . think bby think ! *wink* ok done updating . tomorrow got KENDURI . cant go to BPP tgk WAWAN ! saaad. ! =((( hahaha ! neymind neymind . LOLS. ! ok byeeee people. and sayaaaaang ! |
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