Now everything is about me . :D

8103861505420224023 date: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 time: 11:53 PM comments: 0 To my dearest friend BULLIANTO We will miss you damn alot . will miss your lame, cute jokes and your presence 3 years is long enough for your absence . and you'll be 21 when your out . hopefully you'll still remember us laaa kay. sad that you're going to be away for this moment . We love you ..remember that . DONT FORGET ZAFF KAYYY !!!
697607489906108611 date: time: 11:19 PM comments: 0 HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY ! 290909 YANTOI & RAFHAN MY BIRTHDAY WISH TO YOUUUU BOTH !! On your birthday, I wish for you the fulfillment of all your fondest dreams. I hope that for every candle on your cake for many more of your birthdays. Happy Birthday! OK DONE ..=))
3096564876899418507 date: time: 8:43 PM comments: 0 Yesterday raye was quite okay . but there were some conflicts between the girls with the other group . I was quite slow cos i only knew that only after when my my sis told me bout it otw home. i thought its btween bbylobe and stoint . but they were fine actually . bahhhh ! so thats is why our group and the other group seperated after that . curious wadds going on btween the girls . nevermind . never had this raye spoiled experience before. HAHAHA ! will upload pictures of yesterday below . didnt attend to school today cos i was damn tired . dad told me to take MC . so yeahhh i took MC and have to wait at the polyclinic for 3 long hours . PHEWWWWWWWW ! Not following to tomorrow's jalan raye outing . Dad dont allow me to go cos i didnt attend school today . heh ! but its okay . ok done!!!!
5222999571696738815 date: Thursday, September 24, 2009 time: 6:29 PM comments: 0
2762442610351767844 date: time: 5:23 PM comments: 0 TATTOOOOOOOOO (or a.k.a angkong ?) hmm..... Wanna make tattoo ? okay lets see ! Lets plan on it . START - wanna make a full body ? - at the side ? - ouhhh ! this looks hot - COOL ! nice one ! - start planning with ur Gf/BF to do together , - wings ! cool arent they ? - haha ! unique and interesting right ? - for female one on the leg..look sweet - and a simple one on the arm . WHAT DO YOU THINK ? Have you decide yet ?? Are you interested ? Have you gained temptation on doing it ? Have you think PROPERLY ? Your parents agree to it ? Did you think TWICE ? if NOT ! think again ! arent this tattoo cool to you ? Yes ? okay lets do it ! What do you think by drawing tattoo ?? Hot ? Cool ? Nice ? Fabulous ? Interesting ? Do you think so ? Did you ever think bout the future ? Story begins .. .... At the age of 16 'temptations'. THEN You decide to do tattoo at the age of 17 . started with a small one . Not thinking wisely kindly following the trend . Reasons doing tattoo ? love body arts . Reached 18 .. beginning to add in MORE drawings . but now wanna try something new. adding colours to it . As times pass by ... keep on adding more and more .. showing off to peeps .. still not thinking wisely . At the age of 22.. More people talking about your tattoo . More people looking down on you without knowing you deeper . Getting partners of the 'same' type . At the age of 25 .. Knowing someone better in your life . someone that really you wanted . Your dream partner . But then... Your partner doesnt even likes a person with tatoos . and you decide to remove it .. Going through this stage ? arent you afraid of the pain ? or the uglyness???? .. THINKKKKK WISELYYYYYYY !
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