Now everything is about me . :D

63121150814625268 date: Sunday, October 18, 2009 time: 9:09 PM comments: 0 SINGAPORE IDOL ! . Went to Plaza Sing to watch the SI contestant. get to hug Faizal Isa ! OMG ! OMG ! jealous taaaak ? haha ! hopefully ii can sleep tonight ! . lols ! He's so handsome . haha . imma big big big fan of Faizal . serious shit nyer ! hahaha ! wonder if he's attached or single . CHEYH ! nolaaa joking only ! tsk tsk tsk ! I look so funny when ii take picture with them . lagi2 Charles. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! see the photo ! you guys dont laugh ahhh ! hmph ! HAHA ! OMG ! but neymind. who cares ! ahhaa ! ii wanna retake ! will be going to watch SI this Wednesday . hee~ wanna take picture with Faizal again .! RETAKE PLEASEEEE ! lols ! Had problems with my camera . too bright and ii cant deepen it . pfffft ! so saaad ! my camera can only captures in the dark . or maybe ii dont know how to use it .? HAHAHA !
.... I've applied work at Pizza Hut. its not about the pay .. its about the experience . get it ? haha . that's what ii want . and holiday is coming . better find something good to do rather than slack at home. or going out everyday . that's what i'll do probably . hopefully ii get the job ayye ! haha . ... My attached life is over .. its neither a great thing nor a bad thing . maybe its better for us to be this waay . . there's no conflict between us actually. nothing happened. so not to worry . its not that my feelings fade for him or what . ii still love him . ..and ii surely miss him . but we're cool ayye dear friend ? =))) he's the greatest guy i've ever met . understanding , gentlement , caring , sweeet ! but the weaknesses is....only ii know. HAHA ! secreeeeet ! if any girls out there wanna hurt his feelings. . jeng jeng jeng .. ! get ready for phone calls and meet ups ayye ! .... .. JENGJENGJENG ! |
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HELLOOOOOOO !Yesterday went jamming with I AM GRAC...
UPDATEEEE !Will be going to Odio Crib later on wit... YAAAHOOOOOO !PHEWWWWW !End Of Year exam is finally... WHEEEE~ This little boy is so damn cute !ii wanted... HEY !im quite stressed with all kinds of problemsc... Got nothing to do . so SECOND POST Yeay ! Hahaa .... KAWAAAAAN !HELLO PEEPS !Tomorrow will be having E... UPDATING !I was finding some free time to update m... To my dearest friend BULLIANTO We will miss you da... HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY !290909 YANTOI & RAFHAN MY BIR... |
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