Now everything is about me . :D

4768501626244962131 date: Saturday, December 26, 2009 time: 12:30 PM comments: 0 HEYYYYYYY ! Hey guys i've been busy lately . So i got no time to update my bloggy . and here i am now bfore i go to work . UPDATING ! Went for my courses for fucking two days . on 21th and 22nd . Whoaaa the rider there so cheeky . LOLS ! on 22nd went to chelet at Pasiris after the course . was quite tiring actually . Went for a night walk or so called morning walk. cos its like 3.30am when we walked . HAHA ! Went back to chelet and sleep for awhile . woke up buy food 'alone' . gosh . cos nobody is up yet . ate my food . called work and OMG im working on that day . rushed home .. sleep for awhile and went to work . Didnt get enough sleeep . =( On Thursday didnt get to follow for outing . SAD ! cos im WORKING . gosh ! around 12.30am im still at work . preparing stuffs for the next day . took van home . haha kecoh dok ! and yeah today im working . didnt get to follow my family to nenek's house . BOO ! ohh btw people ! MERRY CHRISTMAS ! ahaha ! ii wanna watch 3D Avatar movie .! but ii cant find time to watch it . lols ! guess what ? im gonna watch Singapore Idol finale ! Sylvia or Sezairi ? hmmm .. not sure ! hehe . on 31st ? Countdown or work ? SEE FIRST ! okaaay done updating ! BYE !
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TOWNtownTOWN !TOWN with Peepos .................Ye...
ALUUUU .Hey . Updating my dead bloggy .been busy l... FAMILY OUTZ ON SATURDAY NIGHT ! :)...Had a great d... HEYYYY ! Updating .Town with Tira .. Bought stuffs... Lets Update ! Hey ! Watched New Moon yesterday wit... NEW MOON Its out and ii still havent find my free ... You're my everything My awesome sis .she's sweeter... ~~~291109 ~~~(Zul's cool gig picture).. Sunday ( O... HEYHEYHEY Hey its time to update my blog . !Video ... Hari Raya Haji Didnt get to meet my beloved cousi... |
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