Now everything is about me . :D

4172896454323429834 date: Sunday, January 31, 2010 time: 10:34 PM comments: 0 Having Birthday Lunch with family. d Didnt have the time to update my blog for today. will update tomorrow ayyeee ! this is the only thing ii can upload for todaay. Watch this video. hehehee ! kecho siiaa ! byeee takecare signing off.
4856670389367947312 date: Thursday, January 28, 2010 time: 7:35 PM comments: 0 SHAME SHAME BA BOO SHAME :) How bout getting me something special for my birthday ? ~_* Naaah ! was pulling your legs . hehehe . but ape salahnye kan kalau nak bagi . HAHAA ! chey ! Just a wish is enough . :) but not for my FAAA-MAAA-LIE ! . HAHAHAH ! ii want new handphone, dad . AND ....... no escaping sis ! BOOOOOO~ Ur unlucky to have a sis like me . I want present ! Muahahahahaa . Still planning for my Saturdays . OHH GOOOODD. We'll seee . hope it wont turn out to be a BORING DAY . 127 MORE DAYS .... OHHHHYAAA and 5 more days to............ kaylaa2 . ii semms to be excited bout my birthday actually . ii dont know why . Nothing special will happen. but ii seems to be so excited about it . WEIRDDDD . hmm.. I've been punked by Ikaaaa. thats not funny bro ! heh ! KAY DONE . BORED ! signing off
6891043371143440720 date: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 time: 5:40 PM comments: 0 Next Tuesday gonna be a year older WOOOOOOTSSS Was a tiring day today . Had both combine scince on the same day. Arghhhh ! The subject that i hate the most . Im cathcing up in maths. Yeay ! Will be having maths test this Friday . Goodluck to me ! heheee ! CONGRATULATIONS to Suhaili for getting two awards just now. :) Proud of you laaaa . heh . May you pass your upcoming exams with flying colours . Sayaaang kau ! .. Sister is not keeping her promises ! BOOOOOOOOOO HER . Muahahahaha . Her promises is just FAKE as ii thought . lols . Beware of her promises people. heheeheeee . tak baek nye Zaff . but its TRUE wadddddddd . im not lying . ii hate people who's promises are just WORDS . its meaningless . BOOOOOO ! kaay done . 128 more days . signing off heree . PS: Beware of HEARTBREAKERS around you people. !
8818907652552338089 date: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 time: 5:30 PM comments: 0 HOLAAAAA HELLO PEEPIN . HELLO peepin . Im here to update my rusty bloggy . Sunday went to work . Didnt get any naggings from manager . good thang. But get some naggggg from an old crew, Hakim . taik tol ! hahaa ! i've never seen him before . work's fun with him around . =) lols . Ohh today i didnt go for my CCA . BOOOO~~ i was lazy and exhausted . Reached home have a short nap . and here i am . updating my blog . ... Hmm.. Still wondering where to go for my birthday . It's my dads birthday too ! So i'll just let him decide . 2nd Feb . hehe .! nak present ? CHEYYYYY ! ahaa ! 129 more days to important exam . if im not wrong . its a countdown ! OOoooohhhhhh . . scaaaaryyy . HAHA . . I dont know what to blog. its just some random thing coming out from my brain. and i just type it . HAHA ! Aiyoo ZAFF . kay done updating peepon peepin . hehe ! signing off . PS : nak present ? HAHAHA !
6806304641547815693 date: Sunday, January 24, 2010 time: 2:53 PM comments: 0 SLR SLR ! Sebelah Longkang Resident :] Yesterday had an enjoyable day with my dads side . Celebrated my cousins 22nd birthday . Had some games . we had it for every year on his birthday . it was fun and enjoyable .=) The food was appetising and yummy . DELICIOUS FOOD ! Never ever felt any dissapointment before . hehe ! Reached home late night . enjoyed my day ! Pictures will upload soon .! Im going to work today . WOOOOOOO . rindu plaak keje . hehe ! kaaylaaaa done updating . will update again soon ! signing off PS: MY BIRTHDAY COMING =) hehee !
4564053677649815709 date: Thursday, January 21, 2010 time: 5:17 PM comments: 0 CHEEKY CHEEEKY BANG BANG WAD-SAAAAP . haha Updating my bloggy again today . but i really have no idea what to blog about . LETS SEE . Ohh school .! Did nothing much in school other than study and study . nothing gratifying . hehs . IM BORED ! im done with my homework . yeay-ed . Doing nothing now . im done here . atleast i keep my blog updated . LOLS ! done =) signing off
7188386384025839836 date: Monday, January 18, 2010 time: 5:48 PM comments: 0 Bear With The Sickness For Few Days Zaff ! ARGHHHHHHHH ! Running-nose , headache and sore-throat is killing me . kept on sneezing . Gheee ! due to my irrit and annoying running nose . feel kinda irritated and uneasy . i've no mood to do anithing on comp . even reading my Eclipse story book . sadness . so i'll just update and off i go . im gonna do my maths homework and a short revision after this . thennnn....its gonna be my .. RESTING TIME ! i'll tidy up my room cupboard tomorrow . its in a messs . hoho ! Ohh yaaa ! My work place planning an event this Friday . BOWLING . hmm... not sure whether im going or not . its after closing . the whole Fico Pizza Hut peeps gonna be there . not sure if i could go ? its ok if i cant. its not that important aniway . =) cause im GROUNDED remember ? haha . Somebody's keeping a secret from me . im waiting for that day that you will tell me your secret . hmm.. okay im done here . HAPPY BIRTHDAY HADY ANAQI . ( in advance) lols ! signing off .
6069568158226353623 date: Sunday, January 17, 2010 time: 2:09 PM comments: 0 HAD FUNN funnnnn ! WOOO ! Had a great time with the usuals yesterday . but not anymore when we reached home . Get some continually faultfinding from dad . maybe its due to our contumacious behavior . But we had fun the whole day . GUESS WHAT ? We are grounded ! BOOO ~ AHAHAHAHAAHAHA . have to reach home latest at 9 ? lols ! dont know till when we'll have to follow that kind of 'RULE' or so called ' NEW CURFEW ' .. hmm .. Its okay as long as ii still have fun ! Haha think positive .! IM DONE ! signing off ! '
4677251183244593019 date: Saturday, January 16, 2010 time: 4:06 PM comments: 0 its like im not close to her anymore. why is that so ? She says i've changed . in what ways ? im not clear bout that . hmmm... I MISS HER !
4790226806119342228 date: time: 3:50 PM comments: 0 NAK DODOL ! My adik sedare.. Danish is so freakishly adorable ! Watch this video ! Sooooooooooooooo CUTEEE . ii feel like hugging him all the time.. CUTE GILER WAI ! haha. ''NAK DODOL !''
8948721585914965444 date: time: 3:14 PM comments: 0 GODIE goodie GOODIE! My headache has dissapeared . YEAY-ed .! haha! Yesterday didn't attend to my night class due to my sickness. but im well today . ii did my homework first thing in the morning . and im done with it . im reading a book titled 'Eclipse'. sounds familiar ? haha ii guess so . I cant wait for the movie ! gheee! Gosh ! Im bored . -_- so i'll be spending my few minutes on blogging . how bout that ? lols! Going out later on . Come on its Saturday ! ENJOYYYY . Hope Farid will tag along after his book out . hmm.. My house is so damn peaceful . . ii can hear the karang guni peep-pot peep-pot sound . the bangla sweeping under the block . the wind sound from my fan . the vehicles from the PIE . see how quiet it is . BORED -_- ohh hey ii realised that i didnt attend work for a long time. haha! ii miss work . i miss eating free pizza . HAHAA! i'll definitely feel weird if i go back to work next week. oooooooooooouuuuu .. GUESS WHAT ? i think im done blogging. i have no idea what to blog anymore. haha ! kay byeeee peeps. takecare ! signing off !
7162773040964489110 date: Thursday, January 14, 2010 time: 6:18 PM comments: 0 Caught a fever today =( ohhhh ! and ii was late for school . need to run for 4 rounds around the courtyard for coming late . today was the largest record for late comers in the first semester . haha ! And today ii sit for first lesson only. went back home the next lesson . my temperature has gone up to 38.2 when ii reached home . My head still spinning now . Gosh ! hopefully i'll be fine tmrw . Get well soon Zaff ! ahaha ! ii wanna get new perfume . Dee's perfume making me jealous . im gonna get that perfume sooner or later ! haha . My birthday is coming in few more weeks time . Woohoooo ! ii wanna make it special . Sweet 16 . hmm... -)) . but ii dont know how . LOLS ! ok im done with my updates .
3421621040801952001 date: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 time: 8:15 PM comments: 0 IM BACK ! MY BLOGGY IS DEAD .! and ii wanna UPDATE. say YEAY ! -_-" haha ! ii wanna keep it updated all the time . but im kinda lazy and busy to update my lovely bloggy here . OK LETS START ! Overnight at Fiza's birthday chelet was great and INTERESTING . SABO her was the best part ! yeay . but she was ready for it . so not quite fun . hmph ! planned to put curry powder on her but cancelled our plan . LOLS ! pity her laaaaa. haha ! Reached home at 1 in the afternoon on Sunday . Ohh and ii didnt turn up for work that day . my head was like damn heavy . took MC for work . hmmm .. and ii slept for about 15hours ! FOOOH baek Zaff ! . HAH ! ' patot ah gi skola cam FRESH FRESH BABY jeee on Monday! ' Today did nothing much in school . started our studies . and the best part for today is.. jeng jeng jeng .. I WENT FOR MY CCA ! clap clap . baek kakak zaff . HAHAHA ! cheyyyyyyyy . ok done updating ! OHHHH and BY THE WAY .... HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY TO NUR ATHIRAH ! 12/01/2010 Semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki yer =)
5297048739275175360 date: Tuesday, January 5, 2010 time: 7:37 PM comments: 0 UPDATE ! 2 days of school was pretty fine . Meet my classmates . Still in a holiday mood trying to get my mind back to school . Mind was still flying all over . Lucky still havent start studying . Tomorrow going to MI for some motivation course till Friday . haha ! This year gonna be my important year . and yes ii need some motivation to study hard . HAHA ! Im not using any phones now . so its hard to contact me nowadays . sorry peeps ! = I need some ideas for my art gosh !
1286556421871281985 date: Friday, January 1, 2010 time: 10:26 PM comments: 0 3 2 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR ! COUNTDOWN was freaking awesome ! Road blocks here and there . the whole place was pack with people. Stepping bit by bit to every place. gosh ! the fireworks was like WOW ! nice . people was shouting and taking pictures and videos . NICE one ! the atmosphere was SYIOK ! ahahaa ! Really enjoyed my day with peeps ! yeay . =)
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