Next Tuesday gonna be a year older

Was a tiring day today . Had both combine scince on the same day.
Arghhhh ! The subject that i hate the most .
Im cathcing up in maths. Yeay !
Will be having maths test this Friday .
Goodluck to me ! heheee !
to Suhaili for getting two awards just now. :)
Proud of you laaaa . heh .
May you pass your upcoming exams with flying colours .
Sayaaang kau !
Sister is not keeping her promises !
BOOOOOOOOOO HER . Muahahahaha .
Her promises is just FAKE as ii thought . lols .
Beware of her promises people. heheeheeee .
tak baek nye Zaff .
but its TRUE wadddddddd . im not lying .
ii hate people who's promises are just WORDS .
its meaningless . BOOOOOO !
kaay done . 128 more days .
signing off heree .
PS: Beware of HEARTBREAKERS around you people. !