Now everything is about me . :D

7509468419028833885 date: Monday, March 29, 2010 time: 11:38 PM comments: 0 Im soo freakin lucky today :) I woke up late to school . I didnt rushed cos thought of going to school at 9am . But i actually still have the time to go school on time . Took cab . Since Afiqah was late , pick her up . Was supposed to go for maths remedial today cos everyone didnt do their homeworks last week . including me . But then Afiqah, Fido and me no need to go . Last minute decision ! wooooooo ! naseb :))) Last period was ART .. Actually need to stayback for art remedial . heard of art remedial before? hahaha ! Told teacher i wanted to go home. Teacher excused me . Baik pe ! she says everyone cannot go home only Zafirah ! cheydebaaaaaahhh ! Kekek skejap kaan ! lols ! kay zaff tak baik ! :) hehe ! Meet Farhan Fairus ard 5+ or 6pm .. i foget ! Spend time together. hehehe ! tsk ! dont get it wrong lah . we lepak2 at the coffee shop till 9pm . Rinduuuu dehhhhh ! Hahahaha ! Ohhh and and and thankyou awaak for the wallet :) So we walked home then met Shaf ! My heart was like 'argghhhh' when i saw she was holding Mango and Bershka bag ! JEALOUS JEALOUS ! pfffffffft ! kay nevermind . done here ! signing off
8328214188592912401 date: time: 3:11 AM comments: 0 Goood Morning Bloggggersss Floggersss ! ( Nur Ika Najima picture ) . Hey its 3:10 am now . I still cant sleep . Lucky tomorrow's subject is kinda fun . hehehe ! If noot i'll be dead . My eyes gonna be heavier and heavier every lesson . Booohoooooo ! ^^ Farhan Fairus doing his new proposal now . He's planning to open another new bistro . Kesiaaaan dier stress ! hahaha ! :))) Hmm .. what else eh ?? To my eyes : Please get sleepy any moment from now . Im left with 2 more precious hours before i wake up to schoool . PLEASEEEEE ??? hahaha ! OHH PLEASE ! I just hope that my eyes understand this . LOLS ! Cos my eyes is looking at this post im typing. HAHAHA ! ohhh ! Look at the picture above. Wonder why i put her photo ? HAHAHAH ! Read my tagboard then you'll know why . Grrrrrrrrr -_- LOLS ! k done . bye ! singing off
2865161968699017396 date: Sunday, March 28, 2010 time: 12:35 PM comments: 0 Keeping my blog updated :) So basically yesterday went to Jurong Point with mother and sis . Sis get new phone . Bahhh ! Jealous ! iishk ! New bottoms and new tops for her . pfffft ! She has gotten her pay as well . :( haha ! takpe lah its okay . Will go shopping soon ! hmph ! Hahahaha ! Next Friday is a holiday ! A BIG big YEAY for me ! hehe ! im stressed with my homeworks ! Gooshhh . And sis is not helping ! She prioritised her new phone than my school work :(((( SADDDDD ! And i have to struggle those quetions on my own . Nevermind ! hmph ! I miss going out with the usualsss . i felt as if i've looong never go out with them. Something has happened btween us actually and hopefully friendships wont end just like that . hmm. . Im thinking of doing new activity . but ii dont know what . HAHAHAHA ! kimak random ! hahahaha ! Im done here beybeeeh ! No more idea to talk about .. LOLS ! k bye ! sgning off
2443804363465918943 date: Saturday, March 27, 2010 time: 1:54 PM comments: 0 Went to Ika's crib yesterday . Accompanied her at home :) Planned to watch Santau in the morning but the disc making some problem HAHA. stuck2 cam cb . haha ! So we just slacked in the room till im asleeep . hehe ! Spend time with Ika since we've loooong never hang out together for loong hours ! Beeeest ! haha ! Remember i've once said in my blog that im scared of guys falling for me sometimes . But this is different. this guy is weird . We start chatting just yesterday . I dont know what he's thinking lah . Nonsence betool . haha ! Sorry :) ![]() ![]() I've stopped chatting with him ready . .Seraaam ah . haha ! kaay im done with this. Later going out with mother and sister ! Farhan Fairus still sleeping like a pig or whaat ? Kecoh pahhhh ! haha ! Kesiaaan dier penaat smlm ! LOLS ! Im done updating. nothing much to say ! bye ! signing off
5695608213548920139 date: Thursday, March 25, 2010 time: 8:59 PM comments: 0 Im sooooooo freakin sleepy . I think my eyes weight 1kg now . HAHA ! kay Lame -_-" Cant sleep yesterday ! Tried to but i just cant . Was so hard to get into sleeep . Gahhhhh ! Around 4.25am Farhan Fairus called . Since we both cant sleep . Accompany each other laa kaaan ! HAHAHA ! Off to school and you know what ? My eyes are open but im asleep for seconds. It happened few times during my first lesson ! Hahaha .. Can you imagine how ? I dont know how to explain . HAAHAA ! Nevermind. forget it. Lols ! ;) hmmm..im stressed with my MATHS . Goshhhhhhh ! Docter Maths heeeeeelp me ! haha .. kay lah lame laaa -_-" AHAHAHAHA ! Im done updating . bye bye chickassssssssss ! signing off
7702897281408982119 date: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 time: 8:38 PM comments: 0 SPOIL MOOOOOOD BETOOL AH ! hehehe ! Hello friends . =) Im updating my bloggy now . MSN really sucks big time today . Serious fuckin shit ! Make me bored for nothing . hehe ! Did some revision and homeworks just now since MSN got something wrong . lols ! So hmm.. what i did today is that i attend to ART Class after school . Started painting the big canvas since yesterday . It was fun :) hehe ! I havent completed my first layer . Five layes in total. FOOOH ! Had to go for this class every Monday and Tuesday just to complete this canvas for exam . LOLS ! Yesterday Ika and her lil sis came to my crib . Just wanted to waste time . heh ! Ika lil sis is soooooo freakin naughty like her sis . Have to chase her here and there . Bahhhhhh ! Nakal betol ! haha . Around 8+ she set off home. Send her down . OH OH .. Meet Farhan Fairus yesterday jugak . hehe ! Slacked at the void deck for awhile then i went home . Rindu la seh ! FOOOH ! heheheh ! hmm nothing much to say ! ok done . signing off
5278246987286004589 date: Sunday, March 21, 2010 time: 10:57 PM comments: 0 BOM CHIKA BOM ! SATURDAY SATURDAY Thankyou Din din sardin for the treat at Soulgarden . FOOOOH ! Peroot macam nak BOMB kebabom zaffbombom siol !! haha ! Went to town with Shaf, Din, Shauqi, Nizam and Hafiz . Syiqin,Ika and Amir went home . Meet Audi and Leslie at town . Proceed to Bugis after thaat to meet Yann and Farid . Slacked for awhile and rushed home . heheh ! Still havent got the pictures yeeet . takpe laaah ! hahaha ! So what happened today is...Went to Fiza's house at Clementi . Slacked with Lin , Sugae , Afiq , Fiza and Shaf . . Watched Jackass One and Two . hahaha ! Kecoh kecoh. set off home after that . IM HOME NOW ! ohhhhhhh HOT news. BSOK SKOLA ! heheheheh ! Cb !
2445608341840273204 date: Friday, March 19, 2010 time: 11:34 PM comments: 0 FREEZE FLASHMOB ! Went down to Causeway Point just wanted to see this FLASHMOB . It was the coolest thing ever . The news was spread through facebook messages . So people came down to join this freeze thing . Adam Lambert song was played and they start freezing for 5 mins . COOOOOOLSHIT ! I went around taking video of the people joining this Freeze Flashmob . Nice pose guysss ! haha . =) Below of this post is the video which I took just now . GO SEE ! After the whole thing slacked with Mud , Azhar , Fabo , Shaf and Hyrude . Audi came and join us after thaat. Farid was supposed to come down ! taik dier ! KEPALE BUIH ! HAHAHAHAHA ! Taklaaa .! Joking je laaa . haha ! Had fun todaaay ! =) Farhan Fairus is at work now. tgh creating new dessert . Choco cake ! FOOOOH ! power ! i love chocolate . nyummeh ! okaaay goleks ! FLASHMOB ! COOLEST THING EVAAA . hahaa !
3754336700113826136 date: time: 11:22 PM comments: 0 FREEZA FLASHMOB IN CAUSEWAY POINT ! Coolest thing Singaporeans have done =)
2835250636993371896 date: Thursday, March 18, 2010 time: 12:15 PM comments: 0 KECOH-RAAA-BLUES ! Class chalet was awesome ! Had really an enjoyable and greaaaat time with you guys ! . . Im glad that you guys had fun too on thaat day . Hahahaa ! Recieved your msges guys ! =) Pictures at Faizul and Dee's facebooks. go and check them out! Will be organizing another one at the end of the year .. Take note eh !. hehe ! Had breakfast with Farhan Fairus the next day . He came to help me with my stuffs . Thankyouu very muchhhhhh awak ! =) hehehe ! Took cab home . Awaak ! Thank god that ur free from that case . Sorry didnt reply ur msges at night . Nantokkkk bangeeet deh ! hahaa ! okaaaay done updating ! signing off !
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[[ BABES AND DUDES ]] ♥IKAAAtwinny♥ ♥SHAFFF♥ ♥Fxza Kxtten♥ ♥ANNA ♥AZYAN ♥Diian ♥EenaShawty ♥FATIN HAZIRAH ♥FYZA ke ai ♥IZA ♥MICKIEEE ♥Miimye Sewel Nadiah ♥NANABARNEYYY Niselle ♥RHYNA ♥SHALEEN ♥TiraDARLS ♥ACAPcet ♥Acun ♥ADLI ♥Ahchai ♥Ahtoi ♥AIE ♥AIZATcantello an dumdum ATOI LISZT ♥AYUL ROMIE AZLAN AZZRUL ♥DANNY SANCHI ♥FAIZZIN FA RU KA Photography firdaus ♥FICKK H.A.F HAIQALpernicious ♥HAZIQstoint ♥HYRUDEbenben Superboy Haiqal Yusoff ♥IRWAN shah MIRZA ARIFFIN ♥REZ Yan Astro ♥YaNtOi ♥YAYAT SANCHI ♥ZHARIF |
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