Now everything is about me . :D

9148441306708257651 date: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 time: 9:07 PM comments: 0 RINDU DINDUUUUUUU :) Hello bloghoppers . :) Mind me for this post . Im just letting out my rindu-ness . Cos i miss him alot. eh awak eh ? haha . tsk ! busy here and there with works. tak habes habes... and will always be.. kan awak ? :( hahaa . I understand . haiyaaaaaaaaaaaa ! haha. Nak 'test' tu no problem waaak tapi jangan lah lame2 . Susah oi nanti. Hahaha ! Joking dehhhh :) Lols ! Bile awak free, kite busy.. kite free, awak pulak yang busy It is always like that eh . Like the moon , stars and the rainbow kan waaak.. Like how i relate them to us . . hmm .. haha. kaylaaaaa ! See you soon kay awak . :)
5719806361035530050 date: Friday, April 23, 2010 time: 9:58 PM comments: 0 You are like the biggest star in the sky . ![]() Heyy bloggers :) Tomorrow is my lovely sister, Shaff 18th birthday . It supposed to be a special one . but seems like she's not having it. cos she's sick . awwwwww ! Hopefully you will be fine by tomorrow kayy :) .. Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to Shafiqah .. Happy birthday to youuuuu ! Happy 18th Birthday to you Nurul Shafiqah ! Even though you didnt get to celebrate your 18th birthday specially tomorrow but who knows we'll celebrate it later .. when after baba come home ? haha . . he'll be home very soon . :) Hey kak .. dont get too stressed about relationships and the things that are always bothering you . Dont just keep it to yourself . . Im here to hear your every single bits of your sorrow every obstacles and hardship that you are going through .. Even if i cant help much , i'll definitely helps atleast a little . Having a sister is like having a best friend you cant get rid off . You know whatever you do, i'll still be there for you .. You know there is no better friend than a sister .. And there is no better sister than you . Sisters don't need words. they have perfected a language of snarls and smiles and frowns and winks expressions of shocked surprise and incredulity and disbelief. Sniffs and snorts and gasps and sighs that can undermine any tale you're telling. I just know you very well sis !. Just remember that i'll be here for you . . ii love you ! :) I wont drag this any longer ! Happy Bithday kak ! signing off
5769674068088922548 date: Thursday, April 22, 2010 time: 8:47 PM comments: 0 Smile people :) hehe ! First of all , im gonna wish my 4 years brother and a good friend here Happy 16th Birthday ! May all your wishes come true and may you have a bright future ahead ! :) Happy happy selalu kay Syafi ! cheers ! Hope you will enjoy your upcoming birthday celebrations this weekend ! Its gonna be a FRIDAY tomorrow . yeay ! Last day of the week . I freaking LOVE my Friday's like how i LOVE my Monday's . hehe . Woooooooh . . Actually i got nothing to update about . hmmm.. So basically i passed my Bio test . Yeay ! Just taken my SS and Chem test just now . haha ! Next week gonna have another Maths test . Grrr -_- Sick and tired of these test . haha ! Study study study . . hmm.. k bubyeeeee. HAHA ! signing off
9087026465853168338 date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 time: 9:12 PM comments: 0 CALL ME ZAFF :) Hello hello readers :) Updating my blog now . So basically i didnt attend school today . It was unintentionally . My stomach made some problem when i was waiting for my bus to school . Grrr ! -_- So i had to turned back home . Waste my time . . Hopefully tomorrow will be fine as per usual . hehe . Oh ya people ! Dont ask me why im single and unavailable . . because the only reason is, im available to someone only . but im still not ready to have relationship status or to focus on relationships . Not the time yet maybe . thats why im still single . FULLSTOP :) simple right ? heh ! Okay next ! Shaf's birthday falls on this Saturday . haha ! sorry kak tkde present . meiyo chian deh ! and dad's coming home very very soon ! WOOOOOO :) ok done with my updates . HAHAHA ! bubyeee readers . Signing off
6203503316741771418 date: Monday, April 19, 2010 time: 9:43 PM comments: 0 Random Dandom Mandom ! ![]() Hello Musibota ! Hahaha ! Im done with my English homeworks ! Yeay . So thought of updating my blog since im becoming more BORED now keeping my blog UPDATED . . hahaha . Not like those bloggers who is lazy to update . Kalau terase tu YOUR PASAL ! hahahaha ! Busted sey Zaff . Im just inviting spammers to my blog siak . Ooooops . :\ I've got nothing to blog about actually . Everything is just random that goes out from my mind . you can just call this a brainless or nonsence post . cos im not thinking . AT ALL ! haha . BLOGGERS ! PLEASE UPDATE YOUR BLOGGY FLOGGY PLEASE ! Dont be lazy ! Come On ! You can do it ! :) hehehehe ! okay done updating . bbye ! signing off ![]()
4903320210087845832 date: Sunday, April 18, 2010 time: 12:06 PM comments: 0 I HAD FUNNNN GUNNN BUNNN DONE :) ![]() Hey updating my bloggy . Had a really great day with my best girlfriend Ika . Get free cakes from unknown people . Haha ! Unfortunately Ika has to go home early . Sadness . Thought I could get to see my Farhan Fairus for awhile . Cos he's going there for some business affairs . But I didnt get to meet him cos he'll be there late . Grr . but its okay :) hehe . Meet him maybe some other time . hmm . Farid called ,was asked to meet him at town with other friends they will be going to Cityhall for slacking aniway . but they were riding bikes . haha . thought of going actually but I changed my mind . Im a fickle minded so i changed my decisions like alot of times . Hahahaha ! So I decided to go home with Ika , canceled my plans :)) Great day though . I love you Ika ! Sayang kau ! :) Pictures at facebook . signing off ![]()
7740476457110947041 date: Saturday, April 17, 2010 time: 2:00 PM comments: 0 PRECIOUS PEOPLE IM MISSING ! Hmm.... Weekends here again . Weekdays past so freaking fast . And soon i'll be taking my prelim examinations in another few more weeks . GOOOSH ! So today going out with my bestgirlfriend Ikaaa ! Going for a date with her :) YEAYYYYYYYYY . Gonna have new pictures coming upppp . hehe . I miss going out with Shaf . She's always occupy-ing her precious time with her ex-es . Grrrr ! Geraaaaaaaaam . Back like how she used to be . Haiyo ! 24 hours with him. .iishk ! Cant live without guys as per usual . I understand that . Ohhh and yaaa ii miss my Farhan Fairus too . Very very much . haha ! Have not meet him for two weeks already . I guess ? He's busy with work . Another thing i have to understand . Hahaha ! Alooot of thing i've been missing . My dad ..my mom.. the time we spend with family . He's coming home this June . WOOOO ! Presentssssssss :)))))) hehehe . . think im done with my updatessssssssss !! ok Byeeeeeeeee friends . signing off
2269714070085011201 date: Thursday, April 15, 2010 time: 6:45 PM comments: 0 Hey updating my blog . It is raining heavily out there .Cold ! hmm .. Had alot of test nowadays . Grr ! Stress ! But im getting good marks for it . Thankgod . I get good marks for test and when it comes to exam my marks will be like border line or will be way down there. Why is that so ? Haiyoooo ! :( I failed my last maths test and get a scolding from my maths teacher . cos i let her down .. Ooopps ! im just confused with the formula . Will be having maths test tomorrow . Again . maths test maths test maths test ! haiya ! Just finished studying for tomorrow's test . Im sleepy now and im trying my best to stay awake so i can sleep easily later on If not i'll be wide awake and will be dead sleepy tomorrow and thats not gonna happen. haha ! kaylaaaaa ! done with my updatessssss . . Ohhya ! i havent update about the science centre thing .
1294248126917729166 date: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 time: 7:48 PM comments: 0 SECOND DAY OF THE MEAK WEEK GEEK ! Its just the second day of the week . . I dont really like the days after Monday . pfffft ! Heavy subjects hitting my brain . Squeezing all the informations deep inside . So it simply wont escape . Haha . More to absorb , more sleepy and even more boringggg ! Lastly not to forget , more humidity . I just cant stand the weather during the evening and the afternoon. It makes me feel freaking exhausted ! Im fucking shagged after school everyday . Grrr ! Its the humidity that tires me out i guess . I just can feel the heat burning my skin . Im being such a braggart . hahahaha ! :)))) Actually i did had fun after all only after the school ends . . okay done :)
8722034510350080426 date: Sunday, April 11, 2010 time: 6:13 PM comments: 0 Hey ! Updating my blog :) Actually im bored . i've been sitting infront of this computer since 2pm i guess . Whats wasting my time is the facebook laggness ! Grrrrr ! Some minor thing happened yesterday . Brainless taxi drivers ! But im fine after all . Im still here without any injuries . Nothing serious . So smile :) hehe ! Back to school tomorrow ! I just love the subjects on Monday . Its just so relaxing and unstressful ! Hahahahaha ! I cant deny that i love Monday itself . Bahhhh ! Goodluck to Afik . Serving his NS tomorrow . Abang2 sapao ah nnt ! Cheydebah ! Rambot simpan dlm plastic buat kenangan ! HAHAHA ! okay go ! think i'll just stop here . . :) I miss you dehhhh ! hahahahaha ! SIGNING OFF
316404138042783807 date: Saturday, April 10, 2010 time: 12:56 AM comments: 0 My second post for today ! Im still wide awake now . Its 01:01 am . Messaging with Farhan Fairus niy . Suke naaaaaah step sweeet tau dier ! HAHAHAA ! Taklaa ! He's a sweet guy :) haha . He's watching his worker cleaning the pond. haha ! hmm.. im updating my second post actually thats why the late reply . HAHA ! Shaf is right beside me .. using her handphone online-ing . BAHHHHHHHH ! Jealous nyee aku . tsk ! pfffttt ! Ohhhh ! Happy 16th Birthday to Amira Amani ! :) ok goleks ! Random post sia niy ! kaylah bye ! sayaaang koraaaaaaaaaaaaaang ! :)))))))
3381799184848788718 date: Friday, April 9, 2010 time: 9:26 PM comments: 0 Hey blog readers ! Im updating my blog again after a day i left it unpost ! Okay before i blog..... Gimmi one silent clap ! HAHAHAHA ! Okay nonsence eh Zaff ! Had Biology test just now . It was easy as ABC . everything is just words . Because... its an OPEN BOOK TEST ! HAHAHAHAHAH ! Bahhhhhh ! How i wish exam could be this way ! Dream on Zaff ! Zack was hospitalized due to his spreading infection . Hope he's really really fine . Goshhh sadness :( and to Faizul , babi kau tak ajak aku ! Grrrr . Nevermind forget it Fetched my nenek at Pasiris, had our dinner and set off home ! She's sleeping in my room . So i guess i'll be sleeping in the living room . Angin beeeeeeeeeest ! ii loike :) *think positive* LOLS ! ok done updating for today ! signing off
2130685515603447878 date: Wednesday, April 7, 2010 time: 10:28 PM comments: 0 The time is going real fast . Going to be the second last day of the week tomorrow ! Had another Maths test just now . Even though i managed to complete all the questions , i believe that i make alooot of mistakes in that paper . GOSH ! And i seriously hate careless mistakes ! i know i did . . It was badly done i guess :( Booooo ! Had IT Enrichment after school . It starts at 2:30pm . Khairil wanna treat us bubble tea cos he won 10bucks from Afiqah for betting . BAHHHHHHHHH ! Went to Gek Poh before the IT starts . GAMBAR BODO KORANG :) HAHAA ! Gmbr Khairil ngan Anwar takde. tooo baddd ! LOLS ! ... Farhan Fairus Bin Johari I MISS YOU TOOO DEHHHHH : ) Gua rindu pat lu beb ! Hahahahaha ! See you sooon ! ok go !
5281114224881803433 date: Tuesday, April 6, 2010 time: 12:00 AM comments: 0 ... I had fun going out with the chickies on Saturday . And had fun meeting the three badots ! Get to meet my 3 years friend after a looong time :) I kept bumping into the same people nowadays . HAHAHAA ! ii dont know why . lols ! Musim dier kot ! hahahahahah ! I hate rainy days cos it makes my hair go really bad . Bahhhh ! and ii hate it ! iishkkkkk ! :( haaahahaha ! ok done signing off
455917121403207113 date: Monday, April 5, 2010 time: 11:30 PM comments: 0 Went to Sakura just now . Stomach was freaking full now. ! Made some joke with Shaf when we're walking down from that hill . Kekek ehhhh kak ! HAHAHAHAHA ! :)))) Ohhh niway ! Thankyou very much for the treat and time ! Atlast you find some time for me ! pfffftttt ! hahahahaah ! Mcm dah hint jek tadi .. next time Fish n co. nak blanje lagi pe? HAHAHAHA ! taklaaaa ! Joking jeeeek . Had fun todaaaaaay . Yeayyyyyyyyy ! .. Baju tido mom bought for us :)
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