Monday went to makan at Seoul Garden at Causeway Point.
Sadly others cant make it on that day .
Pokai lah nak save duit utk bbq lah salah hari lah tu lah ni lah..
Zaff pon satu ajak setan setan gondol . hahahaa!
But its okay janji kite go ahead . Plan tak cancel walau ape pon.
Upload just a few pictures here .
The rest kat facebook cam biaserrr :) hehe .
BEST GILEEER . Tapi kalau the rest ade lagi best .
Taik korang asyik takde duit je .
Cube kalau aku cakap aku blanje confirm attendance full .
soyaaal tol . hahahahaa ! Pandai eh korang eh. Siku kang ! ^^
hahahahaha !
Kay till here then :)
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